Solidere SAL – Monday December 23, 2024
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Solidere held a meeting on December 19, 2024 and decided to:-approve the company’s accounts for the year ended December 31, 2023.- Give the Chairman, the members of the Board of Directors and the shareholders having more than five percent of the voting rights the authorization stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce.– Give full discharge to the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2023.- Elect Misters Nasser Chammaa, Ghazi Youssef, Ziad Abou Jamra, Zahi El Noamani, Tarek Chehab, Mohammad Choukair, Makram Abboud, Raymond Noujaim, Raphael Sabbagha, Mounib Hamoud, and Joelle Mimassi to the Board of Directors for a period of three years.- Appoint external Auditors: Deloite & Touche and Ernest & Young for the year 2024. After that the Board of Directors held a meeting and elected Mr. Nasser Chammaa as a chairman and General Manager.
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday December 13, 2024
Solidere SAL publishes: the
Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual Ordinary General
Assembly of shareholders.
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday December 13, 2024
Solidere SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and
Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday December 13, 2024
Solidere SAL
publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and the Separate Financial
Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023
Solidere SAL – Wednesday November 27, 2024
Solidere SAL
publishes a press release relating to the Financial Results for the year
ended December 31, 2023
Solidere SAL – Wednesday November 27, 2024
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2023. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023. – Examine the Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2023. – Elect Members of the Board of Directors and determine their remunerations. - Appoint the Auditors and determine their fees. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Thursday December 19, 2024 at. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday, December 20, 2024 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown.
Solidere SAL – Wednesday November 27, 2024
Solidere SAL publishes the Audited Separate Financial Results for
the year ended December 31, 2023
Bank Audi SAL – Monday November 18, 2024
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Highlights for
the period ended September
Bank Audi SAL – Thursday October 17, 2024
ADQ enters into definitive agreement with Bank Audi led consortium to acquire
96 percent of its share capital of Türkiye-based Odeabank Under ADQ’s ownership,
Odeabank is expected to benefit from synergies and accelerate the execution of
its growth plans Investment in the bank with its strong commercial base and a
scalable hybrid operating model supports ADQ’s commitment to driving innovation
in the financial services sector The sale of Odeabank will aid in the continued
development and success of Odeabank and permits Bank Audi to concentrate its
efforts on its home market Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Beirut, Lebanon – 15 October
2024: ADQ, an Abu Dhabi-based investment and holding company, and Bank Audi sal
(“Bank Audi”), one of Lebanon's leading banks, announced today the signing of a
definitive agreement for ADQ to acquire 96 percent of the share capital of Odea
Bank A.Ş. (“Odeabank”), Bank Audi’s subsidiary in Türkiye. Pursuant to the
agreement, Bank Audi and other investors, which include International Finance
Corporation, IFC FIG Investment Company Sarl, and the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), have agreed to sell their respective
interests in the share capital of Odeabank to ADQ.
(read more)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. – Friday September 13, 2024
Bank of Beirut SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Bank Audi SAL – Friday September 06, 2024
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Highlights for
the period ended
June 30,
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Friday September 6, 2024
The Board of Directors of BEMO Bank SAL invites shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly that will be held at ten o’clock on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at the bank’s offices in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Street, Bemo Bank Building, second floor, to deliberate on the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2023. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2023. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2023 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2023. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2023. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2025. - Fix the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2025. - Fix the fees of External Auditor. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday September 03, 2024
Byblos Bank SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Wednesday August 28, 2024
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 10 a.m., on Thursday September 05, 2024, at Mtayleb Country Club, Mtayleb, Matn to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2023. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2023. - Approve the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2023. - Approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2023. – Renew the granted authorizations and grant new ones pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. – Other topics.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday August 22, 2024:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the annual ordinary
general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis
Avenue, at 09:30 am on Tuesday 17 September 2024, in order to discuss and decide
on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special
Board reports for the fiscal year 2023. - To hear the auditors’ general and
special reports for the fiscal year 2023. - To approve the accounts of the
fiscal year 2023 and the allocation of its results. - To discharge the Chairman
and the Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year
2023. – To elect a new board of directors. - (Full
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday August 22, 2024:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the
general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias
Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 am on Tuesday 17 September 2024, in order to discuss and
decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and
special Board reports for the fiscal year 2023. - To hear the auditors’ general
and special reports for the fiscal year 2023. - To advise on the accounts of the
fiscal year 2023 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the
discharge of the Chairman and Board members for their administrative duties
during the fiscal year 2023. – To advise on the election of a new Board of
Directors. - To advise on the operations performed between the persons mentioned
in article 158 of the Code of Commerce and the Bank during the fiscal year 2023
and on the contractual terms of these persons and the Senior officers of the
Bank, and on the authorization to be given to these persons, in accordance with
Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of
Money and Credit, to carry out during 2024 all the operations described in the
special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. – To advise on
the appointment of the Auditors for 2024, 2025 and 2026. - .
(Full Report)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday August 22, 2024:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the extraordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 10:30 am on Tuesday 17 September 2024, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - Amendment of the Articles of Association of the Bank. – Miscellaneous
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday July 10, 2024
BLOM Bank SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Bank Audi SAL – Tuesday July 09, 2024
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Information Statements addressed to holders of
GDRs relating to the Ordinary
General Assembly Meeting of July 25, 2024.
Bank Audi SAL – Tuesday July 02, 2024
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Audited Consolidated Financial Highlights for the
year ended
December 31, 2023
and the Unaudited Consolidated Financial Highlights for the period
March 31, 2024.
Bank Audi SAL – Monday July 01, 2024
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023 (the “2023
Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and
notes, the External Auditors’ report, and a Management Discussion & Analysis can
now be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by
clicking on the following link:
Link to 2023 Annual Report The 2023 Annual Report is also
available from the address below: The Group Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal
- Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss - P.O. Box 11-2560 - Beirut – Lebanon.
Bank Audi SAL – Monday July 01, 2024
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday July 25, 2024 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors general and special reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2023 and to examine the following agenda: - To approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023, and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of the management activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2023; - To approve the allocation of the 2023 annual results; - To take note of the balances of facilities previously approved by the General Assembly of shareholders, granted in accordance with Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, and grant the necessary authorizations for the year 2024 pursuant to the same Article; - To ratify transactions that are subject to the approval of the General Assembly of shareholders, including transactions entered into between the Bank and the persons designated in article 158 of the Code of Commerce during the year 2023, and grant the necessary authorizations to transact with said persons during the year 2024; - To elect a new Board of Directors; - To determine the remuneration of Board members; - To authorize the participation of certain Board members and senior executives in the boards of other similar companies and to grant the necessary related authorizations pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce; and - To determine the fees of the External Auditors for the year 2024
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Thursday June 20, 2024
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting and an Extra-Ordinary General Assembly Meeting be held respectively at 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: for the Ordinary General Assembly: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2023. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2023. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2023. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect member to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2024 and fix their fees. - Other topics. For the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly: - Extend the company's term and amend Article Five of the bylaws. - Eliminate the double vote per share and amend Article 10 of the bylaws. - Other topics. Every shareholder wishing to attend the meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly must come to the company’s head office in Herri or to the company’s offices in Dbayeh during the regular working hours from 09:00 until 17:00, at least five days before the date of the annual general assembly, in order to register his name to attend the meeting in person or by his representative; Shareholders who cannot attend the assemblies may delegate someone to represent them, provided that these representatives themselves are shareholders.
S.L. des Ciments Blancs SAL – Wednesday May 29, 2024.
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at Holcim’s Headquarter in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2023. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2023. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2023. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2024 and fix their fees. – Other topics. To attend the meeting shareholders must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting; Shareholders who cannot attend the assembly may delegate someone to represent them, provided that these representatives themselves are shareholders.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday May 8, 2024
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK S.A.L convened on Tuesday, April 30, 2024
and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual
Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, May 30, 2024 (30/05/2024) at
10:00 a.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street,
BLOM Bank S.A.L. building (Block A- 7th. Floor), in order to discuss the
following agenda items: -To examine the general reports of the Board of
Directors and external Auditors and to approve the Bank’s accounts, in
particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the year ended
31/12/2023. -To examine the special reports of the Board of Directors and
External auditors in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and
article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit for the year ended 31/12/2023, and
to ratify the transactions detailed therein. -To allocate the results of the
financial year 2023 as proposed by the Board of Directors. -To discharge the
Chairman and Board members with respect to their activities performed during the
year 2023. -To determine the remunerations (attendance allowances) of the Board
members for the year 2024. -To determine the remunerations of the Chairman –
General Manager, the Assistant general Managers and the Chairman Advisor for the
year 2024. – To approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors to
the persons specified in article /158/ of the Code of Commerce and article 152
of the Code of Money and Credit. - To approve the authorizations granted by the
Board of Directors to the Company to carry out agreements, in accordance with
article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and
Read more
Bank Audi SAL – Tuesday February 27, 2024
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday February 20, 2024
Bank Of Beirut SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday February 06, 2024
BLC Bank SAL publishes The Independent Auditor’s Report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday February 06, 2024
BLC Bank SAL publishes: the Report
of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General
Assembly of shareholders.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Tuesday January 30, 2024
Banque BEMO SAL publishes The Auditor report and Consolidated
Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Monday January 15, 2024
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes the minutes of the meeting of the Ordinary
General Assembly of shareholders held on July 26, 2023, and the
minutes of the meeting of the Board
of Directors held on July 26, 2023.
Circular 510/2023 – Thursday December 28, 2023.
In the context of an internal organization conducted by Fransabank s.a.l
Within the Bank’s group, and upon the requests from Fransabank s.a.l. and Fransa
Invest Bank s.a.l. belonging to the same group, the Beirut Stock Exchange
announces its decision to delete the name of Fransa Invest Bank s.a.l. from the
list of approved brokers and to accept Fransabank s.a.l. as an authorized broker
in the stock exchange. This circular is effective as of Tuesday, January 02,
2024. (Circular
New Year Holidays:
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, December 29, 2023 and on Monday, January 01, 2024. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, January 02, 2024.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday December 7, 2023:
Solidere SAL publishes a
release relating to the financial performance of the year 2022.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday December 7, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2022. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2022. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2022. – Examine the Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2022. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Thursday December 28, 2023 at. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday, December 29, 2023 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown.
Bank Audi SAL – Friday November 17, 2023
The unaudited Interim Financial Report of Bank Audi SAL as at, and for the
period ended, September 30, 2023 encompassing, among other things, the Financial
Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be
downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on
the following
The September 2023 Interim Report is also available from the address below: The
Group Corporate Secretary, Bank Audi sal, Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss, P.O. Box
11-2560, Beirut - Lebanon
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Tuesday November 14, 2023
The Board of Directors of BEMO Bank SAL invites shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly that will be held at ten o’clock on Friday, December 01, 2023 at the bank’s offices in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Street, Bemo Bank Building, second floor, to deliberate on the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2022. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2022. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2022 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. – Elect new members to the Board of Directors. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2022. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2022. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2024. - Fix the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2024. Fix the fees of External Auditor. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Bank Audi SAL – Tuesday September 5, 2023:
Bank Audi sal’s unaudited Interim Financial Report as at, and for the period
ended June 30, 2023 encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements
and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can be downloaded from the
Company’s website at http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the
following link:
to June 2023 Interim Report or from the address below: The Group
Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal - Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss - P.O. Box 11-2560
- Beirut – Lebanon.
Circular 508/2023 – Wednesday August 23, 2023.
In the context of an internal organization conducted by BankMed s.a.l Within
the Bank’s group, and upon the requests from Bankmed s.a.l. and Mediterranee
Investment Bank s.a.l. belonging to the same group, the Beirut Stock Exchange
announces its decision to delete the name of Mediterranee Investment Bank s.a.l.
from the list of approved brokers and the acceptance of Bankmed s.a.l. as an
authorized broker in the stock exchange. This circular is effective as of
Friday, September 01, 2023.
(Circular 508)
S.L. des Ciments Blancs SAL – Friday July 28, 2023.
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes the Independent
Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements for the year ended
December 31, 2022.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. – Wednesday July 26, 2023:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 10 a.m., on Thursday August 17, 2023, at Mtayleb Country Club, Mtayleb, Matn to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2022. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2022. - Approve the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2022. - Approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2022. – Elect a new Board of Directors and fix the remunerations of the Chairman and members of the Board. – Grant the elected members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and in article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. – Renew the granted authorizations and grant new ones pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. – Other topics.
Bank Audi SAL – Tuesday July 25, 2023:
Bank Audi SAL publishes the amended
draft By-Laws for the bank, which is prepared for presentation
to the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders, which will be held on
July 28, 2023.
Holcim (Liban) SAL – Tuesday July 18, 2023.
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes the
Independent Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements for the
year ended December 31, 2022
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday July 17, 2023
BLOM Bank SAL publishes extract from the minutes of the meeting of the
Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on June 22,
2023, and extract from the minutes of the meeting of
the Board of Directors held on June 22, 2023.
Solidere S.A.L. – Monday July 17, 2023:
Solidere SAL announces that Mr. Rani Karimeh has resigned as a Director, effective May 22, 2023. After his resignation was accepted, Mr. Karimeh is no longer a member of the Board of Directors and no longer holds any position in the company.
Circular 506/2023 – Monday July 10, 2023.
Pursuant to the decision of the Financial Markets Authority Board held on
13/6/2023 No. 4/5/2023, which included a request from the Beirut Stock Exchange
to de-list LCB Finance SAL from the list of authorized brokers
as the company did not get the license of the Financial Markets Authority to
practice the activity of “dealing”; The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list
LCB Finance SAL from the list of authorized brokers. This circular becomes
effective immediately upon its publication in the bulletin of the stock
(Circular 506/2023)
S. L. des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Thursday July 6, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, August 02, 2023 at Holcim’s Headquarter in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2022. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2022. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2022. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2023 and fix their fees. – Other topics. To attend the meeting shareholders must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting; Shareholders who cannot attend the assembly may delegate someone to represent them, provided that these representatives themselves are shareholders.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Thursday July 6, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2022. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2022. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2022. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2023 and fix their fees. Every shareholder wishing to attend the meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly must come to the company’s head office in Herri or to the company’s offices in Dbayeh during the regular working hours from 09:00 until 17:00, at least five days before the date of the annual general assembly, in order to register his name to attend the meeting in person or by his representative; Shareholders who cannot attend the assembly may delegate someone to represent them, provided that these representatives themselves are shareholders.
Bank Audi SAL – Monday July 3, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary
shares to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at
10:30 a.m. on Friday July 28, 2023 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab
Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and
External Auditors general and special reports concerning the Company’s activity
and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2022 and to examine the following
agenda: - To approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and
the profit and loss statement, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022,
and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank
in respect of the management activities performed during the year ended December
31, 2022; - To approve the allocation of the 2022 annual results; - To take note
of the balances of facilities previously approved by the General Assembly of
shareholders, granted in accordance with Article 152 of the Code of Money and
Credit, and grant the necessary authorizations for the year 2023 pursuant to the
same Article; - To ratify transactions that are subject to the approval of the
General Assembly of shareholders, including transactions entered into between
the Bank and the persons designated in article 158 of the Code of Commerce
during the year 2022, and grant the necessary authorizations to transact with
said persons during the year 2023
Bank Audi SAL – Monday July 3, 2023:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:30 p.m. on Friday July 28, 2023 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: - Amendment of the Bank's Articles of Association, especially in light of the amendment of the Lebanese Code of Commerce.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday June 20, 2023:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 am on Wednesday 12 July 2023, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2022. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2022. - To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2022 and the allocation of its results. - To discharge the Chairman and the Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2022. - To approve the operations performed between the persons mentioned in article 158 of the Code of Commerce and the Bank during the fiscal year 2022 and the contractual terms of these persons and the Senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize these persons, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2023 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To determine the Auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2023 and the Board of Directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2023. – Miscellaneous.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday June 20, 2023:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 am on Wednesday 12 July 2023, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2022. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2022. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2022 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge of the Chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2022. - To advise on the operations performed between the persons mentioned in article 158 of the Code of Commerce and the Bank during the fiscal year 2022 and on the contractual terms of these persons and the Senior officers of the Bank, and on the authorization to be given to these persons, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2023 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2023 and on the directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2023. – To advise on the acquisition of the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of Byblos Invest Bank SAL in accordance with article 10 of the law 192/93. - Miscellaneous.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday June 20, 2023:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the extraordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 10:30 am on Wednesday 12 July 2023, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To approve the acquisition of the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of Byblos Invest Bank SAL in accordance with article 10 of the law 192/93. – Miscellaneous
Bank Audi SAL – Thursday June 1, 2023:
Bank Audi sal’s unaudited Interim Financial Report as at, and for the period ended March 31, 2023 (the “ March 2023 Interim Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can be downloaded from the Company’s website at http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link: Link to March 2023 Interim Report or from the address below: The Group Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal - Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss - P.O. Box 11-2560 - Beirut – Lebanon.
Bank Audi SAL – Thursday June 1, 2023:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2022 (the “2022
Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and
notes, the External Auditors’ report, and a Management Discussion & Analysis can
be downloaded from the Company’s website at http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by
clicking on the following link:
Link to the 2022 Annual Report or from the address below: The Group
Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal - Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss - P.O. Box 11-2560
- Beirut – Lebanon
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday May 29, 2023:
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK SAL convened on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, June 22, 2023 (22/06/2023) at 10:00 a.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street, BLOM Bank S.A.L. building Block A 7th. Floor, in order to discuss the following agenda items: -To examine the general reports of the Board of Directors and external Auditors and to approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the year ended 31/12/2022. -To examine the special reports of the Board of Directors and External auditors in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit for the year ended 31/12/2022, and to ratify the transactions detailed therein. -To allocate the results of the financial year 2022 as proposed by the Board of Directors. -To discharge the Chairman and Board members with respect to their activities performed during the year 2022. –To elect a new Board of Directors. -To determine the remunerations (attendance allowances) of the Board members for the year 2023. -To determine the remunerations of the Chairman - General Manager, the Assistant general Managers and the Chairman Advisor for the year 2023. –To grant authorization to the Board members in accordance with article /158/ of the Code of Commerce and article /152/ of the Code of Money and Credit. -To authorize the Board members to take part in the management of similar companies, in accordance with article 159 of the Code of Commerce. -To authorize the Company to carry on agreements in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. –To appoint External Auditors for Jordan Branches. –To discuss the Directors Liability Insurance. -Any other matter
Armenian Orthodox Christmas Day – Friday January 06, 2023:
On the occasion of the Armenian Orthodox Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, January 06, 2023, trading will be resumed on Monday, January 09, 2023.
New Year Holidays:
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, December 30, 2022 and on Monday, January 02, 2023. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, January 03, 2023.
Banque BEMO SAL – Wednesday December 28, 2022:
The Board of Directors of BEMO Bank SAL invites shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly that will be held at ten o’clock on Monday, January 23, 2023 at the bank’s offices in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Street, Bemo Bank Building, second floor, to deliberate on the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2021. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2021. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2021 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. – Elect new members to the Board of Directors. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2021. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2021. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2022. - Fix the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2022. – Appoint and fix the fees of External Auditor. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Bank Audi SAL –Friday December 9, 2022:
Bank Audi SAL announces that the Bank has purchased on November 24, 2022 /1,864,968/ shares of Holcim (Liban) SAL, i.e. 9.56% of the company’s capital
Bank Audi SAL –Friday November 18, 2022:
Bank Audi SAL announce that the unaudited Interim Financial Report as at, and
for the period ended, September 30, 2022 encompassing, among other things, the
Financial Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be
downloaded from the Company’s website at
www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following
The September 2022 Interim Report is also available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary, Bank Audi sal, Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss, P.O.
Box 11-2560
Beirut - Lebanon
Solidere S.A.L. – Tuesday October 11, 2022:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Solidere SAL held a meeting on October 07, 2022 and decided to: - approve the company’s accounts for the year ended December 31, 2021. - give the members of the Board of Directors the authorization stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. – Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2021.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday August 15, 2022:
إعلان نتائج شركة
سوليدير المالية للعام 2021
تعلن الشركة اللبنانية لتطوير وإعادة إعمار وسط مدينة بيروت (سوليدير)
ش.م.ل. عن نتائجها المالية المدققة المستقلة للعام 2021 والتي تظهر خسائر بلغت
حوالي 21.5 مليون دولار.
وتعود الخسارة الى عدم تحقيق واحتساب مبيعات إضافية مبرمة خلال العام 2021
بقيمة حوالي 63 مليون دولار ومسدد ثمنها بالكامل وذلك بسبب عدم إنجاز المعاملات
الإدارية العائدة لها نتيجة الإغلاق المتكرر للدوائر العقارية، وسوف يتم تحقيق
واحتساب هذه البيوعات خلال الفترة اللاحقة بعد إنجاز معاملاتها.
وعلى الرغم من التطورات الدراماتيكية الكبيرة على جميع الأصعدة السياسية
والأمنية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والصحية والتي كان لها
أثرا سلبيا على القطاع العقاري ودورا كبيرا في تراجع النشاط الاقتصادي
والتجاري في لبنان، تمكنت الشركة من تحقيق واحتساب مبيعات ملموسة بقيمة حوالي 85
مليون دولار ناتجة عن بيع عدد من المستثمرين المحليين لعدد من العقارات في وسط
بيروت خلال العام 2021.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday September 15, 2022:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday, October 07, 2022 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2021. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2021. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2021. – Examine the Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2021. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday October 28, 2022 at. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday, November 18, 2022 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown.
Circular 502/2022 – Wednesday September 14, 2022.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 120/83 and its amendments relating to the establishment of the Beirut Stock Exchange, and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter Four of the By-Laws of the Beirut Stock Exchange issued by Decree No. 7667/95 and its amendments, mainly Article 60 relating to the admission, suspension and demission of Brokers at the stock exchange, which states that “the Stock Exchange Committee shall at its own discretion, process the admission applications of brokers in light of the available documents, guarantees and information, and pursuant to the Financial Markets Law No. 161/2011 dated August 17, 2011, in particular Article Five, Paragraph (h), which gives the Financial Markets Authority in Lebanon the tasks of granting licenses to financial intermediaries who provide services to investors and issuers, and Article Eleven, Paragraph (3), which gives the Council of The Financial Markets Authority the power to license the institutions of financial intermediation and investment of funds. Accordingly, the Beirut Stock Exchange Committee decided (1) not to accept any broker in the Beirut Stock Exchange until the broker obtains the approval of the Financial Markets Authority to practice financial brokerage services, and to (2) amend the application for accepting brokers in the Beirut Stock Exchange to include among the documents to be submitted to the Stock Exchange Committee a copy of this approval. This circular shall be effective upon its publication.
Circular 501/2022 – Wednesday September 14, 2022.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 120/83 and its amendments relating to the establishment of the Beirut Stock Exchange, and pursuant to the provisions of section five of the By-Laws of the Beirut Stock Exchange issued by Decree No. 7667/95 and its amendments relating to Issuers of Financial Instruments traded on the stock exchange, mainly Articles (88) and (99) of Chapter One, which give the authority to the Stock Exchange Committee to refuse in a justified decision the acceptance of listing any financial instrument or any request for an additional listing of an instrument listed on the stock exchange, even if the instrument satisfies all needed conditions, and pursuant to the Financial Markets Law No. 161 dated August 17, 2011, in particular article five, paragraph (g), which gives the Financial Markets Authority in Lebanon the tasks of setting the general regulatory framework for listing financial instruments and approving their trading on stock exchanges, and article eleven, paragraph (3), which gives the power to the Board of the Capital Markets Authority to ratify the decisions taken by the administration of the stock exchanges concerning the registration of securities and financial instruments, provided that trading in such securities and instruments is prohibited until the ratification decision is issued and notified to the concerned stock exchange. Accordingly, the Beirut Stock Exchange Committee decided to refuse the listing of any financial instrument, or any additional listing of a listed instrument on the Beirut Stock Exchange before the issuer obtains the approval of the Financial Markets Authority on this listing, and to amend the Listing Application Form of the Beirut Stock Exchange to include among the documents to be submitted to the Stock Exchange Committee a copy of this consent. This circular shall be effective upon its publication.
S. L. des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Thursday September 08, 2022:
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes The
Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2021.
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday August 17, 2022:
BLC Bank SAL publishes: the Report
of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly
of shareholders.
S L des Ciments Blancs SAL – Thursday August 11, 2022:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Friday, September 02, 2022 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) SAL in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2021. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2021. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2021 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2021. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. – Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2022 and fix their fees. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Bank of Beirut SAL – Friday July 29 2022:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 10 a.m., on Wednesday August 10, 2022, at Mtayleb Country Club, Mtayleb, Matn to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2021. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2021. - Approve the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2021. - Approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2021. – Appoint the Auditors for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. - Renew the granted authorizations and grant new ones pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Other topics.
BLC Bank SAL – Thursday July 28 2022:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 am on Friday, August 05, 2022, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2021. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the year 2021. - Give proper authorizations as per Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2021. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the year 2021. – Elect the Board of Directors. – Appoint the Auditors. - Other topics.
Solidere SAL –Friday June 10, 2022:
تعلن شركة سوليدير إن الملاحظات الواردة في تقرير مدققي الحسابات التي أشارت إليها إحدى وسائل الأعلام لا تتعلق من قريب أو بعيد بمتانة الوضع المالي للشركة وأدائها خلال السنة الحالية والسنة المنصرمة حيث إن الشركة تتمتع بموجودات عقارية ذو قيمة مرتفعة ومخزون كبير من الأراضي واستثمار خارج لبنان تقدر قيمته بمئات ملايين الدولارات بالإضافة الى سيولة مرتفعة. إن هذه الملاحظات تتعلق فقط بموضوع تشعر به كل شركة عاملة في لبنان ويعاني منه كل مواطن ألا وهو تعدد أسعار الصرف في الأسواق. حيث لا يزال السعر الرسمي على 1507 ل ل للدولار وعلى هذا الأساس تدفع الضرائب المالية والرسوم بينما على أرض الواقع تجري المعاملات على سعر الصرف المحدد على منصة مصرف لبنان أو سعر الصرف في السوق الموازي لدى الصرافين. إذ أن تعدد أسعار الصرف والتباين الكبير بين سعر الصرف الرسمي وأسعار الصرف الأخرى تؤدي بطبيعة الحال الى أعباء فروقات صرف جوهرية. كما أن التضخم المفرط الذي نعيشه جميعا ينعكس بشكل مباشر على جميع الشركات اللبنانية. إلا أن هذه الأمور لا تؤثر إطلاقا على الوضع المالي الممتاز للشركة التي تملك استثمارات أجنبية من خلال شركة سوليدير العالمية وصفر مديونية.
Bank Audi SAL –Friday June 10, 2022:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday June 30, 2022 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors general and special reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2021 and to examine the following agenda: 1. To approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2021, and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of the management activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2021; 2. To approve the allocation of the 2021 annual results and the transfer of the aggregate net amount resulting from (i) the sale of Group participations and businesses abroad, and (ii) dividends received in 2020 from the Bank’s subsidiaries abroad, to “Non-distributable Reserves appropriated for Capital increase” in US Dollars; 3. To take note of the balances of facilities granted to related parties during the year 2021, in accordance with Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit as previously approved by the General Assembly of shareholders and authorise their continuation during the year 2022 read more
Bank Audi SAL – Monday June 6, 2022:
The following reports have bow been published and can be downloaded from the
Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the links appearing
below: Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2021
(the “2021 Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the
Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and a Management
Discussion & Analysis; and The unaudited Interim Financial Report as at,
and for the period ended, March 31, 2022 (the “March 2022 Interim
Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes
and a Management Discussion & Analysis;
to 2021 Annual Report .
Link to March 2021 Interim Report. The 2021 Annual
Report and the March 2022 Interim Report are also available from the address
below: The Group Corporate Secretary, Bank Audi sal, Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss,
P.O. Box 11-2560. Beirut - Lebanon
Beirut Stock Exhange Circular 500/2022 –Thursday May 19, 2022
Based on the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders
of Rasamny Younis Motors S.A.L. dated December 27, 2021 to de-list the company
from the Beirut Stock Exchange, and based on the Company’s request dated May 16,
2022, The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of July 01, 2022, the
Series B Common Shares of Rasamny Younis Motor Co. S.A.L. from the official
market of the stock exchange.
(Circular 500/2022)
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Wednesday May 18, 2022:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of Rasamny Younis Motor Co. held a meeting
on December 27, 2021 and decided to de-list the Series B common shares of the
company from the official market of the Beirut Stock Exchange and to amend the
by-laws of the company accordingly
(Minutes of
Byblos Bank SAL – Monday May 16, 2022:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 am on Friday 10 June 2022, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2021. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2021. - To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2021 and the allocation of its results. - To discharge the Chairman and the Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2021. - To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2021 and the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2022 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To determine the Auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2022 and the Board of Directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2022. – Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2021, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2021, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditors’ report, as well as the list of the shareholders will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank SAL – Monday May 16, 2022:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 am on Friday 10 June 2022, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2021. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2021. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2021 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge of the Chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2021. - To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2021 and on the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and on the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2022 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2022 and on the directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2022. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2021, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2021, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditors’ report, as well as the list of the holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days before the meeting.
Bank Audi SAL – Thursday April 21, 2022:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on May 11, 2022 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: - To ratify the granting of a Put Option in favor of the holders of the 2022 Subordinated Notes issued pursuant to the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held on February 12, 2021.
BLOM Bank SAL –Wednesday April 13, 2022:
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK S.A.L. (the Bank) convened on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, May 05, 2022 (05/05/2022) at12:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street, BLOM Bank S.A.L. building (Block A- 7th. Floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: - To examine the general reports of the Board of Directors and external Auditors and to approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the year ended 31/12/2021. - To examine the special reports of the Board of Directors and External auditors in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit for the year ended 31/12/2021, and to ratify the transactions detailed therein. - To allocate the results of the financial year 2021 as proposed by the Board of Directors. - To discharge the Chairman and Board members with respect to their activities performed during the year 2021. - To determine the remunerations (attendance allowances) of the Chairman and Board members for the year 2022. - To determine the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager, and the Assistant general Managers and the Chairman Advisor for the year 2022. – To discuss the renewal of the Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance. - To grant authorization to the Board members in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and credit. - To authorize the Board members to take part in the management of similar companies, in accordance with article 159 of the Code of Commerce. - To authorize the Company to carry on agreements, in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Any other matter.
Feast of Annunciation – Friday March 25, 2022:
On the occasion of the Feast of Annunciation, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, March 25, 2022.
BSE Days Off - Wednesday February 09 & Monday February 14, 2022:
On the Occasion of St. Maroun's Day, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on February 09, 2022. Likewise, on the occasion of the Memorial Day of the assassination of H.E. former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, February 14, 2022.
Armenian Orthodox Christmas Day – Thursday January 06, 2022:
On the occasion of the Armenian Orthodox Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, January 06, 2022, trading will be resumed on Friday, January 07, 2022.
New Year Holiday:
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, December 30, 2021 and on Friday, December 31, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Monday, January 03, 2022.
Christmas Eve – Friday December 24, 2021:
On the occasion of Christmas Eve, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, December 24, 2021.
Bank of Beirut SAL – Tuesday December 7, 2021:
The Board of Directors of Bank of Beirut SAL invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly, which will be convened exceptionally, according to the legally required quorum and majority, at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at Mtayleb Country Club, Mtayleb, Matn, in order to discuss the following agenda: - To approve the decisions of the Board of Directors taken in its meeting held on November 24, 2011. - To approve the contracts for the sale of real estates and the contracts of cash contribution to capital signed between the Bank and a number of its shareholders. - To approve the authorization granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of article 158 of the Code of Commerce relating to the contracts for the sale of real estates and the contracts of cash contribution to capital. – Other topics.
Bank Audi SAL – Friday November 19, 2021:
Bank Audi SAL announces that the unaudited Interim Financial Report as at,
and for the period ended, September 30, 2021 encompassing, among other things,
the Financial Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can
now be downloaded from the Company’s website at
http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by
clicking on the following link:
Link The September 2021 Interim Report is also available from
the address below: The Group Corporate Secretary, Bank Audi sal, Audi Plaza -
Bab Idriss, P.O. Box 11-2560, Beirut – Lebanon.
Independence Day: Monday, November 22, 2021
On the occasion of the Independence Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, November 22, 2021.
BLC Bank SAL – Thursday November 4, 2021:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank SAL held a meeting
on September 02, 2021 and decided to approve the Bank’s accounts for the year
ended December 31, 2020, approve the transfer of the 2020 financial results to
retained earnings and ratify the transactions mentioned in the special report of
the Board of Directors and in the Special report of the auditors.
(Minutes of
Beirut Stock Exhange Circular 498/2021 -Thursday 28, 2021
Following the expiration of the basic priority period of the Series 2014 priority shares of Bank of Beirut SAL without extending this period by the Board of Directors of the Bank; and in reference to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of the Bank which took note that the 2014 priority shares lost their classification and features and became Ordinary Common shares and upon the request of the Bank, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of November 01, 2021, the 4,762,000 Common shares resulting from the elimination of the Series 2014 priority shares of Bank of Beirut SAL and their addition to the Bank’s Common Listed shares. (Circular 498/2021)
Holcim (Liban) SAL – Thursday October 21, 2021
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes the Report
of the Board of Directors addressed to the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders.
BLC Bank SAL – Wednesday October 13, 2021:
BLC Bank SAL publishes the
Independent Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial
Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.– Monday September 27, 2021.
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Friday, October 15, 2021 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2020. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2020. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2020. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2021 and fix their fees. - Give the members of the Board the authorization stipulated in article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.– Monday September 27, 2021.
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., on Friday, October 15, 2021 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2020. - Amend the company’s by-laws in implementation of law number 126 published in the official gazette on April 01, 2019. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.– Monday September 27, 2021
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Friday, October 22, 2021 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) SAL in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2020. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2020. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2020. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2021 and fix their fees. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.– Monday September 27, 2021
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., on Friday, October 22, 2021 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) SAL in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Amend the company’s by-laws in implementation of law number 126 published in the official gazette on April 01, 2019. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Bank Audi SAL – Friday September 17, 2021:
Bank Audi SAL announces that
the unaudited Interim Financial Report as at,
and for the period ended, June 30, 2021 encompassing, among other things, the
Financial Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be
downloaded from the Company’s website at
www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link:
Link The June 2021 Interim Report is
also available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary, Bank Audi sal,
Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss, P.O. Box 11-2560, Beirut – Lebanon
Solidere S.A.L. – Tuesday August 24, 2021:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Solidere held a meeting on August 20, 2021 and decided to: - approve the company’s accounts for the year ended December 31, 2020. - give the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors the authorization stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. – Appoint external Auditors: Deloite & Touche and Ernest & Young. Elect Misters Nasser Chammaa, Ghazi Youssef, Ziad Abou Jamra, Mohammad Choukair, Nader Hariri, Raphael Sabbagha, Makram Abboud, Raja Salameh, Tarek Chehab, Rani Karime, Raymond Noujaim to the Board of Directors for a period of three years. After that the Board of Directors held a meeting and elected Mr. Nasser Chammaa as a chairman and General Manager
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Monday August 23, 2021.
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of August 25, 2021, additional
26,100,000 common shares issued by Banque BEMO SAL.
These shares will be added to the previously listed common shares of the Bank;
therefore the total number of common listed shares of Banque BEMO
SAL becomes 77,500,000 common shares.
(Circular 497/2021)
BLC Bank SAL – Thursday August 12, 2021:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 am on Thursday, September 02, 2021, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2020. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the year 2020. - Give proper authorizations as per Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2020. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the year 2020. - Other topics
Hegria New Year: Monday August 09, 2021.
On the occasion of Hegria New Year, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, August 09, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Temporary Closure of the Beirut Stock Exchange
In line with the administrative memorandum Nb. 14/2021 issued by the presidency of the Council of Ministers, which stipulated the declaration of national mourning and the closure of public administrations and institutions on the tragic first anniversary of the explosion of the Port of Beirut, the Beirut Stock Exchange will close on August 04, 2021.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday July 29, 2021:
تعلن الشركة اللبنانية لتطوير وإعادة إعمار وسط مدينة بيروت (سوليدير) ش.م.ل. عن نتائجها المالية المدققة المستقلة للعام 2020 والتي تظهر أرباح صافية بلغت 20.7 مليون دولار.
وقد تمكّنت الشركة بالرغم من التطورات الدراماتيكية الكبيرة على جميع الأصعدة السياسية والأمنية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والصحية والتي كان لها أثرا سلبيا على القطاع العقاري ودورا كبيرا في تراجع النشاط الاقتصادي والتجاري في لبنان من تحقيق مبيعات ملموسة من خلال بيع عدد من المستثمرين المحليين عدد من العقارات في وسط بيروت خلال العام 2020 بحوالي 382 مليون دولار. (كامل الإعلان)
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday July 29, 2021:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday, August 20, 2021 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2020. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2020. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2020. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2020. - Elect Members of the Board of Directors and determine their remunerations. - Appoint the Auditors and determine their fees. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday September 13, 2021 at. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday, October 04, 2021 at Cinema City, Allemby Street, Downtown.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday July 29, 2021:
Solidere SAL publishes the
Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Report the for
the year ended December 31, 2020
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Thursday July 15, 2021:
BLOM Bank SAL publishes Extract from the
Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of June 21, 2021.
Eid Al Adha
On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, there will be no
trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Tuesday, July 20, 2021 till Thursday,
July 22, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Friday, July 23, 2021.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday July 14, 2021:
Byblos Bank SAL
publishes the Independent Auditors’ Report and
the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday July 14, 2021:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the Report
of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Meeting
of June 18, 2021.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday July 14, 2021:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the
Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of
Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2020.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday July 13, 2021:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 12 p.m., on Thursday July 29, 2021, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2020. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2020. - Approve the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2020. - Approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2020. - Renew the granted authorizations and grant new ones pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Other topics.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday July 7, 2021:
BLOM Bank SAL announces the followings: • End of the contract between the Bank and the Assistant General Manager - assistant to Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Pierre Abu Ezza as of 17/07/2021. • Appointment of Mr. Talal Ibrahim as Assistant General Manager – Vice Chief Executive Officer. • Appointment of Mr. Mohamed Yehya Khaled as Assistant General Manager - Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Bank Audi SAL – Wednesday June 16, 2021:
The unaudited Interim Financial Report as at, and for the period ended, March
31, 2021 encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes
and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be downloaded from the Company’s
website at http://www.bankaudigroup.com
The March 2021 Interim Report is also available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal - Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss -
P.O. Box 11-2560 - Beirut – Lebanon
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday June 14, 2021:
BLOM Bank SAL publishes the Auditors’
Report and
the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2020.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday May 31, 2021:
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK S.A.L. (the Bank) convened on Thursday, May 20, 2021 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on Monday, June 21, 2021 (21/06/2021) at12:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street, BLOM Bank S.A.L. building (Block A-7th Floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: - To examine the general reports of the Board of Directors and external Auditors and to approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the year ended 31/12/2020. - To examine the special reports of the Board of Directors and External auditors in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit for the year ended 31/12/2020, and to ratify the transactions detailed therein. - To allocate the results of the financial year 2020 as proposed by the Board of Directors. - The discharge the Chairman and Board members with respect to their activities performed during the year 2020. - To determine the remunerations (attendance allowances) of the Chairman and Board members for the year 2021. - To determine the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager, and the Assistant general Managers for the year 2021. - To grant authorization to the Board members in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and credit. - To authorize the Board members to take part in the management of similar companies, in accordance with article 159 of the Code of Commerce. - To authorize the Company to carry on agreements, in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - To appoint External Auditors for the coming three years and to determine their fees. - Any other matter.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday May 26, 2021:
The shareholders of Byblos bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at the Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avemue, at 09:30 AM on Friday, 18 June 2021, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2020. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2020. - To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2020 and the allocation of its results. - To discharge the chairman and the board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2020. - To elect a new board of Directors. - To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2020 and the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize the board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2021 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To appoint the auditors for 2021, 2022 and 2023. - To determine the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2021 and the Board of Directors’ and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2021. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2020, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2020, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditors’ report, as well as the list of the shareholders will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days before the meeting
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday May 26, 2021:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 AM on Friday, 18 June 2021, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2020. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2020. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2020 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge of the Chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2020. - To advise on the election of a new Board of Directors. - To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2020 and on the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and on the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2021 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To advise on the appointment of the auditors for 2021, 2022 and 2023. - To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2021 and on the Directors’ and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2021. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2020, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2020, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditors’ report, as well as the list of the holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days before the meeting.
Resistance and Liberation Day –Tuesday May 25, 2021
On the occasion of Resistance and Liberation Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday May 25, 2021.
Bank Audi SAL- Monday May 17, 2021:
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder: Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share, nominal value LL 1,670 per common share (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Full Statement)
Bank Audi SAL- Monday May 17, 2021:
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2020
Eid Al Fitr: May 13 and 14, 2021
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on May 13, 2021 and on May 14, 2021.
Bank Audi SAL – Wednesday May 12, 2021:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday June 3, 2021 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2020 and to examine the following agenda: - To approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2020, and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2020; - To approve the allocation of the 2020 annual results as proposed by the Board of Directors, and to authorize the transfer of other amounts to retained earnings, or to other reserve accounts; read more
Bank Audi SAL – Monday May 10, 2021:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2020 (the “2020 Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be downloaded from the Company’s website at http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link: Link The 2020 Annual Report is also available from the address below: The Group Corporate Secretary - Bank Audi sal - Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss - P.O. Box 11-2560 - Beirut – Lebanon
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday May 07, 2021:
BLOM Bank SAL publishes the modified By-Laws of the Bank as approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of July 15, 2020 and ratified by the Central Bank of Lebanon.
Orthodox Good Friday and Easter Holidays– April 30 & May 03, 2021:
On the occasion of Orthodox Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Friday, April 30, 2021 till Monday, May 03, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday May 04, 2021.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Friday March 26, 2021:
The shareholders of Byblos bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 11 AM on Wednesday, 21 April 2021, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To verify the validity of the participation in the cash contribution to capital convertible into shares and its payment. - To approve the cash contribution to capital convertible into shares agreement. - To confirm the approval of Byblos Bank S.A.L. capital increase in stages not exceeding in the aggregate the counter value in LBP of USD /270,000,000/ (two hundred and seventy million United States dollars), which subscription is restricted to the signatories of the cash contribution to capital agreement, and to the conditions of the increase; - To approve the exchange of the fiduciary notes issued by Mitsubishi UFG Global Custody SA (as successor to the Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A.) to finance a subordinated loan provided by the latter to Byblos Bank S.A.L., for subordinated notes issued by Byblos Bank S.A.L. and payable in Lebanon in addition to a monetary amount, and to approve their issuance. - Miscellaneous. The following documents will be made available at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours, 25 days at least before the meeting. - Standard form of the cash contribution to capital agreement. - List of signatories on the cash contribution to capital agreement. - Board of Directors report on the exchange operation and a summary on the exchange offer.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Friday March 26, 2021:
Byblos Bank S.A.L. would like to inform you that on 23 December 2020, its shareholders’ Extraordinary General assembly decided to: - Approve the signature of cash contribution to capital agreements up to the amount of USD/270,000,000/ (two hundred and seventy million United States Dollars). - Approve the increase of Byblos Bank S.A.L. capital in stages not exceeding in the aggregate the counter value in LBP of USD/270,000,000/, as per the exchange rate prevailing at the date of each conversion, in implementation of the cash contribution holders right to convert them totally or in part into shares; the amount of each increase in execution of the conversion and its relevant details shall be determined by the extraordinary general assembly that shall approve it. - Note that, in the event that the extraordinary general assembly or the Central Bank of Lebanon does not approve the capital increase in execution of the conversion, the return rate generated by the cash contributions shall be increased by three points until the date of the extraordinary general assembly that shall approve the capital increase in execution of the conversion. - Approve to adopt the conversion rate as per the exchange rate at the conversion date, according to a flat rate equal to LBP 1,210 per share (subject to adjustment). The term sheet and the cash contribution to capital agreement are available at the Bank’s headquarters. Based on the foregoing, the Board of directors has the pleasure to invite the shareholders to participate in the cash contribution to capital convertible into shares according to the above-mentioned main conditions and to the detailed conditions of the term sheet and the cash contribution to capital agreement from 26 March 2021 to 06 April 2021 inclusively, by presenting to the Bank’s headquarters, Financial Markets Division during the regular business hours.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Friday March 26, 2021:
This announcement is made by Byblos Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) in respect of the U.S.$300,000,000 6.5% Convertible Fiduciary Notes due 2022 (the “Fiduciary Notes”) issued on a fiduciary basis by The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. (since replaced as Fiduciary by Mitsubishi UFG Global Custody S.A.) for the sole purpose of financing a subordinated loan to the Bank. The Fiduciary Notes are pass-through instruments and, as such, do not constitute direct debt obligations of the Fiduciary. The Fiduciary’s payment obligations in respect of the Fiduciary Notes are conditional upon the receipt of payments by the Bank in respect of the Subordinated Loan. The Fiduciary is not obliged to pay amounts under the Fiduciary Notes from its own funds. Under the Terms and Conditions of the Fiduciary Notes, the Bank shall (in accordance with Central Bank Decision № 6830) pay interest on the subordinated loan (which would then be passed on to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes) if the Bank has Sufficient Available Profit for the Relevant Quarter, being the calendar quarter when the interest payment is due. In light of the ongoing severe financial, political and fiscal crises in the Lebanese Republic, including the continuing suspension of the Republic’s payments on its Eurobonds and the corresponding impact on the financial condition of Lebanese banks, including the Bank, as well as the ongoing effects of the explosion at the Port of Beirut and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank’s management has determined that the Bank will not have Sufficient Available Profits for the Relevant Quarter for the quarter ending 31 March 2021 or any profit at all. As a result, the Bank will not make an interest payment on the subordinated loan. The Fiduciary will, therefore, not pass on such amounts representing interest payments to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes on next the interest payment date, which is 31 March 2021.
Feast of Annunciation – Thursday March 25, 2021:
On the occasion of the Feast of Annunciation, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, March 25, 2021.
BLOM Bank – Wednesday March 10, 2021:
BLOM Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) previously announced a capital increase via a cash contribution to capital (the “CCC”). The Bank held an extraordinary General Assembly on February 22, 2021 to discuss, among other matters, the cash contribution to capital transaction (the “CCC”) previously approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly. I light of the ongoing increase of the Bank’s equity, the Extraordinary General Assembly has taken the decision to cancel the CCC, as it is no longer required to meet applicable regulatory requirements.
Bank Audi SAL – Friday March 05, 2021:
Bank Audi SAL publishes Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of February 12, 2021.
BLOM Bank – Wednesday February 24, 2021:
BLOM BANK SAL Announces the Execution of an SPA in Relation to the Sale of its Stake in BLOM BANK Egypt SAE to Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C.)
Beirut, Lebanon | 17 January 2021 – BLOM BANK SAL (“BLOM BANK”) and Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C.) (“Bank ABC”) are pleased to announce that they have signed a definitive agreement on Friday 15 January 2021 whereby BLOM BANK SAL will sell its entire 99.4% stake in BLOM BANK Egypt SAE (“BLOM BANK Egypt”), its Egyptian subsidiary, to Bank ABC, subject to obtaining the approvals of the Central Bank of Egypt and the Central Bank of Lebanon, among other regulatory approvals in Egypt and Bahrain. The proposed cash consideration to be offered by Bank ABC for 100% of BLOM BANK Egypt under the transaction is EGP 6,700 million1 (USD 427mn2). BLOM BANK will sell its stake to Bank ABC by tendering its shares into a mandatory tender offer to be launched by Bank ABC (Full Report)
BLOM Bank – Monday February 15, 2021:
BLOM Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) previously announced a capital increase via a cash contribution to capital (the “CCC”). The Bank has called for an Extraordinary General Assembly to discuss among other matters the cash contribution to capital (the “CCC”) previously approved. The Bank expects that a decision regarding the matter will be taken during this meeting and announced shortly after, but in any event, no later than March 31, 2021.
BLOM Bank – Wednesday February 10, 2021:
We are pleased to notify you that the Board of Directors of BLOM BANK s.a.l (the Bank) convened on Monday, January 25, 2021 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Monday, February 22, 2021 (22/02/2021) at 12.00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Streeet, BLOM BANK s.a.l. building (Block A-7th Floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: - Grant the final approval for the sale of Blom Bank Egypt to the Arab Banking Corporation B.S.C. (Bank ABC). - Take note of the revaluation of all investments by the bank in its subsidiaries according to the Equity Method in the financial statements of 31/12/2020. - Cancel the decision to issue the Cash Contribution to Capital Instruments (CCCI) approved in the Extraordinary General Assembly held on January 14, 2020. - Approve the appointment of a new Legal Agent for the Bank. - Any other matter.
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Monday February 8, 2021:
BLC Bank SAL publishes the agenda, addressed to common shareholders of the bank, relating to the second phase of Cash Contribution to Capital.
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Monday February 8, 2021:
Bank Audi sal and FAB Sign Definitive Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of 100% of Bank Audi sae (Egypt)’s Share Capital
- Transaction expected to be completed within the next few months, subject to regulatory approvals.
- FAB’s first international acquisition in line with targeted growth strategy in high potential markets in MENA.
- This is a strategic opportunity for Bank Audi sal (Lebanon) to reap the fruit of its successful investment in Egypt, with the sale proceeds contributing to the enhancement of Bank Audi’s capitalisation and financial resilience.
- Post-acquisition, FAB Egypt to be one of the largest foreign banks in Egypt by total assets.
Abu Dhabi, UAE and Beirut, Lebanon; January 20, 2021: Bank Audi sal (Bank Audi) and First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) have announced the signing today of a definitive agreement (Full Report)
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Monday February 8, 2021:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday February 12, 2021 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: - Granting the final approval for the sale, to Capital Bank, of the operations of the Bank’s branches in Jordan and the assignment and assumption of their assets and liabilities, and for the sale to the National Bank of Iraq, a subsidiary of the Capital Bank Group, of the operations of the Bank’s branches in Iraq and the assignment and assumption of their assets and liabilities; - Granting the final approval and ratifying the sale to First Abu Dhabi Bank of all the shares of Bank Audi sae (Egypt) and the assignment to it of the subordinated debt previously granted by the Bank to Bank Audi sae (Egypt); - Issuing new unsecured subordinated notes to be subscribed to, exclusively, through the exchange of the unsecured subordinated notes issued by the Bank in 2013; - Submitting the action described in item 3 above for approval by the Central Bank of Lebanon, acting through its Central Council; and - Granting the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the General Managers, acting severally, the necessary powers to implement the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Assembly.
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Monday February 8, 2021:
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share, nominal value L.L. 1,670 per common share (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Full Report)
St. Maroun's Day - Tuesday February 09, 2021:
On the Occasion of St. Maroun's Day, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on February 09, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.
Resumption of trading - February 08, 2021
The Beirut Stock Exchange announces that it will resume its activities on Monday, February 08, 2021
Temporary closure of Beirut Stock Exchange
In line with the government's decision to extend the lock down period throughout the country to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Beirut Stock Exchange will remain closed till Friday, February 05, 2021. A new announcement will be published before Monday, February 08, 2021.
Temporary closure of Beirut Stock Exchange
In line with the cabinet’s decision declaring a state of general mobilization throughout the country to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Beirut Stock Exchange will close from Thursday, January 14, 2021 till Friday, January 22, 2021. A new announcement will be published before Monday January 25, 2021.
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Tuesday January 5, 2021:
Bank Audi sal and Audi Private Bank sal have announced the merger of their business operations in Lebanon and the transfer of all the assets, liabilities rights and commitments of Audi Private Bank sal to Bank Audi sal, following the final approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon ref: 871/C.C./3 based on the decision of the Central Council N° 4320/25/ dated December 9, 2020. The General Assembly of Bank Audi sal held on September 4, 2020 has approved the acquisition of all assets, liabilities, rights and commitments of Audi Private Bank sal. This merger will provide the needed business continuity to all APB customers in terms of banking services, thus making the transition as smooth as possible for the customer. It will also create substantial values and synergies on the operational front while taking into consideration the current status of the Lebanese macro environment. The latter has indeed significantly affected the banking sector in general and the Private Banking business model in Lebanon in particular, while dictating a reconsideration of the said business model and the implementation of strategic changes. This strategic merger enhances the future competitive positioning of Bank Audi with a significant elimination in duplication and lower operating expenses. Specific synergies were created in this respect, which integrate, among others, the governance and control frameworks of APB into those of Bank Audi. (AR)
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Tuesday January 5, 2021:
Bank Audi sal and Audi Investment Bank sal have announced the merger of their business operations in Lebanon and the transfer of all the assets, liabilities rights and commitments of Audi Investment Bank sal to Bank Audi sal, following the final approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon ref: 872/C.C./3 based on the decision of the Central Council N° 44/20/25/ dated December 9, 2020. The General Assembly of Bank Audi sal held on September 4, 2020 has approved the acquisition of all assets, liabilities, rights and commitments of Audi Investment Bank sal. This merger will provide the needed business continuity to all AIB customers. It will also create substantial values and synergies on the operational front. This strategic merger enhances the future competitive positioning of Bank Audi with a significant elimination in duplication and lower operating expenses. Specific synergies were created in this respect, which integrate, among others, the governance and control frameworks of AIB into those of Bank Audi. (AR)
Armenian Christmas Day – Wednesday January 06, 2021:
On the occasion of the Armenian Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, January 06, 2021, trading will be resumed on Thursday, January 07, 2021.
Solidere S.A.L. – Monday January 4, 2021:
Solidere announces that its shares traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange closed on the last trading day for the year 2020 at $18.50 per share for Class A and $18.29 per share for Class "B", compared to $7.30 per share for Class A and $7.29 per share for Class B at the end of the year 2019. During the year 2020, the company paid off bank debts in full amounting to more than $200 million and substantially improved its balance sheet. Cash reserves in banks also increased significantly at the end of 2020, which enhances the company's liquidity and its ability to face emergency and future challenges. It is noteworthy that the realized unaudited sales that were signed during the year 2020 and whose revenues will realize during the years 2020 and 2021 amounted to $393 million. The company is currently in the process of repairing the severe damages to its facility following the explosion of the Beirut port on August 4, 2020. In this context, the company prepared a plan to assist merchants and residents in downtown Beirut to restore normal life to the center of the capital. The company has also implemented a huge basket of donations, humanitarian, social and hospital aids in the affected areas outside the central district. (AR)
BLOM Bank – Monday January 4, 2021:
We are pleased to notify you that the Board of Directors of BLON BANK s.a.l (the Bank) convened on Friday, December 04. 2020 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Monday, January 25, 2021 (25/01/2021) at 12.00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Streeet, BLOM BANK s.a.l. building (Block A-7th Floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: 1- To review and approve the procedures for the increase of the shareholders’ equity of the Bank in implementation of the terms of Banque du Liban (BDL) decisions. 2- Any other matter. (AR)
BLOM Bank – Wednesday December 30, 2020
BLOM Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before February 19, 2021.
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Tuesday December 29, 2020:
Capital Bank Group and Bank Audi Group have announced the signing of the definitive agreements for the acquisition by Capital Bank of the operations of Bank Audi’s Jordan Branch Network, and the acquisition by the National Bank of Iraq – a subsidiary of Capital Bank Group – of the operations of Bank Audi’s Iraq Branch Network, including the purchase of the assets and liabilities of these branches. The completion of these transactions remains subject to the receipt of the final approval of the related supervisory and regulatory authorities. (Continue reading)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Monday December 28, 2020:
This announcement is made by Byblos Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) in respect of the U.S.$300,000,000 6.5% Convertible Fiduciary Notes due 2022 (the “Fiduciary Notes”) issued on a fiduciary basis by The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. (since replaced as Fiduciary by Mitsubishi UFG Global Custody S.A.) for the sole purpose of financing a subordinated loan to the Bank. The Fiduciary Notes are pass-through instruments and, as such, do not constitute direct debt obligations of the Fiduciary. The Fiduciary’s payment obligations in respect of the Fiduciary Notes are conditional upon the receipt of payments by the Bank in respect of the Subordinated Loan. The Fiduciary is not obliged to pay amounts under the Fiduciary Notes from its own funds. Under the Terms and Conditions of the Fiduciary Notes, the Bank shall (in accordance with Central Bank Decision № 6830) pay interest on the subordinated loan (which would then be passed on to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes) if the Bank has Sufficient Available Profit for the Relevant Quarter, being the calendar quarter when the interest payment is due. In light of the ongoing severe financial, political and fiscal crises in the Lebanese Republic, including the continuing suspension of the Republic’s payments on its Eurobonds and the corresponding impact on the financial condition of Lebanese banks, including the Bank, as well as the widely-reported effects of the explosion at the Beirut, the Bank’s management has determined that the Bank will not have Sufficient Available Profits for the Relevant Quarter for the quarter ending 31 December 2020 or any profit at all. As a result, the Bank will not make an interest payment on the subordinated loan. The Fiduciary will, therefore, not pass on such amounts representing interest payments to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes on next the interest payment date, which is 31 December 2020.
New Year Holiday – Dec 31, 2020 & Jan 01, 2021.
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, December 31, 2020 and on Friday, January 01, 2021. Trading will be resumed on Monday, January 04, 2021.
Solidere S.A.L. – Tuesday December 15, 2020:
Solidere SAL publishes the Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Information and Review Report for the Six-month period ended June 30, 2020. (Full Report)
Beirut Stock Exhange Circular 495/2020 -Tuesday 15, 2020.
The Beirut Stock Exchange publishes the decision of Banque Du Liban addressing banks’ breaches relating to the marketing of preferred shares.
Banks that have not distributed the profits for the year 2019 and beyond for their preferred shares that have been marketed to individuals as bearing a guaranteed interest, must make the distribution at the rate stated in the issuance terms sheet. Banks that did not comply with the above stated decision should take a special provision in the same issuance currency of these shares equal to three fold the unpaid profit relating to the preferred shares marketed in contravention to the norms; or create a reserve account without interest at Banque Du Liban in the same issuance currency of these preferred shares equal to three fold the total unpaid profits. Banks that do not abide by the above decisions shall be subject to the penalties stated in article 208 of the code of Money and Credit. (Circular 495/2020)
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.– Thursday December 10, 2020
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes the Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2019.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L.– Thursday December 10, 2020
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes: the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of December 15, 2020.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.– Thursday December 10, 2020
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes the Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2019.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.– Thursday December 10, 2020
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes: the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of December 17, 2020.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.– Thursday December 10, 2020
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes: the Special Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of December 17, 2020 and the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2019
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday December 2, 2020:
Blom Bank S.A.L announces that it has entered into exclusive discussions with Arab Banking Corporation B.S.C. (Bahrain) to potentially sell 99.42% of the total issued share capital of Blom Bank Egypt S.A.E. Both parties will consequently enter into negotiations in order to reach a final agreement; however, there is no certainty that any transaction will be completed. Further announcements will be made in due course.
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Monday November 30, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank of Beirut sal invites shareholders to attend an extraordinary general assembly to be held at 10:00 am on December 16, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located in Foch St, Beirut Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Take note of the conversion of the 2014 priority shares into common shares. – Amend some articles of the Bank’s By-laws to reflect the aforementioned change. – Other topics.
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Monday November 30, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank of Beirut sal invites shareholders to attend an ordinary general assembly to be held at 11:00 am on December 16, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located in Foch St, Beirut Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the decisions of the Board of Directors of November 25, 2020 relating to the increase of the basic private funds of the Bank. - Approve the contracts of real estate sales and the contracts of cash contribution to capital. - Approve the authorization granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of article 158 of the Code of Commerce relating to the contracts of real estate sales and the contracts of cash contribution to capital. – Other topics.
Bank Audi S.A.L. – Monday November 30, 2020:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi sae (Egypt), has published its financial statements as at and for the period ended September 30, 2020. A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website: http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-bank-audi-sae-egypt For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@bankaudi.com.lb.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday November 27, 2020:
BEIRUT, 24 November 2020 – BLOM Bank SAL (the “Bank”) refers to its announcement of 23 October 2020 in relation to the proposed withdrawal of its Global Depositary Shares (the “GDSs”) from trading on the EuroMTF and from the Official List. The Bank confirms that the cancellation took effect today. The Bank has not terminated its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following cancellation of the listing of the GDSs, the GDSs will remain outstanding. The GDSs and the underlying shares of the Bank represented by the GDSs will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday November 27, 2020:
BEIRUT, 24 November 2020 – BLOM Bank s.a.l. (the “Bank”) refers to its announcement of 23 October 2020 in relation to the proposed withdrawal of its Global Depositary Shares (the “GDSs”) from trading on the International Order Book of the London Stock Exchange. The Bank confirms that the cancellation will take effect from 7:00 am today. The Bank has not terminated its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following cancellation of the listing of the GDSs, the GDSs remain outstanding. The GDSs and the underlying shares of the Bank represented by the GDSs will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday November 27, 2020:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 AM on Wednesday, 23 December 2020, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda:- To approve a cash contribution to capital agreements up to the total amount of USD/270,000,000/ (two hundred seventy million United States dollars) convertible into Byblos Bank S.A.L. shares. - To approve the increase of Byblos Bank S.A.L. capital in stages not exceeding in the aggregate the counter value in Lebanese pounds of USD/270,000,000/ (two hundred seventy million United States dollars), available for subscription by the shareholders who signed the cash contribution to capital agreement only and determine the terms of the capital increase. - To elect a new Board member. - Miscellaneous. The Board of Directors’ report on the agreement of cash contribution to capital convertible into shares, the main terms of the agreement, and the auditors’ report will be made available to the shareholders at the headquarters of Byblos Bank S.A.L. in Beirut, Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days at least before the meeting
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Friday November 27, 2020
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank sal convened on November 23, 2020 and decided, upon the request of all present shareholders, to postpone the meeting till Wednesday, December 02, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in order to continue the current assembly with the same agenda and without the need to give shareholders a new notice. (Minutes of meeting)
Independence Day:
On the occasion of the Independence Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, November 23, 2020
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Thursday November 19, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) SAL in Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2019. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2020 and fix their fees. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Thursday November 19, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2019. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2020 and fix their fees. - Give the members of the Board the authorization stipulated in article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions. In the event of exceptional circumstances requiring a general closure, such as for example confinement due to the spread of the Covid-19, thus preventing the holding of this meeting, the General Assembly will be postponed till December 22, 2020, at the same time, place and agenda.
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday November 17, 2020:
Pursuant to Circular No. 400/2014 dated October 14, 2014 by which the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the / 4,762,000 / ordinary priority shares series 2014 issued by Bank of Beirut S.A.L. on the official market of the Beirut Stock Exchange. And in light of the expiration of the primary priority period for these shares without extending this period by the Board of Directors of the Bank; whereas if the Board of Directors did not extend the primary priority period, the priority shares lose their benefits as priority shares and become ordinary common shares that benefit from the same rights and are subject to the same obligations of the common shares of the Bank. And in light of the letter of the Chairman / General Manager of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. addressed to the stock exchange by which he informs the Beirut Stock Exchange that the Bank’s Board of Directors will soon call for an extraordinary general assembly in order to amend the Bank’s by-laws to comply with the elimination of priority shares and their addition to the bank’s common shares. The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to: - Suspend trading in the priority shares series 2014 of Bank of Beirut S.A.L., as of the beginning of the trading session of Wednesday, November 18, 2020. - Keep trading in the Bank’s other shares.
(Circular 494/2020)
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday November 17, 2020
Bank Audi s.a.l. (the "Bank") refers to its previous announcements in relation to the proposed cancellation of the listing of its Global Depositary Receipts (the “GDRs”) (ISINs: US0605721127 and US0605721044) from the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the cancellation of the admission to trading of the GDRs from the London Stock Exchange. The Bank confirms that the cancellation took effect at 7:00 am today. The Bank has not terminated its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following cancellation of the listing of the GDRs, the GDRs will remain outstanding. The Shares of the Bank represented by the GDRs, as well as the GDRs, will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange. BEIRUT, 16 November 2020
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday November 11, 2020
The Board of Directors BLC Bank sal invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly, to be held in accordance with the quorum and the majority legally required to amend the By-Laws of the Bank. The meeting will be held at 11:00 am on Monday, November 23, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. to discuss the following agenda: - Increase the basic private funds of the bank by 10% of the value of the rights of Common Shareholders (as at 31/12/2018) and specify the terms, conditions and details of this increase, which constitute the second part to be achieved in accordance with the requirements of Banque du Liban. - Grant the Board of Directors and / or Chairman of the Board the necessary powers to implement the decisions of the General Assembly, and give him the right to delegate all or some of these powers. - Other topics
Bank Audi SAL- Friday October 30, 2020
Bank Audi has agreed with First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) to resume their exclusive negotiations for the sale of Bank Audi sae, its fully-owned subsidiary in Egypt, to FAB. The two banks had envisaged the aforementioned transaction earlier this year, with significant progress made then, before stopping it due to the unprecedented circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The resumed talks aim at building on the earlier progress, noting that the transaction remains subject to a final agreement and to the completion of the confirmatory due diligence review, as well as the receipt of regulatory approvals, including, in particular, the approval of the Central Bank of Egypt. The proceeds of the sale will contribute to the enhancement of Bank Audi’s liquidity and financial resilience.
BLC Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday October 28, 2020:
BLC Bank SAL publishes the minutes of meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of October 12, 2020.
Prophet’s Birthday – October 29, 2020:
On the occasion of the Prophet’s Birthday, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, October 29, 2020
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday October 27, 2020:
Bank of Beirut SAL publishes the minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of September 28, 2020.
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday October 27, 2020:
Bank of Beirut SAL publishes the minutes of meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of September 28, 2020.
BLOM Bank – Tuesday October 27, 2020:
BLOM Bank SAL (the “Bank”) announces that it has applied for the withdrawal of its Global Depositary Shares (the “GDSs”) (ISIN: US0936881095; trading symbol: BLOBK) from trading on the Euro MTF and from the Official List with proposed effect from 24 November 2020. 1 Reason for the Delisting: Lebanon is undergoing severe financial, economic and fiscal crises, which has had a significant adverse effect on Lebanese banks, including the Bank. The Bank believes the extreme uncertainties for the Bank and its shareholders resulting from this situation are incompatible with the maintenance of the listing of the Issuer’s GDSs in Luxembourg. In addition, given the low volume of GDSs traded on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and the limited liquidity thereof, the costs and administrative burden of maintaining the listing are disproportionate to the benefit thereof. The Bank also intends to remove the GDSs from the London Stock Exchange’s International Order Book. The GDSs and the shares underlying the GDSs will continue to be listed and admitted to trading on the Beirut Stock Exchange. 2Continuation of Listing on the Beirut Stock Exchange: The GDSs and the underlying shares of the Bank represented by the GDSs will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange. 3 Global Deposit Receipt Program: The Bank is not terminating its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following the delisting from the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and the International Order Book of London Stock Exchange, all GDSs will remain outstanding. For further information, contact Investor Relations: InvestorRelations@blominvestbank.com +961 1 729 254
BLOM Bank – Tuesday October 27, 2020:
BLOM Bank SAL (the “Bank”) announces that it has applied for the withdrawal of its Global Depositary Shares (the “GDSs”) (ISIN: US0936881095; trading symbol: BLBD) from trading on the International Order Book of the London Stock Exchange with proposed effect from 24 November 2020. 1 Reason for the Delisting: Lebanon is undergoing severe financial, economic and fiscal crises, which has had a significant adverse effect on Lebanese banks, including the Bank. The Bank believes the extreme uncertainties for the Bank and its shareholders resulting from this situation are incompatible with the maintenance of the listing of the Issuer’s GDSs on the International Order Book. In addition, given the low volume of GDSs traded on the International Order Book and the limited liquidity thereof, the costs and administrative burden of maintaining the listing are disproportionate to the benefit thereof. The Bank also intends to simultaneously remove the GDSs from the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s EuroMTF market. The GDSs and the shares underlying the GDSs will continue to be listed and admitted to trading on the Beirut Stock Exchange. 2 Continuation of Listing on the Beirut Stock Exchange: The GDSs and the underlying shares of the Bank represented by the GDSs will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange. 3 Global Deposit Receipt Program: The Bank is not terminating its Global Deposit Receipt Program. Accordingly, following the delisting from the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and the International Order Book of London Stock Exchange, all GDSs will remain outstanding. For further information, contact Investor Relations: InvestorRelations@blominvestbank.com +961 1 729 254
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday October 27, 2020:
This announcement is made by Byblos Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) in respect of the Cash Contribution to Capital (“CCC”) transaction proposed by the Bank in accordance with the term sheet dated 23 September 2020. The Bank has decided to extend the deadline for submission of subscription applications by eligible holders in respect of the CCC transaction until 30 November 2020. The other terms applicable to the CCC transaction, as set out in the above-mentioned term sheet and the related subscription form remain in full force and effect.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Monday October 26, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., on Thursday, November 26, 2020 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2019. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2019. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2020 and fix their fees. - Give the members of the Board the authorization stipulated in article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday October 20, 2020
Intended Delisting from the London Stock Exchange
Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”) announces that it expects the cancellation of the listing of its Global Depositary Receipts (the “GDRs”) (ISINs: US0605721127 and US0605721044) from the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the cancellation of the admission to trading of its GDRs from the London Stock Exchange to occur on 16 November 2020. For further information, contact Investor Relations: sana.sabra@bankaudi.com.lb
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday October 13, 2020:
Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”) announces that it has applied for the cancellation of the listing of its Global Depositary Receipts (the “GDRs”) (ISIN: US0605721044) from the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the cancellation of the admission to trading of its GDRs from the London Stock Exchange with effect from 6 November 2020.
1. Reason for the Delisting
The Bank applied for the cancellation for the listing and trading of its GDRs due to the low volume of GDRs traded on the London Stock Exchange. The Bank believes that, given the limited liquidity of the GDRs, the costs and administrative burden of maintaining the listing of the GDRs on the Official List and admission to trading on the London Stock Exchange are disproportionate to the benefits thereof.
2. Continuation of Listing on the Beirut Stock Exchange
Each GDR represents one common shares of the Bank (the “Shares”). The Shares of the Bank represented by the GDRs, as well as the GDRs, will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange.
3. Global Deposit Receipt Programme
The Bank is not terminating its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following the delisting from the London Stock Exchange, all GDRs will remain outstanding.
For further information, contact Investor Relations: sana.sabra@bankaudi.com.lb
BLOM Bank – Tuesday October 06, 2020
Blom Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before December 30, 2020.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday September 30, 2020:
This announcement is made by Byblos Bank S.A.L. in respect of the U.S.$300,000,000 6.5% Convertible Fiduciary Notes due 2022 issued on a fiduciary basis by The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. (since replaced as Fiduciary by Mitsubishi UFG Global Custody S.A.) for the sole purpose of financing a subordinated loan to the Bank. The Fiduciary Notes are pass-through instruments and, as such, do not constitute direct debt obligations of the Fiduciary. The Fiduciary’s payment obligations in respect of the Fiduciary Notes are conditional upon the receipt of payments by the Bank in respect of the Subordinated Loan. The Fiduciary is not obliged to pay amounts under the Fiduciary Notes from its own funds. Under the Terms and Conditions of the Fiduciary Notes, the Bank shall (in accordance with Central Bank Decision № 6830) pay interest on the subordinated loan (which would then be passed on to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes) if the Bank has Sufficient Available Profit for the Relevant Quarter, being the calendar quarter when the interest payment is due. In light of the ongoing severe financial, political and fiscal crises in the Lebanese Republic, including the continuing suspension of the Republic’s payments on its Eurobonds and the corresponding impact on the financial condition of Lebanese banks, including the Bank, as well as the effects of the explosion at the Beirut (which caused at least 170 deaths and over 6,500 other casualties, displaced an estimated 300,000 people and extensively damaged property over a wide area of Beirut), the Bank’s management has determined that the Bank will not have Sufficient Available Profits for the Relevant Quarter for the quarter ending 30 September 2020 or any profit at all. (Continue reading)
Bank Of Beirut S.A.L. – Wednesday September 30, 2020:
BLC Bank SAL – Tuesday September 22, 2020:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 am on October 12, 2020, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2019. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the year 2019. - Give proper authorizations as per Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2019. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the year 2019. - Other topics
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. - Tuesday September 22, 2020:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 11 a.m., on Monday September 28, 2020, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2019. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2019. - Approve the Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2019. - Approve the authorizations granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2019. - Elect a new Board of Directors. - Give the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and in article 152 of the Code of Cash and credit. - Appoint a second auditor for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 and determine his fees. - Renew the granted authorizations and grant new ones pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Other topics.
BLOM Bank – Monday September 7, 2020
BLOM Bank SAL publishes Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Directors of July 15, 2020
BLOM Bank – Monday September 7, 2020
BLOM Bank SAL publishes Extract from the Minutes of Meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of July 15, 2020.
Banque BEMO SAL – Thursday August 27, 2020
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 9:00 am on Monday, September 14, 2020 at the Bank’s Offices, Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis St. Banque BEMO bldg. Second floor to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2019. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2019. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2019 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2019. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2019. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2020. - Fix the remunerations of the Board of Directors for the year 2020. - Determine the fees of External Auditors. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Banque BEMO SAL – Thursday August 27, 2020
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 am on Monday, September 14, 2020 at the Bank’s Offices, Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis St. Banque BEMO bldg. Second floor to discuss the following agenda: - List all shares issued by the Extraordinary General Assembly of May 06, 2019 on the Beirut Stock Exchange. - Amend article 36 of the Bank’s By-Laws. – Other topics.
BLOM Bank – Tuesday August 25, 2020
Blom Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before September 30, 2020.
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday August 25, 2020:
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2019.
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday August 18, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday September 4, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2019 and to examine the following agenda: - To approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular, the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019, and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2019; - To approve the allocation of the 2019 annual results as proposed by the Board of Directors, and to authorize the transfer of other amounts to retained earnings, or to other reserve accounts; - To ratify loans granted during the year 2019 to related parties as per Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit; - To authorize the granting of loans to related parties during the year 2020, in accordance with Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit; - To ratify transactions that are subject to the approval of the General Meeting including transactions entered into between the Bank and members of the Board of Directors or other related persons or affiliated companies during the year ended December 31, 2019 that are subject to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce and to authorise the Bank to enter into similar transactions during the year 2020; -To approve the acquisition of all the assets and the assumption of all the liabilities of Audi Investment Bank sal pursuant to law 192/1993; (Full Report)
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday August 18, 2020:
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share, nominal value L.L. 1,670 per common share (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Full Report)
Hegria New Year - Thursday August 20, 2020:
On the occasion of Hegria New Year, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, August 20, 2020. Trading will be resumed on Friday, August 21, 2020.
Bank Audi SAL- Wednesday August 12, 2020:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2019 (the “2019 Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and a Management Discussion & Analysis can now be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com
The unaudited Interim Financial Report as at and for the period ended June 30, 2020 (“the 2020 Interim Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes and a Management Discussion & Analysis can also be downloaded now from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com
The 2019 Annual Report and the 2020 Interim Report are also available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary
Bank Audi sal Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss P.O. Box 11-2560 Beirut - Lebanon
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday August 4, 2020:
BEIRUT, 4 August 2020 – Byblos Bank s.a.l. (the “Bank”) refers to its announcement of 1 July 2020 in relation to the proposed cancellation of the listing of its Global Depositary Receipts (the “GDRs”) (ISIN: US12431A1016) from the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the cancellation of the admission to trading of the GDRs from the London Stock Exchange. The Bank confirms that the cancellation took effect from 7:00 am on Thursday 30 July 2020. The Bank has not terminated its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following cancellation of the listing of the GDRs, the GDRs will remain outstanding
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday July 17, 2020:
After legitimate delay approved by Banque Du Liban’s (BDL), BLOM Bank announced today its audited financial results for year 2019. The results obtained were largely as expected, and affected by the impact of the financial and economic crisis that has struck Lebanon since October 2019. Net profits came to $115.411 million, lower by 77.44% from year 2018. In terms of balance sheet items, assets stood at $33.296 billion, lower by 9.38%; deposits were $26.462 billion, lower by 2.78%; (Full Report)
Temporary closure of Beirut Stock Exchange
In line with the cabinet’s decision declaring a state of general mobilization throughout the country to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Beirut Stock Exchange will close from Thursday, July 30, 2020 till Monday, August 03, 2020. Trading will resume on Tuesday, August 04, 2020.
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Wednesday July 15, 2020:
Holcim (Lebanon) SAL announces the postponement of the ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies to a later date
Solidere S.A.L. – Wednesday July 15, 2020:
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday July 8, 2020:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 AM on Tuesday 28 July 2020, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2019. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2019. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2019 and the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge the Chairman and the Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2019. – To advise on the election of new board members. - To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2019 and the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2020 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To advise on the determination of the Auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2020 and on the Board of Directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2020. – Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2019, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2019, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditor’s report as well as the list of the shareholders will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday July 8, 2020:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at the Bank headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 AM on Tuesday 28 July 2020, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2019. - To hear the auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2019.- To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2019 and the allocation of its results. - To discharge the Chairman and the Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2019. - Election of new board members. - To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2019 and the contractual terms of the Board members and the Senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2020 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the auditors. - To determine the Auditor’s remuneration for the fiscal year 2020 and the Board of Directors and Board Committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2020. – Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2019, general and special reports of both the Board and the auditors for the fiscal year 2019, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant auditor’s report as well as the list of the shareholders will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday July 2, 2020:
Byblos Bank s.a.l. (the “Bank”) announces that it has applied for the cancellation of the listing of its Global Depositary Receipts (the “GDRs”) (Regulation S: US12431A1016) from the Official List of the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the cancellation of the admission to trading of its GDRs from the London Stock Exchange with effect from 30 July 2020. 1 Reason for the Delisting: The Bank applied for the cancellation for the listing and trading of its GDRs due to the low volume of GDRs traded on the London Stock Exchange. The Bank believes that, given the limited liquidity of the GDRs, the costs and administrative burden of maintaining the listing of the GDRs on the Official List and admission to trading on the London Stock Exchange are disproportionate to the benefits thereof. 2 Continuation of Listing on the Beirut Stock Exchange: Each GDR represents 50 common shares of the Bank (the “Shares”). The Shares of the Bank represented by the GDRs will continue to be listed and traded on the Beirut Stock Exchange. 3 Global Deposit Receipt Programme: The Bank is not terminating its Global Deposit Receipt Programme. Accordingly, following the delisting from the London Stock Exchange, all GDRs will remain outstanding. For further information, contact Investor Relations: investor-relations@byblosbank.com.lb
Solidere S.A.L. – Monday June 29, 2020:
Solidere SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.
Solidere S.A.L. – Monday June 29, 2020:
Solidere SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Separate Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.
Solidere S.A.L. – Thursday June 25, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Thursday July 16, 2020 at Seaside, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2019. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2019. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2019. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2019. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Thursday August 06, 2020 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Thursday, August 27, 2020 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown.
BLOM Bank – Wednesday June 24, 2020
Blom Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before August 20, 2020
BLOM Bank – Wednesday June 24, 2020
Directorate Change:
Resignation of Mr. Amro Azhari from the Board of Directors.
Appointment of Mr. Charles Haddad, Mr. Gerar Rizk, and Mr. Malek Kasta as Assistant General Managers.
BLOM Bank – Tuesday June 23, 2020
We are pleased to notify you that the Board of Directors of BLOMBANK S.A.L. convened on Friday, June 19, 2020 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (15/07/2020) at 12:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street, BLOM BANK S.A.L. building (Block A -7th Floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: - To amend some articles of the Bank’s By-Laws (Articles of Association) in accordance with the amendment of the Code of Commerce on 01/04/2019, and which became effective on 01/07/2019. - Any other matter,
BLOM Bank – Tuesday June 23, 2020
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK S.A.L. took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (15/07/2020) at 11:00 a.m. At the Bank’s Headquarters, in order to discuss the following agenda items: - To examine the general reports of the Board of Directors and External Auditors and to approve the Bank’s accounts, in particular the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the year ended 31/12/2019. - To examine the special reports of the Board of Directors and External Auditors in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit for the year ended 31/12/2019, and to ratify the transactions detailed therein. - To allocate the results of the financial year 2019 in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors. - To discharge the chairman and Board members in respect to their activities performed during the year 2019. - To elect a new Board of Directors. - To determine the remunerations (attendance allowances) of the Chairman and Board members for the year 2020. - To determine the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager, Group Secretary, General Managers and Deputy General Managers for the year 2020. - To grant authorization to the Board members in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - To authorize the Board members to take part in the management of similar companies, in accordance with article 159 of the Code of Commerce. - To authorize the Company to carry on transactions, in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - To appoint External Auditors for BLOM BANK SAL – Jordan Branches. - Any other matter
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday June 19, 2020:
Solidere announces that the unaudited sales that will be realized during the year 2020 amounted to about 341.9 million USD. During 2020, the company repaid its debts and other banking facilities, amounting to approximately $ 190 million. The company also paid the largest portion of its dues to contractors and suppliers, thereby reducing the total liabilities from $414 million as of December 31, 2019 to $225 million at the date of this announcement, knowing that most of the remaining liabilities are due within several years or will be realized within the revenues according to the accounting requirements. Cash reserves in banks increased substantially during the year 2020, which enhances the liquidity of the company and its ability to face urgent and future challenges
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday June 18, 2020:
This announcement is made by Byblos Bank S.A.L. (the “Bank”) in respect of the U.S.$300,000,000 6.5% Convertible Fiduciary Notes due 2022 (the “Fiduciary Notes”) issued on a fiduciary basis by The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxembourg) S.A. (since replaced as Fiduciary by Mitsubishi UFG Global Custody S.A.) for the sole purpose of financing a subordinated loan to the Bank. The Fiduciary Notes are pass-through instruments and, as such, do not constitute direct debt obligations of the Fiduciary. The Fiduciary’s payment obligations in respect of the Fiduciary Notes are conditional upon the receipt of payments by the Bank in respect of the Subordinated Loan. The Fiduciary is not obliged to pay amounts under the Fiduciary Notes from its own funds. Under the Terms and Conditions of the Fiduciary Notes, the Bank shall (in accordance with Central Bank Decision № 6830) pay interest on the subordinated loan (which would then be passed on to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes) if the Bank has Sufficient Available Profit for the Relevant Quarter, being the calendar quarter when the interest payment is due. In light of developments in the Lebanese Republic, including the announcement that the Republic will not make payments on its Eurobonds and the corresponding impact on the financial condition of Lebanese banks, including the Bank, the Bank’s management has determined that the Bank will not have Sufficient Available Profits for the Relevant Quarter for the quarter ending 30 June 2020 or any profit at all. As a result, the Bank will not make an interest payment on the subordinated loan. The Fiduciary will, therefore, not pass on such amounts representing interest payments to the holders of the Fiduciary Notes on next the interest payment date, which is 30 June 2020.
BLC Bank SAL – Tuesday June 09, 2020.
BLC Bank SAL publishes the agenda of Cash Contribution to Capital. (Agenda - Arabic)
BLC Bank SAL – Friday June 05, 2020.
BLC Bank SAL publishes the minutes of meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of January 30, 2020. (Minutes of Meeting in Arabic)
BLOM Bank – Thursday May 21, 2020
BLOM Bank SAL announces that, on April 07, 2020, Mr. Mohammad Yassine Rabah resigned from the Board of Directors and from all Board’s committees of the Bank.
BLOM Bank – Tuesday May 19, 2020
Blom Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before June 19, 2020.
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday May 19, 2020:
Subject: Talks for the Sale of Bank Audi sae (Egypt) Stopped
Beirut, May 18, 2020
Bank Audi announced today that it has mutually agreed with First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) to stop the transaction process regarding the sale to FAB of its fully-owned subsidiary in Egypt (Bank Audi-Egypt), due to the unprecedented circumstances and uncertain outlook relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. The two banks have held productive discussions over the past few weeks, with significant progress made on many points. Bank Audi would like to thank the FAB team for their support and cooperation during the diligence and the broader transaction process. Commenting on the termination of the negotiations, Bank Audi’s Group CFO Tamer Ghazaleh stated “Despite the absence of a concluding transaction, that was made impossible by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are very happy with the outcome of the negotiations that have confirmed the outstanding qualities of Bank Audi Egypt, and are proud that it remains a flagship of our Group.”
BLOM Bank – Thursday April 16, 2020
Blom Bank SAL informs its shareholders that the Bank extended the deadline for CCC process till further notice. A new announcement will be published before May 08, 2020. For more information you can call the Bank at 01 758000.
Eid Al Fitr:
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, May 25, 2020 and Tuesday, May 26, 2020.
Temporary closure of Beirut Stock Exchange
In line with the cabinet’s decision declaring a state of general mobilization throughout the country to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Beirut Stock Exchange will be closed Thursday May 14 and Friday May 15, 2020.
Feast of Annunciation – Wednesday March 25, 2020:
On the occasion of the Feast of Annunciation, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.
Bank Audi SAL- Wednesday March 18, 2020:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of March 23, 2020, additional 188,789,011 common shares issued by Bank Audi SAL. These shares will be added to the previously listed common shares of the Bank; therefore the total number of common listed shares of Bank Audi SAL becomes 588,538,215 common shares. (Circular 492/2020)
Banque BEMO SAL – Tuesday March 17, 2020:
The General Assembly of shareholders of Banque BEMO SAL held a meeting on March 02, 2020 and resolved to approve the contracts signed between a group of shareholders and the Bank relating to cash contribution to capital. (Minutes of Meeting - Arabic)
Resumption of trading - Tuesday March 17, 2020.
The Beirut Stock Exchange announces that it will resume trading starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020.
Temporarily closure of the Stock Exchange
In line with the Cabinet’s decision to declare a state of general mobilization in the country, to confront the spread of the coronavirus, the Beirut Stock Exchange announces that the stock market will temporarily close for today Monday, March 16, 2020.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday March 12, 2020:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the terms of a loan to be made to Byblos Bank SAL in respect of Cash Contribution to Capital. Term Sheet can be viewed by using this link.
Bank Audi SAL- Monday March 9, 2020:
All the resolutions set out in the Information Statement dated February 17, 2020 were duly passed: First resolution: Confirmation of the adequate completion of the procedures for the increase of the Bank’s capital through the issuance of 188,789,011 common shares he Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Bank Audi sal, having reviewed all submitted documents, declares that: - 188,789,011 common shares with a nominal value of LL 1,670 each, have been issued, and their aggregate nominal value amounting to LL 315,277,648,370 has been fully paid; - The capital increase has been subscribed to and paid within the set period by the persons listed in the report, stamped by the Central Bank of Lebanon, and submitted to the assembly, showing the number of shares allocated to each. (Read More)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. - Thursday March 5, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank of Beirut sal invites shareholders to attend an ordinary general assembly, to be held in accordance with the quorum and the majority legally required to amend the By-Laws of the Bank. The meeting will be held at 11:00 am on March 20, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located in Foch St, Beirut Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the decisions of the Board of Directors of December 17, 2019 relating to cash contribution to capital. - Approve the terms of the cash contribution to capital. – Approve the authorization granted by the Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions of article 158 of the Code of Commerce relating to Cash Contribution to Capital.
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday February 28, 2020:
Recently, false information is being circulated about Solidere's sales since the beginning of 2019. In this regard, Solidere is interested in clarifying the truth and publishes the exact numbers of sales operations that have been signed and whose revenues will be achieved during 2019 and 2020: - For the year 2019 (total sales contracts reached $250,122,600 to be fully or partially achieved during 2019). - For the year 2020: (total sales contract reached $112,789,400 until the date of this announcement). Total: $362,912,000 (for 2019 and 2020 till the date of this announcement). Solidere assures that it will publish periodically the amounts of signed sales contracts in order to confirm the accuracy of the information circulated.
BLOM Bank SAL - Thursday February 27, 2020
BLOM Bank SAL is pleased to inform its shareholders that the extraordinary general assembly of the bank held on January 14, 2020 decided, in implementation of the intermediary decision of Banque Du Liban No. 13129 dated November 04, 2019 relating to the amendment of Basic Decision No. 6939 of March 25, 1998 concerning the regulatory framework for the adequacy of capitals of banks operating in Lebanon, to increase the Bank’s Tier One Capital in accordance with the provisions of the Term Sheet of the Cash Contribution to Capital approved by the above-mentioned assembly.
Cash Contribution to Capital can be convertible into shares, according to the conditions detailed in the Term Sheet. Accordingly, the shareholders who paid cash contribution are entitled to convert these contributions into ordinary shares in the bank’s capital according to the conditions and mechanism detailed in the Term Sheet.
The Bank invites shareholders, willing to participate in the CCC process within a deadline that ends on April 03, 2020, to review the Term Sheet available at the branches of BLOM Bank SAL.
For more information, please contact any of the Bank's branches in Lebanon.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Monday February 24, 2020:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL convened on February 21, 2020 and approved the cash contribution to capital agreement, in the amount of USD 135 million, convertible into common shares. The above decision is subject to the approval of Banque Du Liban. For more information you can call Mr. Elie Wehbe: Phone number 01-335200 ext. 0325 or by email at ewehbe@byblosbank.com.lb
Bank Audi SAL- Monday February 24, 2020:
All the resolutions set out in the Information Statement dated 23 January 2020 were duly passed: First resolution: Agree to the receipt of USD denominated cash contributions to capital convertible into common shares, and set their amount, terms and conditions: Description: The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders agreed to the receipt of USD denominated cash contributions to capital for up to USD 209,556,181,35 convertible into common shares, in accordance with terms and conditions listed in their Term Sheet. Cash Contributions are accepted from the holders of Common Shares as listed in the report of the Chairman of the Board. Conversion, if resolved, is made through the issuance by the Bank of a new common share for every USD 1.11 of Cash Contributions and the nominal value of each new common share is paid through the transfer (from the free LL reserve account to the capital account) of an amount in Lebanese pounds equivalent to the nominal value of such new share. The aggregate USD amount so transferred to the reserve account is not distributable without the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon. Associated taxes and fees are payable by the Bank. Second resolution: (Read More)
Bank Audi SAL- Friday February 21, 2020:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi sal convened earlier today and approved USD denominated cash contributions, from the Bank’s shareholders, in an amount of USD 210 million. The General Assembly also resolved to convert said cash contributions into ordinary shares of the Bank. The aforementioned actions remain subject to the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon and fall within the first phase of the increase of equity that was requested from all banks by the Central Bank of Lebanon. The Board of Directors wishes to express its gratitude to the shareholders. Their eagerness to contribute, as evidenced by the sizable volume of cash contributions received, is a renewal of their valuable commitment to stand by the Bank in the prevailing circumstances that the country is going through.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday February 18, 2020:
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and The Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to the Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share with a nominal value L.L. 1,670 (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Read more)
Bank Audi SAL- Friday February 18, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi sal invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday March 6, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: - Verification of the completion of the procedures for the increase in the Bank’s capital through the conversion of the Cash Contributions into common shares in accordance with the resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 20, 2020; - Listing of the newly-issued Common Shares on the Beirut Stock Exchange; - and Discharge of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities related to the Capital Increase.
Memorial Day of P.M. R. Hariri- Friday February 14, 2020:
On the occasion of the Memorial Day of the assassination of H.E. former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday February 14, 2020.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Thursday February 06, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 02, 2020 at the Bank’s Offices, BEMO bldg. 2nd Floor, Elias Sarkis Street, Ashrafieh, to discuss the following agenda: - Review and approve the contract of cash contribution to capital pursuant to the provisions of the intermediate circular of the Central Bank of Lebanon Nb. 532 relating to capital adequacy regulatory framework for all banks operating in Lebanon. – Other topics.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Thursday February 06, 2020:
Banque BEMO S.A.L. publishes the minutes of meeting of the General Assembly of December 23, 2019 (No quorum). Minutes of meeting
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday January 24, 2020:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Achrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 9:00 am on Friday 21 February 2020, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To approve the signature of a cash contribution to capital agreement in the amount of USD/135,000,000/ (one hundred thirty-five million United States dollars) convertible into Byblos Bank SAL shares. - To approve the increase of Byblos Bank SAL capital in stages not exceeding in the aggregate USD/135,000,000/ (one hundred thirty-five million United States dollars), available for subscription by the holders of cash contribution to capital only and determine the terms of the capital increase. - Miscellaneous. The Board of Directors’ report on the agreement of cash contribution to capital convertible into shares, the main terms of the agreement, and the auditors’ report will be made available to the shareholders at the headquarters of Byblos Bank SAL in Beirut-Achrafieh, Elias Sarkis avenue, during the regular business hours 25 days at least before the meeting.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday January 24, 2020:
Increase in Core Equity
Bank Audi has started accepting US Dollar denominated cash contributions to capital from its shareholders (holders of common shares), in application of the first stage of Banque du Liban’s circular 532. Shareholders holding the majority of the Bank’s capital have already indicated their willingness to contribute, a valuable token of their commitment to Bank Audi and to Lebanon, particularly in the exceptional circumstances the country is currently going through. The remaining shareholders are also invited to participate in the cash contributions in order to increase the Bank’s Common Equity Tier One by 10%.
The terms of the cash contributions, proposed by the Board of Directors in its meeting dated 26 December 2019, include a conversion provision, pursuant to which cash contributions may be converted into common shares. The conversion is expected to happen upon the final acceptance by the extraordinary general assembly of shareholders which will be held on 20 February 2020.
Negotiations to sell Bank Audi sae (Egypt)
Bank Audi is currently conducting exclusive negotiations with First Abu Dhabi Bank to sell its subsidiary in Egypt, (Read more)
Bank Audi SAL- Thursday January 23, 2020:
January 23, 2020
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and The Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to the Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share with a nominal value L.L. 1,670 (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Read more)
Bank Audi SAL- Thursday January 23, 2020:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi sal invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday February 20, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: - Agree to the receipt of USD denominated cash contributions to capital convertible into common shares (“Cash Contributions”), and set their amount, terms and conditions; - Approve the conversion of the Cash Contributions into common shares; - Increase the Bank’s capital following the conversion of the Cash Contributions into common shares; - Amend articles 6 and 8 of the Bank’s By-Laws to reflect the above; - Submit the actions described in items 1, 2 and 3 for approval by Banque du Liban, the central bank of Lebanon; and - Grant the Chairman of the Board of Directors (acting singly) or any 2 Directors – General Managers (acting jointly) the necessary powers in order to implement the foregoing resolutions.
Bank Audi SAL- Thursday January 23, 2020:
In its meeting held on December 26, 2019, the Board of Directors of Bank Audi sal resolved to propose to the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders the acceptance of USD denominated cash contributions to capital convertible into common shares. Participation in the Cash Contributions is restricted to the holders of the Bank’s common shares who are willing to participate. The Cash Contributions are accepted in application of the first stage of circular no. 532 issued by Banque du Liban, the central bank of Lebanon on November 4, 2019.
The Board of Directors also proposed to the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders the conversion of the aforementioned Cash Contributions into common shares, subject to the approval of the central bank.
Holders of common shares are permitted to participate pro rata to their holdings of shares. Any Cash Contribution not subscribed for in the initial allocation may be re-allocated to holders of shares who participate in the offer on a pro rata basis to their holdings.
Holders of the Bank’s common shares willing to participate in the cash contributions, pursuant to the requirements of the central bank circular, and as per the above, are invited to contact their branches or the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, on or before 17/02/2020 inclusive, in order to review the Term Sheet, sign the necessary documents and pay the amounts of their subscriptions.
BLOM Bank SAL - Thursday January 16, 2020
BLOM Bank S.A.L. (Bank) is pleased to inform its Shareholders that the Extraordinary General Assembly held on January 14, 2020 at the Bank’s Headquarters approved the terms and conditions of the first increase of the Bank’s Tier One Capital by 10% of its Common Equity Tier One, in an amount equivalent to US$ 261.94 million (two hundred sixty-one million nine hundred forty thousands) through cash contributions to capital (CCC) in U.S. dollar in accordance with the provisions of BDL (Central Bank of Lebanon) intermediate circular No. 532 (intermediate Decision No. 13129) dated 4/11/2019. The CCC will constitute Additional Tier One Capital to the Bank.
Each holder of Shares or GDRs (acting through the Depositary) will have the right to participate in the CCC. The CCC are perpetual, subject to full or partial conversion into shares during each of the next five years. The Bank may pay interest annually on the CCC. The terms and conditions of the CCC will be detailed in a Term Sheet to be made available to the shareholders in due course.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday January 08, 2020:
The Board of Directors BLC Bank sal invites shareholders to attend an ordinary general assembly, to be held in accordance with the quorum and the majority legally required to amend the By-Laws of the Bank. The meeting will be held at 11:00 am on January 30, 2020 at the Bank’s Head Office located in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Increase the cash contribution to capital pursuant to the provisions of the intermediate circular No. 532 of the Central Bank of Lebanon, and specify the mechanism and terms of the increase. - Grant the Board of Directors and / or Chairman of the Board the necessary powers to implement the decisions of the General Assembly, and give him the right to delegate all or some of these powers. - Other topics
Armenian Christmas Day – Monday January 06, 2020:
On the occasion of the Armenian Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, January 06, 2020.
New Year Holiday – Dec 31, 2019 & Jan 01, 2020.
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, December 31, 2019 and on Wednesday, January 01, 2020. Trading will be resumed on Thursday, January 02, 2020
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday December 19, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Byblos Bank approved an increase of the Bank’s capital in the amount of USD 135 million, being the equivalent of 10% of its Common Equity Tier One, through the issuance of cash contribution interests. The increase in capital is in implementation of BDL intermediate circular No 13129, dated November 4, 2019. The cash contribution interests can be converted into common equity each year for the next five years at a conversion ratio of LBP 1,515. The core shareholders of Byblos Bank, including Byblos Invest Holding, which collectively hold around 50% of the share capital, have indicated their approval, in principle, to take part in this capital increase, thus demonstrating their commitment to the Bank and to Lebanon, while hoping that the operating environment in Lebanon would improve through the political authorities taking necessary measures to reduce government expenditures and budget deficit, and implementing needed structural reforms to contain the economic and financial crisis and re-launch the economy.
BLOM Bank SAL - Monday December 16, 2019
We are pleased to notify you that the Board of Directors of BLOM Bank SAL convened on Friday, December 13, 2019 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rachid Karami Street, BLOM Bank SAL building (Block A – 7th floor), in order to discuss the following agenda items: - to review and approve the Cash Contribution to Capital Instruments (CCCI) in implementation of the terms of Banque Du Liban (BDL) Intermediate Decision no. 13129 (related to Intermediate Circular no. 532) on the “Capital Adequacy Regulatory Framework for Banks Operating in Lebanon” issued on 4/11/2019. – Any other matter.
BLOM Bank SAL - Monday December 2, 2019
BLOM Bank announced that Mr. Saeb El Zein has submitted his resignation, as of November 14, 2019, from the Board of Directors and from all Board committees of the bank.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Wednesday November 27, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 23, 2019 at the Bank’s Offices, BEMO bldg. 2nd Floor, Elias Sarkis Street, Ashrafieh, to discuss the following agenda: - Review and approve the contract of cash contribution to capital pursuant to the provisions of the intermediate circular of the Central Bank of Lebanon Nb. 532 relating to capital adequacy regulatory framework for all banks operating in Lebanon. – Other topics.
Independence Day – Friday November 22, 2019:
On the occasion of the Independence Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, November 22, 2019.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Wednesday November 20, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Thursday, November 21, 2019 the Lebanese Republic Eurobond Issue labeled Series number 60, worth USD /1,500,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 5.45% and maturing on November 28, 2019. Circular 490/2019
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday November 12, 2019:
Bank Audi announced that Mr. Aristidis Vourakis, a Greek national, has submitted his resignation as Member of the Board and Deputy Group CEO, a position he has held since April 2017. Mr. Vourakis has decided to resign for personal reasons.
Mr. Samir Hanna, Chairman and Group CEO, acknowledged the resignation of Mr. Vourakis and thanked him for his valuable contributions throughout his tenure at the Bank, wishing him every success in his new endeavors.
Mr. Vourakis declared: “In the context of the current crisis in Lebanon and the constrained appetite for investments, I preferred to pursue other opportunities outside the country. I would like to wish everyone in Lebanon a prompt return to normal conditions and economic growth. I would also like to thank all my Bank Audi colleagues for their cooperation, and firmly believe that they are well prepared to drive Bank Audi stronger.”
Prophet’s Birthday – November 11, 2019
On the occasion of the Prophet’s Birthday, there will be no trading at
the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, November 11, 2019.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday November 1, 2019:
Since 17 October 2019, there have been large scale protests in Lebanon, which has been facing significant adverse developments in its monetary and fiscal positions. On 29 October 2019, the President of the Council of Ministers, Mr. Saad Hariri, tendered his resignation to the President of the Republic, which resulted in the resignation of the entire Government. Banks in Lebanon, including Bank Audi s.a.l., have been closed since 18 October 2019 and are set to reopen on 1 November 2019. In accordance with applicable Lebanese regulations, Lebanese banks with listed securities on the Beirut Stock Exchange, as is the case for Bank Audi s.a.l., are required to publish their results as at, and for the nine months ended, 30 September 2019 by 31 October 2019. In light of the above circumstances, the Bank expects the aforementioned local regulatory requirement to be temporarily waived and will thus be postponing the publication of its third quarter financial results beyond the aforementioned date.
Resumption of Trading
Today November 1, 2019, will be a normal trading day at the Beirut Stock Exchange. (Circular 489/2019)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. - Friday October 04, 2019:
On September 17, 2019 a shareholder of Bank of Beirut SAL Mr. Harout Khajatorian sold to Mrs. Maria Laoun Semerjian the following shares: Bank of Beirut Common Listed shares: 517,011 Shares at a price of USD 18.80 per share, 223,201 Common non-listed Shares and 240,000 Priority Shares at a price of USD 21.00 per share.
Bank Audi SAL- Monday September 23, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list /250,000/ GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL from the official market of the stock exchange. These GDRs will be deducted from the previously listed /119,889,761/ GDRs; therefore, the total number of listed GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL becomes /119,639,761/ GDRs. (Circular 487/2019)
Achoura– Tuesday September 10, 2019:
On the occasion of Achoura, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, September 11, 2019.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday September 06, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list /35,000/ GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL from the official market of the stock exchange. These GDRs will be deducted from the previously listed /119,924,761/ GDRs; therefore, the total number of listed GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL becomes /119,889,761/ GDRs. (Circular 486/2019)
Hegria New Year – Monday September 02, 2019:
On the occasion of Hegria New Year, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, September 02, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, September 03, 2019.
BLC Bank S.A.L – Thursday August 22, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the 350,000 Series C Preferred Shares issued by BLC Bank SAL from the official market of the stock exchange as the Bank completed the cancelation process of these shares and took note that the Bank issued and distributed for free 350,000 new Common shares to shareholders on record as at April 03, 2019; as a result the Bank’s share capital is now composed as follows: /214,000,000/ common shares (71,033,333 shares are listed and 142,966,667 are not listed), /750,000/ series D preferred shares (100% listed) and /263,510/ series E preferred shares (100% listed). Circular 485/2019
Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Thursday August 15, 2019:
On the occasion of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Friday, August 16, 2019.
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday August 9, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Solidere held a meeting on Monday, July 29, and decided to approve the company’s accounts, in particular the statement of financial position and the statement of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2018 as well as the consolidated statement of financial position and the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year 2018. The Ordinary General Assembly also decided to give the Chairman, members of the Board of Directors and investors possessing more than five percent of the voting rights, the authorization stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce and decided to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2018. (Minutes of Meeting – Arabic)
Eid Al Adha
On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, August 12, 2019 and on Tuesday, August 13, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, August 14, 2019.
Bank Audi S.A.L. - Wednesday July 31, 2019:
Bank Audi SAL publishes its Consolidated Unaudited Financial Results for the period ended June 30, 2019. Report can be accessed by using the following URL:
Bank Audi S.A.L. - Monday July 29, 2019:
Bank Audi s.a.l. announces that Dr. Freddie C. Baz has decided to step down from his position as Member and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board acknowledged said resignation on 26 July 2019 and appointed Mr. Marc J. Audi as a new Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the current Board’s term. Freddie Baz said: “Having spent 28 years with the Bank Audi Group, out of my 49 years of professıonal life, I believe I have realized most of my wishes and ambitions for the Bank and am proud to see it leading the Lebanese banking sector. After careful reflection, and in consultation with the Board of Directors, I have decided to devote myself now to other activities that have always captured my interest, notably in art, culture and social volunteering. I am comforted in my decision by the presence of many talents in the Bank that we have formed throughout the years, and are now ready to drive the Group towards new horizons. Bank Audi remains a part of me, and I will stay very close to it." Samir Hanna, Chairman and Group CEO said: "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Dr. Baz for his services to the Bank Audi Group over more than 28 years. His numerous contributions have been very valuable for the growth and expansion of the group. We will always remember, in particular, his conscientiousness and rigor, so nicely spiced up with his exceptional sense of humor. We thank him for his dedication and commitment and wish him well".
Solidere S.A.L. – Friday July 5, 2019:
As the Ordinary General Assembly was invited to meet for the first time on June 28, 2019 but the quorum wasn’t reached, the Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites all shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on July 29, 2019 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2018. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2018. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2018. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2018.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Wednesday June 26, 2019:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on June 24, 2019 relating to the distribution of dividends Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL announces that dividends set at LBP /450/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 16, 2019 for holders of shares as at July 09, 2019 (Record date).
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Thursday June 20, 2019:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on June 19, 2019 relating to the distribution of dividends, Holcim (Liban) SAL announces that dividends set at LBP /351/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 16, 2019 for holders of shares as at July 09, 2019 (Record date).
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Tuesday june 18, 2019:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. held a meeting on May 06, 2019 and decided to distribute free shares to common shareholders on record as at June 21, 2019 on the basis of one free share for every four common shares held; therefore the Ex-free shares distribution date of Banque BEMO common shares is Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Distribution of the free common shares is expected to start on June 24, 2019.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Friday June 14, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. invites shareholders of the Company to attend an Annual General Assembly Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 28, 2019 at the Company’s Headquarters to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s General and Special reports for the year 2018. - Examine the Auditors’ General and Special reports for the year 2018. - Approve the accounts of the year 2018 and allocate the results. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for the year 2018. – Approve the operations that occurred between the Company and some Board members during the year 2018 and give prior authorization to the Board members according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Give prior authorization to the Board members according to article 159 of the Code of Commerce. Give the Board of Directors the authorization to take credits from banks. – Fix the remuneration of the chairman and Board members for the year 2019. – Approve the signing of financing contracts with United Automotive Agency SAL and R Y Properties SAL. – Appoint the External Auditor for the year 2019 and fix his audit fees. – Elect a new Board of Directors. – Other topics.
BLC Bank SAL- Wednesday June 12, 2019:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on June 12, 2019 and resolved to approve the bank’s accounts for the year 2018. The General Assembly declared distribution of dividends for holders of Preferred shares series D and series E as follows: I - Dividends before distribution tax (10%): Preferred Shares Series D: USD 6.75 per share; Preferred Shares Series E: USD 2.72 per share. II - Dividends net of distribution tax (10%): Preferred Shares Series D: USD 6.075 per share; Preferred Shares Series E: USD 2.448 per share. III - Important dates: 17 June 2019: Dividend record date. 13 June 2019: Ex-dividend date. 18 June 2019: Dividend payment date.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Wednesday June 12, 2019:
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Meeting of June 24, 2019.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L. – Wednesday June 12, 2019:
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes: the Special Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of June 24, 2019 and the Auditors’ Special Report drafted in accordance with article 158 of the Lebanese Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2018.
Solidere SAL- Tuesday June 11, 2019:
Announcement issued by Solidere SAL relating to the Financial Results for the year 2018. (Full Report – Arabic)
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Tuesday June 11, 2019:
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Meeting of June 19, 2019
Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. – Tuesday June 11, 2019:
Holcim (Liban) SAL publishes: the Special Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of June 19, 2019 and the Auditors’ Special Report drafted in accordance with article 158 of the Lebanese Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2018
S.L. des Ciments Blancs SAL- Monday June 10, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting at 10 am on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the at the offices of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. in Dbayeh, to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the financial statements for the year 2018 and grant discharge to the Board of Directors. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report for the year 2018. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report for the year 2018. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Appoint the External Auditors for the year 2019 and fix their remunerations. - Distribute dividends.
To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Solidere SAL- Friday June 7, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday June 28, 2019 at Seaside, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2018. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2018. - Examine the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2018. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2018. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday July 29, 2019 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday, August 19, 2019 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown.
Eid Al Fitr (adjusted)
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Tuesday, June 04, 2019 till Thursday, June 06, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Friday, June 07, 2019.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday May 29, 2019:
BLOM Bank announces the resignation of Mr. Elias Aractingi as a General Manager as of June 30, 2019 and the appointment of Mr. Mounir Toukan as Assistant General Manager. (Extract from Board Meeting)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday May 29, 2019:
BLOM Bank announces that Dr. Jassem Mannai has resigned from the Bank’s Board of Directors. (Extract from Board Meeting)
Holcim (Liban) SAL- Tuesday May 28, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2018. - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2018. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2018. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2019 and fix their fees. Distribute Dividends. - Give the members of the Board the authorization stipulated in article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Monday May 20, 2019:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 pm on June 12, 2019, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank Bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2018. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the year 2018. - Give proper authorizations as per Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2018. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the year 2018. - Elect a new Board of Directors. - Appoint External Auditors. - Other topics.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. – Friday May 17, 2019:
Bank of Beirut SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
Funeral of Patriarch Sfeir – Thursday May 16, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange announces the closure of the stock market on Thursday, May 16, 2019, the day of the funeral of Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir. Trading will resume on Friday May 17, 2019.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Friday May 10, 2019:
Banque BEMO SAL publishes the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Meeting of May 06, 2019
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Friday May 10, 2019:
Banque BEMO SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Thursday May 09, 2019:
In Reference to the announcement issued by Banque BEMO SAL relating to the distribution of dividends for the holders of preferred shares on record as at May 14, 2019, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of Banque BEMO's preferred shares is Friday, May 10, 2019. (Circular: 483/2019)
Resumption of trading
The Beirut Stock Exchange declares the resumption of trading in its markets as of Wednesday, May 08, 2019 (Circular 482/2019).
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. - Tuesday May 7, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL convened on May 06, 2019 and resolved to approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2018. The General Assembly declared distribution of dividends as follows: to Preferred Shares: A gross amount of USD /37,696,625/ distributed as follows: To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /8,434,125/; USD 2.3625 per share before tax (10%). To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /9,450,000/; USD 1.75 per share before tax (10%). To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /8,437,500/; USD 1.6875 per share before distribution tax (10%). To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /4,875,000/; USD 1.6250 per share before distribution tax (10%). To Holders of Series “K” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /6,500,000/; USD 1.6250 per share before distribution (10%). To Priority Shares Class 2014: Priority dividends of USD /4,000,080/; USD 0.84 per share before distribution tax (10%). To Common Shares: A gross amount of LBP /70,146,435,000/ for holders of Common Shares including holders of Priority shares Class 2014; LBP 1,150 per share before distribution tax (10%). Dividends will be paid through Midclear SAL on May 15, 2019 for the holders of shares as at May 10, 2019 (Record Date). The Ex-dividend date is May 08, 2019.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Tuesday May 7, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. convened on May 06, 2019 and approved a gross distribution of dividends to holders of preferred shares Series 2013 amounting to USD 2,450,000; USD 7 per Preferred share Series 2013 (USD 6.30 net of 10% distribution tax). Dividends will be paid to preferred shares holders starting June 10, 2019 after deducting the 10% distribution tax, for the holders of preferred shares as at May 14, 2019 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
Compulsory suspension of trading
Due to the open strike declared by the employees of Banque Du Liban, and in reference to the confirmation letter received by the Beirut Stock Exchange from Midclear stating that the latter cannot carry out the clearance and settlement process of transactions executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange, on time, during the period of open strike, and in order to protect the interest of all investors, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares the suspension of trading in its markets till further notice (Circular nb. 481/2019).
Labor Day – Wednesday May 01, 2019:
On the occasion of Labor Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, May 01, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Thursday, May 02, 2019.
Orthodox Good Friday and Easter Holidays– April 26 & April 29, 2019:
On the occasion of Orthodox Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Friday, April 26, 2019 till Monday, April 29, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday April 30, 2019.
Good Friday and Easter Holidays– April 19 & April 22, 2019:
On the occasion of Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Friday, April 19, 2019 till Monday, April 22, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday April 23, 2019.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday April 17, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly held on 17 April 2019 at the Bank’s Headquarters, approved the distribution of dividends for the year 2018 as follows: For Common Shareholders - LBP 212 per share (LBP 190.8 net of 10% withholding tax). For Preferred Shareholders: Class 2008: USD 8 per share; (USD 7.2 net of 10% withholding tax). Class 2009: USD 8 per share; (USD 7.2 net of 10% withholding tax). Such dividends will be paid on or about 25 April 2019 after deducting the 10% withholding tax, to shareholders as at 24 April 2019 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). Shares will trade ex-dividend starting 18 April 2019. For GDR holders: LBP 212 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting withholding tax (of 10%) and other expenses starting 02 May 20219
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday April 16, 2019:
BLOM BANK S.A.L. is pleased to inform the Bank’s Shareholders that the Annual Ordinary General Assembly convened on April 16, 2019 at the Bank’s Headquarters and approved the accounts of the Bank for 2018, as well as the distribution of dividends amounting to LBP 364,148,019 thousand to Holders of Common Listed Shares, at an amount of LBP 1,700 per share subject to the distribution tax of 10%. Dividend payment is made through Midclear S.A.L., starting April 24, 2019 for the holders of Common Listed Shares according to the records of Midclear S.A.L as at April 23, 2019 (Record Date), with Wednesday April 17, 2019 being the Ex-dividend date. Regarding BLOM GDR Holders, dividends are expected to be settled by BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON starting from May 02, 2019
Bank of Beirut S.A.L. – Tuesday April 16, 2019:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 5 p.m., on Monday May 06, 2019, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the year 2018. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the year 2018. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts for the year 2018. - Appropriate the profits of the year 2018. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2018. - Appoint a second auditor for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021and determine his fees. - Give the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and in article 152 of the Code of Cash and credit. - Other topics.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Tuesday April 16, 2019:
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 9:00 am on Monday, May 06, 2019 at the Bank’s Head Office, Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg. 7th Floor to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2018. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2018. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2018 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2018. - Elect new Directors. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2018. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2019. - Fix the remunerations of the Board of Directors for the year 2019. - Appoint External Auditors and determine their fees. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Tuesday April 16, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 am, on Monday May 06, 2019, at the Bank’s headquarters in Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg- 7th Floor in order to examine the following agenda: - Increase the capital of the bank. - Amend articles of the By-Laws relating to the capital increase. - Other topics.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday April 15, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi S.A.L. convened on April 12, 2019 and resolved, in consideration of the fact that the mandate of the Board of Directors has reached its term, to re-elect the current Directors for a new three years mandate (that will end upon holding the Annual General Assembly that will examine the accounts of the year 2021). The newly elected Board convened following the General Assembly and resolved, amongst other things, to re-elect (i) Mr. Samir N. Hanna as Chairman of the Board – General Manager, and (ii) Dr. Marwan M. Ghandour and Dr. Freddie C. Baz as Vice-Chairmen; pursuant to the above, the Board of Directors is composed as follows: Mr. Samir N. Hanna (Chairman and Group CEO); Dr. Marwan M. Ghandour (Vice-Chairman); Dr. Freddie C. Baz (Vice-Chairman); Sheikha Mariam N. Al Sabbah; Mr. Marc J. Audi; Dr. Imad I. Itani; Mr. Abdullah I. Al Hobayb; Dr. Khalil M. Bitar; Mrs. Sherine R. Audi; Mr. Carlos A. Obeid; Mr. Aristidis I. Vourakis.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday April 12, 2019:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi sal convened on April 12, 2019 and resolved, among other things, to (i) approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2018 and (ii) declare a gross distribution of dividends as follows: - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.875 Million on the basis of USD 6.5 per share. - To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares a total of USD 17.5 Million on the basis of USD 7 per share. - To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares a total of USD 19.25 Million on the basis of USD 7 per share. - To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 331.4 Billion on the basis of LBP 829.125 per share. Dividends will be paid through Midclear S.A.L (after deduction of the withholding tax at the rate of 10% where applicable) starting April 18, 2019 for the holders of shares as at April 17, 2019 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L., with Monday April 15, 2019 being the Ex-dividend date.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday April 12, 2019:
BLOM Bank SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Wednesday April 10, 2019:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Monday, April 15, 2019 the Lebanese Republic Eurobond Issue labeled Series number 70, worth USD /500,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 5.50% and maturing on April 23, 2019. Circular 480/2019
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday April 4, 2019:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the Board of Directors’ Report addressed to the Annual General Assembly of Shareholders of April 17, 2019.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday April 4, 2019:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2018.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Thursday April 4, 2019:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the Auditors’ Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday April 2, 2019:
BLOM Bank SAL publishes the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Meeting of April 16, 2019.
BLC Bank S.A.L. -Friday March 29, 2019:
In reference to the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. of December 17, 2018 that decided to redeem and cancel all the /350,000/ Series C preferred shares for a price of USD /103/ per share, and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /350,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank, and in reference to the approval of Banque Du Liban on the aforementioned resolutions, and in reference to the announcement issued by the bank on March 28, 2019 that fix the record date on April 03, 2019; the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-free shares distribution date of BLC common shares is Monday, April 01, 2019 . (Circular: 479/2019)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 26, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Byblos Bank SAL has the pleasure to announce to its shareholders that it resolved in its meeting held on 22 March 2019, to propose to the Ordinary General Assembly convened to meet on 17 April 2019 at the Bank’s Headquarters, the distribution of dividends for the year 2018 as follows For Common Shareholders: LBP 212 per share (before withholding tax of 10%) For Preferred Shareholders: Class 2008: USD 8 per share; (before withholding tax of 10%) Class 2009: USD 8 per share; (before withholding tax of 10%) Subject to the Ordinary General Assembly’s approval such dividends will be paid on or about 25 April 2019 after deducting the 10% withholding tax, to shareholders as at 24 April 2019 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders: LBP 212 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting withholding tax of 10% and other expenses starting 2 May 2019.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 26, 2019:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 17 April 2019, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: • To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2018. • To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2018. • To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2018 and on the allocation of its results. • To advise on the discharge of the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2018. • To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2018 and on the contractual terms of the Board members and the senior officers of the Bank, and the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2019 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the Auditors. • To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2019 and the directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2019. • Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2018, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2018, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 26, 2019:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 17 April 2019, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: • To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2018. • To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2018. • To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2018 and the allocation of its results. • To discharge the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2018. • To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2018 and the contractual terms of the Board members and the senior officers of the Bank, and to authorize the Board members in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2019 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the Auditors. • To determine the auditors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2019 and the Board of Directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2019. • Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2018, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2018, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of shareholders, will be made available to the shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 26, 2019:
The Board of Directors of BLOM BANK S.A.L invites the shareholders to attend the annual General Assembly Meeting which will be held at noon on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the Bank’s headquarters in Beirut, Verdun, Rashid Karami Street, BLOM BANK S.A.L. building (bloc A – 7th floor) to deliberate in the following items on the agenda (Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday March 26, 2019:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday April 12, 2019 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2018 and to examine the following agenda:
(Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday March 26, 2019:
March 22, 2019
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated February 25, 2019 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and Bank of New York Mellon, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share, nominal value L.L. 1,670 per common share (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement.
(Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 22, 2019:
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2018.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 22, 2019:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2018 (the “Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and the Management Discussion & Analysis is available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary
Bank Audi sal, Audi Plaza – Bab Idriss. PO. Box 11-2560. Beirut - Lebanon
The Annual Report can also be downloaded from the Company’s website http://www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link: https://www.bankaudigroup.com/Library/Assets/AnnualReport2018.pdf
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 22, 2019:
In its meeting held on March 20, 2019, the Board of Directors of Bank Audi S.A.L resolved to propose to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly the distribution of a dividend of LBP 829.125 per common share. Subject to the General Assembly's approval, such dividends will be paid, after deduction of applicable taxes, on or about April 18, 2019 to holders of common shares as at April 17, 2019 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L (The Central Depository).
Feast of Annunciation – Monday March 25, 2019:
On the occasion of the Feast of Annunciation, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, March 25, 2019.
Notice of change in office hours
Effective Monday, March 18, 2019 Beirut Stock Exchange’s office hours will be as follows: Monday till Friday: from 08:00 till 15:30. Saturday and Sunday: days off. N.B. The new office hours will not affect trading hours.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday February 20, 2019:
Bank Audi S.A.L. (the "Company") announces that a new deposit agreement (amended and restated Regulation S and Rule 144A Deposit Agreement relating to a Deposit Agreement originally dated 23 October 1997, as amended and restated on 10 May 2010) (the "Agreement") for the issuance of global depositary receipts (the "GDR Programme") with The Bank of New York Mellon shall become effective from 25 February 2019 (with certain amendments to the existing Deposit Agreement taking effect on the date which is three months from 25 February 2019). The Bank of New York Mellon replaces Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas as Depositary under the Agreement effective from 25 February 2019. The custodian (the “Custodian”) under the GDR Programme, Bank Audi S.A.L. shall also be replaced by Midclear S.A.L. with effect from 25 February 2019. (Read more)
Memorial Day of P.M. R. Hariri- Thursday February 14, 2019:
On the occasion of the Memorial Day of the assassination of H.E. former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday February 14, 2019.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Thursday January 17, 2019:
BLC Bank SAL announces that on 11/1/2019 the below listed block trades were registered with the Beirut Stock Exchange in relation to the ordinary common shares of the Bank, whereby each of Holding M. Sehnaoui SAL, Silver Capital Holding SAL, Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Walid Ziade and Ms. Youmna Ziade, transferred their entire participation in the share-capital of the Bank, after having received the approval of the Central Council of Banque du Liban on November 28, 2018 on such transfers. The registered trades are as follows: 1. Transfer by Holding M. Sehnaoui SAL of 21.365.000 listed ordinary common shares to BLC Bank SAL representing 10% of the share-capital of the Bank, at a price of US$2.37 per shares i.e. US$50.605.000 in aggregate. 2. Transfer by Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Walid Ziade, Ms. Youmna Ziade, Silver Capital Holding SAL and Holding M. Sehnaoui SAL of 18.857.254 listed ordinary common shares to Fransabank SAL representing 8.83% of the share-capital of the Bank, at a price of US$2.4. per shares i.e. US$45.819.895 in aggregate, as part of one block trade. In addition, outside the Beirut Stock Exchange, Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Walid Ziade, Ms. Youmna Ziade, Silver Capital Holding SAL and Holding M. Sehnaoui SAL transferred 9,546,628 unlisted ordinary common shares to Fransabank SAL representing 4.47% of the share-capital of the Bank. To note that the transfer of ownership of the guarantee shares owned by each of Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Walid Ziade and Ms. Youmna Ziade, amounting to 3,000 shares in the name of Fransabank SAL will be effected following the approval of the 2018 accounts by BLC Bank SAL shareholders’ meeting. Further to these operations, Fransabank SAL now owns 81.87% of the share-capital of BLC Bank SAL and each of Holding M. Sehnaoui SAL, Silver Capital Holding SAL, Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Walid Ziade and Ms. Youmna Ziade are no longer shareholders in BLC Bank SAL.
Arab Economic & Soc. Development Summit
In reference to the Prime Minister administrative memorandum to close all state institutions on January 18, 2019 on the occasion of convening the 2019 Arab Economic and Social Development Summit in Beirut, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the date mentioned here above. Trading will be resumed on Monday, January 21, 2019.
Solidere SAL- Wednesday January 16, 2019:
إعلان صادر عن شركة سوليدير
عرضت محطّة ال MTV التي نكنّ لها كل إحترام لمصداقيتها ومهنيتها العالية في نشرة الأخبار تاريخ 14 كانون الثاني 2019 وتم إعادة عرضها في نشرات الأخبار تاريخ 15 كانون الثاني 2019 تقريرا يستنتج أن "شركة سوليدير في أزمة مالية خطرة وأن مستقبل الشركة في خطر". وبهذا الصدد فإن شركة سوليدير وحرصا منها على مصداقية محطة ال MTV وعلى تبيان الحقيقة وضحض الإشاعات التي تستهدف شركة من أكبر الشركات العقارية في المنطقة، تنفي نفيا قاطعا (For Full Report)
Armenian Christmas Day – Monday January 07, 2019:
On the occasion of the Armenian Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, January 07, 2019.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Friday December 28, 2018:
The holders of BLC Bank Preferred shares Series E attended an Extraordinary General Meeting on Monday, December 17, 2018, at the Bank's Head Office and decided to: i) adopt the By-Laws of the Body of holders of Preferred Shares Series E. ii) Nominate Mr. Youssef Ali Youssef Audi as representative of the Body. (By-Laws of the Body of holders of Preferred Shares Series E - Arabic)
New Year Holiday – Dec 31, 2018 & Jan 01, 2019.
On the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, December 31, 2018 and on Tuesday, January 01, 2019. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, January 02, 2019.
Christmas – Tuesday December 25, 2018:
On the occasion of Christmas, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, December 25, 2018.
Solidere SAL- Monday December 24, 2018:
On November 29, 2018 the following two transactions on Solidere B have been executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange: I- Seller Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL / Buyer SGBL Insurance SAL / Quantity 1,000,000 / Price per share $6.68. II - Seller Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL / Buyer SGBL Insurance SAL / Quantity 1,000,000 / Price per share $6.69. Likewise, on November 30, 2018 the following transaction on Solidere A has been executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange: Seller Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL / Buyer SGBL Insurance SAL / Quantity 1,500,000 / Price per share $6.88. The new ownership percentage of the two parties in the share capital of Solidere SAL becomes as follow: Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL: 13,000,000 shares; 7.88% of Solidere’s capital. SGBL Insurance SAL: 3,500,000 shares; 2.12% of Solidere’s capital. The above transactions represent a reallocation of the investments of the Group of Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL in the capital of Solidere SAL.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Monday December 17, 2018:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. held a meeting on December 17, 2018 and decided to cancel the /350,000/ Series C preferred shares and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /350,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free, to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank. In addition, the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to grant the Chairman / General Manager the necessary powers to execute the distribution of the free common shares and to determine the related record date. Finally, the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to amend the Bank’s By-Laws to reflect the foregoing decisions and declared that entry into effect of these resolutions is subject to the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon. Minutes of Meeting - Arabic
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday December 4, 2018:
The Board of Directors of the BLC Bank S.A.L. invites the holders of preferred shares series E to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting dedicated to holders of series E preferred shares to be held at 10:00 on Monday, December 17, 2018 at the Bank’s head office in Beirut, Addlieh, to discuss the following agenda: - Draft the By-Laws of the assembly of holders of preferred shares series E. - Nominate a representative of the assembly - Other Topics.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday December 4, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 on Monday, December 17, 2018, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut to discuss the following agenda: - Redeem and cancel the Series “C” Preferred Shares, issue free nominal common shares to keep the Capital unchanged and amend the Bank’s By- Laws accordingly. - Grant the Board of Directors and/or the Chairman the necessary powers to execute the decisions of the Extraordinary General Assembly with the right to delegate part or all of these powers. - Other topics.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Thursday November 29, 2018:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of BLC Bank SAL convened on November 19, 2018 and resolved to elect Me. Ziyad Baroud as a member of the Board of Directors for the remainder of the current mandate of the Board (that will end upon the approval of the accounts of the year 2018). Minutes of Meeting
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Thursday November 15, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Wednesday, November 21, 2018 the Lebanese Republic Eurobond Issue labeled Series number 62, worth EUR /445,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 5.35% and maturing on November 28, 2018. Circular 476/2018
Holidays – November 20 & 22, 2018.
On the occasion of the Prophet’s Birthday, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, November 20, 2018. Likewise, on the occasion of the Independence Day, there will be no trading at the BSE on Thursday, November 22, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L. - Thursday November 08, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank SAL invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Ordinary General Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, November 19, 2018 at the Bank’s Head Office in order to examine the following agenda: To elect an new member to the Board of Directors.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Tuesday October 30, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Tuesday, November 06, 2018 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 56, worth USD /1,025,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 5.15% and maturing on November 12, 2018. Circular 475/2018
Bank of Beirut S.A.L – Friday October 26, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of October 31, 2018, additional /3,050,000/ common shares issued through a private placement by Bank of Beirut SAL. These shares will be added to the previously listed shares; therefore the total number of listed common shares of Bank of Beirut SAL becomes /20,796,417/ common listed shares. Note that the Bank’s share capital is composed as follows: /56,234,900/ common shares (20,796,417 shares are listed and 35,438,483 are not listed), 4,762,000 priority shares (100% listed), 3,570,000 preferred shares series G (not listed), 5,400,000 preferred shares series H (100% listed), 5,000,000 preferred shares series I (100% listed), 3,000,000 preferred shares series J (100% listed) and 4,000,000 preferred shares series K (100% listed) (Circular 474/2018).
BLC Bank S.A.L- Wednesday October 24, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the /263,510/ Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable Preferred Shares Series E issued by BLC Bank SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Holders of Series E Preferred Shares will receive annual distribution of 7.00% of the issue price (USD 100 per share), adjusted on a pro rata basis for the year 2018 to reflect the period from the issue date till the end of the year. Trading is scheduled to start on Monday, October 29, 2018. (Circular 473/2018)
Bank Audi S.A.L – Monday October 22, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the 1,500,000 Series G Preferred Shares issued by Bank Audi SAL from the official market of the stock exchange, as the Bank completed the cancelation processes of these shares; and took note of the Bank’s capital increase that is now LBP 677,601,170,680 divided into 405,749,204 common and preferred shares having a nominal value of LBP 1670 per share. (Circular 472/2018)
Bank Audi S.A.L – Thursday October 18, 2018:
Resolution adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of October 17, 2018:
Sole resolution: Confirmation of the adequate implementation of the cancelation of the Series “G” Preferred Shares and the accompanying increase of the Bank’s share capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to L.L. 1,670; and granting discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of activities related to the cancellation and capital increase. (Read more)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Friday October 12, 2018:
During the months of August and September 2018, BANORABE S.A SPF purchased, after getting the proper approval of Banque Du Liban, 1,273,455 common shares of BLOM Bank SAL for a total value of USD 11,750,920. The new ownership percentage of BANORABE S.A SPF in the share capital of the Bank becomes 17.89%.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L – Friday October 05, 2018:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL held a meeting on September 26, 2018 and resolved to: approve the adequate subscription of HPG Urban Developments Pty Ltd in all the 3,050,000 new common shares issued by the Bank; declare that the Bank’s capital is now LBP119,671,674,000 fully paid; and elect HPG Urban Developments Pty Ltd as board member for the remainder of the current Board’s mandate. (Minutes of Meeting)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L – Monday October 01, 2018:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL held a meeting on April 10, 2018 and decided to increase the capital of the Bank from LBP/115,218,674,000/ to LBP/119,671,674,000/ through the issuance of /3,050,000/ new common shares, with a nominal value of LBP /1,460/ per common share and an issue price of USD/18.80/ per share. The Extraordinary General Assembly also decided to reserve the right to subscribe for the capital increase to a new investor “HPG Urban Developments Pty Ltd” and to list all of the new /3,050,000/ common shares in the official market of the Beirut Stock Exchange. (Minutes of Meeting)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday September 28, 2018:
September 27, 2018
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated May 10, 2010 (the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”) and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share of the Bank with a nominal value LBP 1,663 per common share (each a “Common Share”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement. (Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday September 28, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday October 17, 2018 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: The verification of the adequate implementation of the first resolution adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders held on July 27, 2018 in connection with the cancellation of the Series “G” Preferred Shares and the accompanying increase of the Bank’s share capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to L.L. 1,670; and the discharge of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of activities related to the Cancellation and Capital Increase.
Achoura – Thursday September 20, 2018:
On the occasion of Achoura, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, September 20, 2018.
Beirut Stock Exchange –Thursday September 13, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange reminds all Lebanese Joint Stock Companies – SAL – (including holding and off-shore companies) with capital above five hundred thousand Lebanese pounds by virtue of article 3 of the legislative decree No. 120/83 and by virtue of article 197 of the by-laws of the Beirut Stock Exchange, implemented by decree No. 7667 dated 16/12/1995, which consider these companies members in the Stock Exchange. Consequently, every member is incumbent to an annual membership fee equivalent to USD /100/ (One hundred USD) in Lebanese Pounds. The Beirut Stock Exchange requests all members to settle their annual fee for the year 2018 and any other overdue fees before 29/12/2018. Every member who fails to pay the due annual fees shall pay a fine equivalent to five-fold the membership fee, as per article 198 of the by-laws. Members abiding by the content of this circular within the time limit specified above will be exempted from the default fine. Payment should be done by submitting a check to the order of Beirut Stock Exchange either: - At the head office of the Beirut Stock Exchange-Azarieh Street, Azarieh Bldg. Block 01, 4th floor – during the official office hours. - Or by calling the BSE administration at phone No. 01-993555, before 15/12/2018 to send one of its representatives to collect the check, against an official receipt. (Circular 471/2018)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L – Monday September 10, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Bank Of Beirut SAL invites all shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at 10:000 on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at the Bank Head Office located at Foch Street, Beirut Downtown to examine the following agenda: - Verification of the completion of the procedures for the increase of the Bank’s capital from LBP//115,218,674,000// to LBP //119,671,674,000//. - Declaration that the capital of the Bank is now LBP//119,671,674,000//. - Other topics.
Hegria New Year – Tuesday September 11, 2018:
On the occasion of Hegria New Year, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, September 11, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.
Eid Al Adha – August 21st till August 23rd, 2018:
On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Tuesday, August 21, 2018 till Thursday, August 23, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Friday, August 24, 2018.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday August 17, 2018:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi sae (Egypt), has published its financial statements as at and for the period ended June 30, 2018.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@bankaudi.com.lb.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday August 16, 2018:
On August 13, 2018 the extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank SAL resumed the meeting which started on August 06, 2018 and resolved to approve the adequate completion of all actions and procedures undertaken to increase the Bank’s capital from LBP 214,750,000,000 to LBP 215,013,510,000 through the issuance of 263,510 new “Series E” preferred shares having an issue price of USD 100 per share, of which LBP 1000 represent the par value of each share. The Extraordinary General Assembly also granted discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of all activities relating to the capital increase and adopted the amended text of article 6 of the Bank’s By-Laws as stated in the minutes of meeting of the extraordinary general assembly of May 10, 2018. (Minutes of the Meeting – Arabic)
Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Wednesday August 15, 2018:
On the occasion of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Tuesday August 7, 2018
The shareholders of BLC Bank SAL held an Extraordinary General Assembly on August 06, 2018. Upon the request of all present shareholders and in accordance with the provisions of article 190 of the code of commerce, it was decided to postpone the meeting till August 13, 2018 at 11:00.
(Minutes of the Meeting – Arabic)
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Friday August 3, 2018
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. publishes its Separate Audited Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended December 31, 2017. Report can be accessed by using the following URL:
http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/Rymco Sepreate FS 20171231.pdf
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Friday August 3, 2018
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. held on August 02, 2018 resolved to approve the financial statements of the company for the year ended December 31, 2017 and declared a gross dividend distribution of LBP /2,265,900,000/; LBP /83/ per share before distribution tax. Dividends will be paid (after deduction of the withholding tax) starting January 15, 2019 for the holders of Series B common shares as at January 11, 2019 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear. Shares will trade ex-dividend starting January 9, 2019 (Ex-dividend date).
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday July 30, 2018:
First resolution: Cancellation of all the Series “G” Preferred Shares and increase of the Bank’s Capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual Share up to LL 1,670:
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders resolves to (i) cancel all of the 1,500,000 outstanding Series “G” Preferred Shares and substitute their nominal value (aggregating LL 2,494,500,000) in the Capital of the Bank through a simultaneous incorporation of an equivalent amount from the free reserves, concomitantly with the cancellation, and (ii) for the avoidance of residual amounts in the nominal value of the Share pursuant to the aforementioned cancellation of the Series “G” Preferred Shares, increase the Bank’s Capital to become L.L. 677,601,170,680 hence an increase of L.L. 345,744,428 through the incorporation of an aggregate amount of L.L. 2,840,244,428 from the free reserves (representing the nominal value of the cancelled Series “G” Preferred Shares and the capital increase), all resulting in a nominal value of each individual Share of L.L. 1,670. (Read more)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday July 30, 2018
During the months of June and July 2018 (till July 26, 2018) BANORABE S.A SPF purchased, after getting the proper approval of Banque Du Liban, 678,663 common shares of BLOM Bank SAL for a total value of USD 7,081,966 and sold 182,393 BLOM Bank GDRs for a value of USD 1,916,981. The new ownership percentage of BANORABE S.A SPF in the share capital of the Bank becomes 17.86%.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Friday July 27, 2018
BLC Bank S.A.L. informs holders of Series C and Series D preferred shares that the time limit to exercise the priority right to subscribe in the new Series E preferred shares starts on July 28/2018 and ends on August 01, 2018. Holders of preferred shares willing to subscribe in the Series E preferred shares should submit a subscription application at any BLC branch.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Friday July 27, 2018
BLC Bank S.A.L. informs applicants who signed requests to subscribe in Preferred Shares Series E that copies of the prospectus and the prospectus’ Appendix related to this new issue are available in the Headquarters of the Bank and in all its branches. Applicants can get a copy of the prospectus and the prospectus’ Appendix during regular working hours starting July 28, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Tuesday July 24, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. held a meeting on June 20, 2018 and decided to suggest to the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders to redeem and cancel all the /350,000/ Preferred Shares Series C for a price of USD /103/ per share, and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /350,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank. Furthermore, the Board of Directors grants the Chairman the necessary power to carry out all formalities to redeem the Series C preferred shares, to pay the redemption price, to fix the payment date and to distribute the free common shares. (Minutes of Meeting - Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L- Monday July 23, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at 11:00 am on Monday, August 06, 2018, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, to discuss the following agenda: - Verify the adequate completion of the procedure for the increase in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of Series E Preferred shares. - Adopt the amendments of some articles of the By-Laws to reflect the Capital increase. - Other topics
BLC Bank S.A.L- Friday July 20, 2018:
BLC Bank S.A.L publishes the Minutes of Meeting of the General Assembly of shareholders held on June 27, 2018. (Minutes of Meeting)
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Friday July 13, 2018:
In reference to the announcement issued by Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL relating to the decision of the Annual General Assembly of shareholders of July 10, 2018 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at July 17, 2018 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares of Ciments Blancs SAL is Friday, July 13, 2018.
S L des Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Friday July 13, 2018:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on July 10, 2018 relating to the distribution of the 2017 dividends, Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL announces that dividends set at LBP /666/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 23, 2018 for the holders of shares as at July 17, 2018 (Record date) as follows: -Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive dividends through “Midclear”. - Holders of bearer shares should exchange their bearer shares into nominative shares, before November 03, 2018, in order to receive dividends.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 10, 2018:
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated May 10, 2010 (the“Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”) and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share of the Bank with a nominal value LL 1,663 per common share (each, a “Common Share”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement.
(Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 10, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday July 27, 2018 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda:
The cancellation of the Series “G” Preferred Shares and increase of the Bank’s capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to LL 1,670;
The amendment of the Bank’s By-Laws, including, in particular articles 6 and 8, in order to reflect the foregoing;
The submission of the actions described in items 1and 2 for approval by the Central Bank of Lebanon; and
The granting to the Chairman of the Board of Directors (acting singly) or any 2 Directors – General Managers (acting jointly) of the necessary powers in order to implement the foregoing resolutions.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Friday July 6, 2018:
In reference to the announcement issued by Holcim (Liban) SAL relating to the decision of the Annual General Assembly of shareholders of July 03, 2018 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at July 23, 2018 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares of Holcim (Liban) SAL is Thursday, July 19, 2018. (Circular 469/2018)
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Wednesday July 4, 2018:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on July 3, 2018 relating to the distribution of the 2017 dividends, Holcim (Liban) SAL announces that dividends set at LBP /3870/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 30, 2018 for the holders of shares as at July 23, 2018 (Record date) as follows: -Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive dividends through “Midclear”. - Holders of bearer shares should exchange their bearer shares into nominative shares, before November 03, 2018, in order to receive dividends.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Tuesday July 3, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. invites the shareholders of the Company to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Company’s Headquarters to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s General and Special reports for the year 2017. - Examine the Auditors’ General and Special reports for the year 2017. - Approve the accounts of the year 2017 and allocate the results. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for the year 2017. – Approve the operations that occurred between the Company and some Board members during the year 2017 and give prior authorization to the Board members according to articles 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Give prior authorization to the Board members according to articles 159 of the Code of Commerce. Give the Board of Directors the authorization to take credits from banks. - Empower the company to guarantee United Automotive Agency SAL. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman and Directors for the year 2018. - Appoint the External Auditor for the year 2018 and fix his remuneration. – Other topics.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 3, 2018:
In reference to the decision of the Board of Directors of Bank Audi SAL relating to the redemption of all Series G preferred shares within a period of 60 days following June 21, 2018, and in reference to the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon on the above stated decision and upon the request of the Bank to cease trading in Series G Preferred shares, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to cease trading in Bank Audi Series G Preferred Shares as of the beginning of the trading session of Thursday July 05, 2018. (Circular 468/2018)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 3, 2018:
BANK AUDI ANNOUNCES ITS INTENTION TO REDEEM AND CANCEL THE SERIES G PREFERRED SHARES. For immediate release -Bank Audi announces its intention to redeem and cancel all the 1,500,000 outstanding Non-Cumulative Redeemable Series G Preferred Shares of the Bank issued in June 2013. The redemption is expected to take place on or around 10 July 2018. This announcement is for information only. For further information: Corporate Secretariat Farid Lahoud Group Corporate Secretary Corporate.secretary@bankaudi.com.lb
Solidere SAL- Monday July 2, 2018:
As the Ordinary General Assembly was invited to meet for the first time on June 29, 2018 but the quorum wasn’t reached, a second meeting is scheduled to be held at 9:30 am on July 23, 2018 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown to discuss the following agenda- Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2017. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2017. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2017 and determine the dividends. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2017. –Elect new Board members. – Assign new Auditors and fix their remunerations. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday August 13, 2018 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday June 29, 2018:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the minutes of meeting of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 20, 2018. (Minutes of the meeting)
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Thursday June 28, 2018:
On June 27, 2018, Shift Holding SAL bought, through a Block Trade, all the /222,222/ common shares class B of Mr. Samer Chawaf in Rasamy Younis Motor Co. at a price of USD 3.00 per share and for a total amount of USD 666,666.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Friday June 22, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting at 10 am on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at the Company’s Headquarters in Chekka to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the financial statements for the year 2017 and grant discharge to the Board of Directors. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report for the year 2017. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report for the year 2017. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Designate the External Auditors for the year 2018 and fix their remunerations. - Distribute dividends. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions. Owners of bearer shares who have not yet transfer their shares into nominative shares pursuant to Law 75/2016 must transfer their shares in order to be registered in the Company's registers at least seven days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
Eid Al Fitr - Friday 15 & Saturday 16 June 2018:
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, June 15, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Tuesday June 12, 2018:
BLC Bank issued the following statement: BLC Bank’s Board of Directors held a meeting on Wednesday June 6, 2018 at the Bank’s head office upon the invitation of the Chairman & General Manager Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui. Mr. Sehnaoui submitted his resignation from the chairmanship and membership of the Board of Directors. As a result, the board elected unanimously Messrs.: - Nadim Adel Kassar as Chairman General Manager. - Nabil Adel Kassar as Deputy Chairman. - Bassam Farid Hassan as General Manager, CEO. After accepting the Board’s chairmanship, Mr. Nadim Kassar expressed his gratitude to the efforts that Mr. Sehnaoui has deployed throughout his years of service and to his dedication and contribution to BLC Bank, wishing the new management the best in its mission to grow the Bank and promote a healthy evolution (Minutes of the meeting).
BLC Bank S.A.L- Monday June 11, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 am on Wednesday June 27, 2018, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Elect New Board of Directors - Other topics
Solidere SAL- Friday June 8, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday June 29, 2018 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2017. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2017. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2017 and determine the dividends. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2017. - Elect members to the Board of Directors and determine their remuneration. –Designate the Auditors and determine their fees. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday July 23, 2018 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday, August 13, 2018 at Sea Side, Beirut Waterfront, Downtown.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Thursday June 7, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m., on Tuesday, July 03, 2018 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2017 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2017. - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2017. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2017. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2018 and fix their fees. Distribute Dividends. - Give the members of the Board the authorization stipulated in article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of nominative shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks must record their names in the Company’s register at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions. Owners of bearer shares who have not yet transfer their shares into nominative shares pursuant to Law 75/2016 must transfer their shares in order to be registered in the Company's registers at least five days prior to the meeting and should present a certificate of deposit and blocking of the nominative shares from the approved banking institutions.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday June 7, 2018:
BLC Bank S.A.L. publishes: the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of May 31, 2018.
Banque Bemo S.A.L. - Friday June 1, 2018:
Banque BEMO S.A.L. publishes: the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of May 28, 2018
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday May 31, 2018:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on May 31, 2018 and resolved to approve the bank’s accounts for the year 2017. The General Assembly declared distribution of dividends as follows: I - Dividends before distribution tax ( 10%): Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.75 per share. Preferred Shares Class D: USD 6.75 per share. II - Dividends net of distribution tax ( 10%): Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.075 per share. Preferred Shares Class D: USD 6.075 per share. III - Important dates: 06 June 2018: Dividend record date. 04 June 2018: Ex-dividend date. 07 June 2018: Dividend payment date.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Thursday May 31, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Wednesday 06/06/2018, the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 65, worth USD /700,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 5,15% and maturing on 12/06/2018. (Circular 467/2018)
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Tuesday May 29, 2018:
In Reference to the announcement issued by Banque BEMO SAL relating to the distribution of dividends for the holders of shares on record as at June 04, 2018, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of Banque BEMO's shares is Thursday, May 31, 2018. (Circular: 466/2018)
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Monday May 28, 2018
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. convened on May 28, 2018 and approved the distribution of dividends for the year 2017 amounting to LBP 9,792 million as follows: To Holders of Common Shares - LBP 100 per share (LBP 90 net of 10% distribution tax). To Holders of Preferred Shares Class 2013 - USD 7.00 per share (USD 6.30 net of 10% distribution tax). Dividends will be paid starting June 12, 2018 after deducting the 10% distribution tax, for the holders of Common and Preferred shares as at June 4, 2018 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
Resistance and Liberation Day –Friday May 25, 2018
On the occasion of Resistance and Liberation Day there will
be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday May 25, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L - Monday May 14, 2018:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank SAL convened on May 10, 2018 and decided to increase the capital of the Bank from LBP 214,750,000,000 to LBP 215,013,510,000 through the issuance of /263,510/ new non-cumulative, redeemable, perpetual preferred Shares to be labeled Series E Preferred Shares. These shares shall have a par value of LBP 1,000 each and an issue price of USD 100 per share. Holders of Series C Preferred Shares and Series D Preferred Shares will have the right to subscribe, on a priority basis, to the issue of Series E preferred shares, pro rata to their holdings of Series C and Series D Preferred shares. Holders of Series E Preferred Shares will receive non-cumulative annual distribution of 7% of the issue price (subject to 10% withholding tax), adjusted on a pro rata basis for the year 2018 to reflect the period from the issue date till the end of the year. The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders also decided to list all of the /263,510/ Series E Preferred Shares in the regulated financial markets and to amend article 6 of the Bank’s By-Laws to reflect the foregoing. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L - Friday May 11, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 am on Thursday May 31, 2018, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2017. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the fiscal year 2017. - Give proper authorizations as per Articles 158 &159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the Bank’s accounts of the fiscal year 2017. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Other topics.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L – Tuesday May 08, 2018:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL convened on May 04, 2018 and resolved to approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2017. The General Assembly declared distribution of dividends as follows: Preferred Shares: A gross amount of USD /37,696,625/ distributed as follows: - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /8,434,125/; USD 2.3625 per share before tax (10%). - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /9,450,000/; USD 1.75 per share before tax (10%). - To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /8,437,500/; USD 1.6875 per share before distribution tax (10%). - To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /4,875,000/; USD 1.6250 per share before distribution tax (10%). - To Holders of Series “K” Preferred Shares: A total of USD /6,500,000/; USD 1.6250 per share before distribution (10%). Priority Shares Class 2014: Priority dividends of USD /4,000,080/; USD 0.84 per share before distribution tax (10%). Common Shares: A gross amount of LBP /66,638,935,000/ for holders of Common Shares including holders of Priority shares Class 2014; LBP 1,150 per share before distribution tax (10%). Dividends will be paid through Midclear SAL starting May 17, 2018 for the holders of shares as at May 11, 2018 (Record Date). The Ex-dividend date is May 09, 2018.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Thursday May 03, 2018:
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 9:00 am on Monday, May 28, 2018 at the Bank’s Head Office, Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg. 7th Floor to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general report for the year 2017. - Examine the Auditors’ report for the year 2017. - Examine the Board of Director’s special report and the Auditors’ special report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2017 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2017. - Elect a new Board of Directors. - Grant discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the year 2017. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman, General Manager for the year 2018. - Fix the remunerations of the Board of Directors for the year 2018. - Fix the remunerations of the External Auditors. - Other topics. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the Bank’s Head Office 15 days prior to the Ordinary General Assembly.
Days offs- May 4 & 7, 2018:
In reference to the memorandum issued by Prime Minister that stipulates the closure of all official institutions and administrations on Friday, May 04, 2018 and Monday May 07, 2018 on the occasion of holding the 2018 parliamentary elections, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that there will be no trading on the above mentioned days. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday May 08, 2018.
Labor Day – Tuesday May 01, 2018:
On the occasion of Labor Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, May 01, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday, May 02, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Tuesday April 24, 2018:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, to discuss the following agenda: - The increase of the Bank’s capital through the issuance of new Preferred Shares to be labeled Series “E” Preferred Shares and to identify the value, terms and details of this increase. - The listing of the new Series “E” Preferred Shares on the regulated financial markets. - The amendement of the Bank’s By-Laws accordingly. - Other topics
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday April 20, 2018:
In reference to the announcement issued by Byblos Bank S.A.L. related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 20, 2018 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at April 25, 2018 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares of Byblos Bank S.A.L. is Monday, April 23, 2018. (Circular: 465/2018)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday April 20, 2018:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly held on 20 April 2018 at the Bank’s Headquarters, approved the distribution of dividends for the year 2017 as follows: For Common Shareholders - LBP 212 per share (LBP 190.8 net of 10% withholding tax). For Preferred Shareholders - Class 2008: USD 8 per share; (USD 7.2 net of 10% withholding tax). - Class 2009: USD 8 per share; (USD 7.2 net of 10% withholding tax). Such dividends will be paid on or about 26 April 2018 after deducting the 10% withholding tax, to shareholders as at 25 April 2018 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders - LBP 212 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, on or about 02 May 20218 after deducting the 10% withholding tax and other expenses.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L - Friday April 20, 2018:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 10 a.m., on Friday, May 4, 2018, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2017. - Approve the Auditors' reports for the fiscal year 2017. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts of the fiscal year 2017. - Appropriate the profits of the year 2017. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the fiscal year 2017. - Give the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and in article 152 of the Code of Cash and credit. - Other subjects.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday April 17, 2018:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes: the Report of the Board of Directors addressed to the Annual General Assembly of April 20, 2018.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday April 11, 2018
Notice to Shareholders related to dividends distribution for fiscal year 2017
BLOM BANK S.A.L. is pleased to inform the Bank’s Shareholders that the Annual Ordinary General Assembly convened on April 11, 2018 at the Bank’s Headquarters and approved the accounts of the Bank for 2017, as well as the distribution of dividends amounting to LBP 364,338,205 thousand to Holders of Common Listed Shares, at an amount of LBP 1,700 per share subject to the distribution tax of 10%.
Dividend payment is made through Midclear S.A.L., starting 17 April, 2018 for the holders of Common Listed Shares according to the records of Midclear S.A.L as at 16 April, 2018 (Record Date), with Thursday 12 April, 2018 being the Ex-dividend date.
Regarding BLOM GDR Holders, dividends are expected to be settled by BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON starting from 24 April, 2018.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday April 11, 2018:
In reference to the announcement issued by Bank Audi SAL relating to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 10, 2018 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at April 13, 2018 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares of Bank Audi SAL is Wednesday, April 11, 2018. (Circular 464/2018)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday April 11, 2018:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi sal convened on April 10, 2018 and resolved, among other things, to (i) approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2017 and (ii) declare a gross distribution of dividends as follows: - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares a total of USD 9 Million on the basis of USD 6 per share. - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.875 Million on the basis of USD 6.5 per share. - To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares a total of USD 17.5 Million on the basis of USD 7 per share. - To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares a total of USD 11 Million on the basis of USD 4 per share. - To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 331.4 Billion on the basis of LBP 829.125 per share. Dividends will be paid through Midclear S.A.L (after deduction of the withholding tax where applicable) starting April 16, 2018 for the holders of shares as at April 13, 2018 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
Orthodox Good Friday and Easter Holidays – April 06 & 09, 2018:
On the occasion of Orthodox Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the following days: Friday, April 06, 2018 and Monday, April 09, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday April 10, 2018
Bank Audi S.A.L- Saturday March 31, 2018:
Bank Audi SAL publishes the Auditors’ Special Report drafted according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce for the year ended December 31, 2017.
Good Friday and Easter Holidays– March 30 & April 2, 2018:
On the occasion of Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the following days: Friday, March 30, 2018 & Monday, April 2, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday April 3, 2018.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday March 29, 2018:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the 550,000 Series B preferred shares issued by BLC Bank SAL from the official market of the stock exchange, as the Bank completed the redemption process of these shares, and took note of the new structure of the Bank’s capital that is fixed to LBP 214,750,000,000 divided into two classes of shares: the class of common shares at a number of 213,650,000 common shares of which 71,033,333 are listed on the Beirut Stock Exchange; and the class of preferred shares at a number of 350,000 Series C preferred shares and 750,000 Series D preferred shares. The Series C and Series D preferred shares are listed on the Beirut Stock Exchange.
Circular 463/2018: http://www.bse.com.lb/portals/0/repository/463-2018.b9103413-13e8-4127-a10a-562eab2458b9.pdf
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday March 28, 2018:
Intention to Issue U.S. Dollar-denominated Certificates of Deposit
BLOM Bank s.a.l (the “Company”) today announces its intention to proceed with an issue of U.S. Dollar-denominated certificates of deposit (“Certificates”) and has obtained the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon in this respect. The Company intends to apply for admission to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s Regulated Market and listing on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Any offer of Certificates is subject to market conditions and a further announcement will be made in due course, if appropriate.
(Read more)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Moday March 26, 2018:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:30 a.m. on Friday, 20 April 2018, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2017. - To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2017. - To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2017 and on the allocation of its results. - To discharge the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2017. - To elect a new Board of Directors. - To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2017 and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2018 all the operations described in the special report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. - To appoint the Auditors for 2018, 2019 and 2020. - To determine the auditors’ remuneration and the Board of Directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2018. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2017, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2017, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of shareholders, will be made available to the shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Moday March 26, 2018:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 09:00 a.m. on Friday, 20 April 2018, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2017. - To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2017. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2017 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge of the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2017. - To advise on the election of a new Board of Directors. - To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2017 and on the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2018 all the operations described in the special report of both the Board of Directors and the Auditors. - To advise on the appointment of the Auditors for 2018, 2019 and 2020. - To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration and the directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2018. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2017, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2017, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Moday March 26, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Byblos Bank S.A.L. has the pleasure to announce to its shareholders that it resolved in its meeting held on 23 March 2018, to propose to the Ordinary General Assembly convened to meet on 20 April 2018 at the Bank’s Headquarters, the distribution of dividends for the year 2017 as follows: For Common Shareholders; LBP 212 per share (Before withholding tax). For Preferred Shareholders: - Class 2008; USD 8 per share (Before withholding tax). - Class 2009; USD 8 per share; (Before withholding tax). Subject to the Ordinary General Assembly’s approval, such dividends will be paid on or about 26 April 2018 after deducting the withholding tax, to shareholders as at 25 April 2018 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders; LBP 212 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting the withholding tax and other expenses starting 2 May 2018.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 23, 2018:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday April 10, 2018 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2017 and to examine the following agenda:
(Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 23, 2018:
In its meeting held on March 20, 2018, the Board of Directors of Bank Audi sal resolved to propose to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly the distribution of a dividend of LBP 829.125 per common share.
Subject to the General Assembly's approval, such dividends will be paid, after deduction of applicable taxes, on or about April 16, 2018 to holders of common shares as at April 13, 2018 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L (The Central Depository).
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 23, 2018:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2017 (the “Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and the Management Discussion & Analysis is available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary
Bank Audi sal
Audi Plaza - Bab Idriss
P.O. Box 11-2560
Beirut - Lebanon
The Annual Report can also be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link:
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 23, 2018:
March 22, 2018
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated May 10, 2010 (as may be amended from time to time, the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”)) and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, in its capacity as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share, nominal value L.L. 1,663 per common share (the “Common Shares”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement.
(Read more)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday March 21, 2018:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at the company's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Increase the Bank’s capital by issuing new common shares to be allocated to new shareholders. - Amend some articles of the Company’s by-laws to reflect the Capital increase. - Other subjects.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday March 19, 2018
The Board of Directors of BLOM Bank S.A.L took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 12.00 o’clock in Beirut- Lebanon at the Bank’s Headquarters at Verdun, BLOM Bank S.A.L building and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows: - Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s General Reports about the accounts stated on 31.12.2017. - Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s Special Reports according to article 158 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the accounts stated on 31.12.2017 and allocate the results of the financial year. - Give full and final discharge to the President and to the Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the President and of the Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the Group Secretary and the General Managers. - Fix the remunerations of the President of Blom Bank Group. - Grant the Board of Directors authorities according to the laws in force and especially relating to articles 158 and 159 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. - Grant the company the permit stated in article 158 of the Commerce Law and in article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. – Appoint Auditors for a period of three years. – Nominate a Honorary Director at the Board of Directors. - Any matters which could arise. The shareholders General Assembly will fix the dividends to be distributed, relating to the Financial year 2017; knowing that the Board of Directors proposed to the General Assembly of Shareholders to pay an amount of 1700 LL (less the tax) as dividend for each listed ordinary share as follows: Record Date April 16, 2018. Payment Date: April 17, 2018.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 16, 2018
EBRD invests in Bank Audi SAL launching its first Project in Lebanon (Read more)
Memorial Day of P.M. R. Hariri- Wednesday February 14, 2018:
On the occasion of the Memorial Day of the assassination of H.E. former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday February 14, 2018.
Saint Maroun's Day - Friday February 09, 2018:
On the Occasion of St. Maroun's Day, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, February 09, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Monday, February 12, 2018.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Thursday December 28, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the holders of Subordinated Notes issued by the bank to attend the founding General Assembly of bondholders to be held at 10:00 am on Monday, January 15, 2018 at the Bank headquarters’ in Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg- 7th Floor to discuss the following agenda: - Verify the full subscription in the Subordinated Notes. - Discuss the Assembly’s by-Laws. - Appoint the Assembly’s delegate. - Other topics.
New Year Holiday
Friday December 29, 2017 is the last trading day at the Beirut Stock Exchange in the year 2017.
On the occasion of New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, January 01, 2018. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, January 02, 2018. .
Christmas – Monday December 25, 2017:
On the occasion of Christmas, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, December 25, 2017.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Wednesday December 20, 2017:
In reference to the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. of September 12, 2017 that decided to redeem and cancel all the /550,000/ Series B preferred shares for a price of USD /103/ per share, and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /550,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank, and in reference to the letter addressed by the bank to the Beirut Stock Exchange on December 19, 2017 that fix the record date on December 26, 2017, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-free shares distribution date of BLC common shares is December 21, 2017 . (Circular: 461/2017)
• De-listing of a maturing Eurobond issue – Tuesday December 19, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Friday December 22, 2017 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 17 (Tranch 1 and 2) worth USD /2,007,511,000/ carrying an Interest rate of 4.00% and maturing on 31/12/2017. (Circular: 460/2017)
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond issue – Thursday December 7, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Tuesday December 12, 2017 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue worth LBP /1,500,000,000,000/ carrying an Interest rate of 7.90% and maturing on December 18, 2017. (Circular: 459/2017)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday December 06, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the /2,750,000/ Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable, Convertible Series (J) Preferred Shares, issued by Bank Audi SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Holders of Series (J) Preferred Shares will receive annual distribution of USD 4.00 for the year 2017 and USD 7.00 for the following years. Trading is scheduled to start on Thursday, December 07, 2017. (Circular# 458/2017)
Prophet’s Birthday – Thursday November 30, 2017:
There will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday November 30, 2017 on the occasion of the Prophet's Day
Broker Name Amendment- Friday November 24, 2017:
In reference to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Middle East Capital Group SAL dated June 1, 2017 and the decision of H.E. the Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon dated September 22, 2017, published in the Official Gazette number 55 on November 23, 2017, the name of Middle East Capital Group (M.E.C.G.) SAL has been amended to become: FNB Capital S.A.L.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday November 24, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Preferred Shares Series H to attend a General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, December 11, 2017 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: Appoint a new representative of the holders of Preferred Shares Series H.
Independence Day – Wednesday November 22, 2017:
On the occasion of the Independence Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Thursday November 16, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO SAL announces that the subscription in the new non-convertible, non-callable subordinated notes, bearing an interest of 7% (subject to tax) will take place at the Bank’s Headquarters from November 20, 2017 till November 29, 2017. (The Announcement in Arabic)
Arab Federation of Exchanges – Vacancy Announcement:
يعلن اتحاد البورصات العربية عن فتح باب تقديم الترشيح لشغل منصب امين عام اتحاد البورصات العربية الكائن مقره في بيروت – لبنان. حددت شروط الترشيح بما يلي: 1- أن يكون عمر المرشح ما بين 35 و60 عاماً بتاريخ تقدمه لشغل المنصب. 2- أن يحمل إحدى الجنسيات العربية. 3- أن تكون لديه خبرة لمدة لا تقل عن 15 (خمسة عشر) سنة في مجال أسواق المال العربية أو العالمية أو في المجالات الاقتصادية المرتبطة بأسواق المال. 4- أن يكون حاصلاً على شهادة جامعية في إحدى التخصصات المناسبة لشغل الوظيفة والمرتبطة بأسواق رأس المال. 5- أن يجيد إجادة تامة، اللغة العربية إضافة إلى اللغة الإنكليزية، كما أن معرفة اللغة الفرنسية تعتبر ميزة إضافية. 6- أن تكون لديه مهارات في مجال الإتصال بالغير والمحادثة والكتابة وإعداد التقارير والتنظيم وإدارة وقيادة الجهاز الإداري وتحفيز المستخدمين وأن يكون لديه حضور شخصي ومهني وأن يكون حسن السمعة لم يسبق أن حكم بجريمة مخلّة بالشرف والأمانة وان لا يكون قد حكم بإشهار إفلاسه. 7- أن يلتزم بممارسة مهامه كأمين عام متفرغ في بلد مقر الاتحاد الكائن في بيروت. 8- أن يتم التعاقد معه لمدة أربع سنوات قابلة للتجديد لمرة واحدة فقط باتفاق الطرفين مع إمكانية فسخ العقد من قبل الإتحاد في حال مخالفته للشروط الوظيفية التعاقدية وفقا للقوانين اللبنانية المرعية الاجراء. يقتضي بالراغب تقديم ملف ترشحه للمنصب المذكور على عنوان الاتحاد الالكتروني المشار اليه التالي: AFE-HR@arab-exchanges.org على ان يتضمن المستندات الأولية التالية: رسالة خطية تفيد برغبة المرشح بشغل المنصب وبأسباب ترشحه لهذا المنصب. السيرة الذاتية مدعمة بشهادات الخبرة. صورة فوتوغرافية حديثة للمرشح. صورة جواز سفر ساري المفعول. أية مستندات أو معلومات أخرى قد تطلبها اللجنة التنفيذية لاحقا. يفتح باب الترشح لغاية 21 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2017 ضمنا. اتحاد البورصات العربية الرئيس
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Thursday November 2, 2017:
In reference to the Beirut Stock Exchange (BSE) Circular Nb. 445/2017 dated June 15, 2017, relating to the transfer of the shares of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL (Hereinafter: "Ciments Blancs") from bearer type into nominative type following the issuance of law Nb. 75/2016 (Official Gazette Nb. 52 dated 3/11/2016), the BSE would like to circulate the following (Read more)
Certified Investor Relation Officer (CIRO) program
The Middle East Investor Relations Association (MEIRA) will be conducting the Certified Investor Relation Officer (CIRO) program at the premises of the Beirut Stock Exchange located in Azarieh street, Azarieh Building, Block 01, 4th floor, on the 27th, 28th and 29th of November 2017 from 9:00 till 17:00. The program will cover the following areas: 1 – The principles and Practice of Investor Relations. 2 – Global Financial Markets. 3 – Companies and Regulation. 4 – The Regulatory Environment. 5 – Accounting, Valuation and Investment Principles. 6 – Effective IR Practice. For more information or to register please contact: info@meira.me or +971 (0) 4 3097034
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Monday October 30, 2017:
In reference to the Beirut Stock Exchange (BSE) Circular Nb. 442/2017 dated May 02, 2017, relating to the transfer of the shares of Holcim (Liban) SAL (Hereinafter: "Holcim") from bearer type into nominative type following the issuance of law Nb. 75/2016 (Official Gazette Nb. 52 dated 3/11/2016), the BSE would like to circulate the following: First: As of the trading session of November 06, 2017: - No trading or block trade transactions will be executed at the BSE in "Holcim" bearer shares unless transferred into nominative type at Midclear. In case a Broker breaches such transfer obligation, he shall be in default of the delivery of the shares and will make the mandatory buy-in in accordance with BSE rules and procedures. - The bearer shares will continue to be listed on the Beirut Stock Exchange but will not be traded until transferred into nominative type. - Brokers must cancel all unexecuted orders of "Holcim" bearer shares placed prior to the trading session of November 06, 2017. - The same pricing, trading, settlement, clearing terms, pricing threshold, actual operations principle, minimum Block Trades transactions, lot size, etc. currently applied shall continue to apply. Second: This Circular becomes effective as of the beginning of the trading session of November 06, 2017.(Circular 455/2017)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday October 30, 2017:
Resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of October 27, 2017: First resolution: Take note of the completion of the processes for the cancelation of the Series “F” Preferred Shares and of the increase of the Bank’s share capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to LBP 1,663 The Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Bank Audi sal, having reviewed the resolution of the Board of Directors’ meeting held on October 2, 2017, and encompassing: - The verification of the completion of the procedures for the cancelation of the Series “F” Preferred Shares and the increase of the Bank’s share capital up to LBP 672,682,176,252, i.e. by an amount of LBP 347,494,428, through the incorporation of available reserves, in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to LBP 1,663; (Read more)
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Tuesday October 17, 2017:
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. publishes its Unaudited Financial Statements for the period ended June 30, 2017. Report can be accessed by using the following URL: http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/Rymco%20FS%201706.pdf
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Tuesday October 17, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held on Friday, November 17, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Company’s Headquarters Chiyah Boulevard, to discuss the following agenda: - Empower the company to guarantee United Automotive Agency SAL for the debts of the latter to Credit Libanais SAL and/or Societe Generale de Banque au Liban SAL and give the proper authorizations according to articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Other topics.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday October 10, 2017:
October 9, 2017
Dear Global Depositary Receipt Holder:
Reference is hereby made to the Amended and Restated Deposit Agreement dated May 10, 2010 (the “Deposit Agreement”) between Bank Audi s.a.l. (the “Bank”) and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as depositary (the “Depositary”), relating to Global Depositary Receipts issued in respect of common shares of the Bank (the “GDRs”), each GDR representing one common share of the Bank with a nominal value LBP 1,663 per common share (each a “Common Share”). Capitalized terms used herein without otherwise being defined shall have the respective meanings assigned thereto in the Deposit Agreement.
(Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday October 10, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday October 27, 2017 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: 1. Take note of the implementation of Resolution No. 1 adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on July 21, 2017, relating to the cancelation of the Series “F” Preferred Shares and the increase of the Bank’s share capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to LBP 1,663; 2. Verification of the completion of the procedures for the increase in the Bank’s capital through the issuance of 2,750,000 Series “J” Preferred Shares in accordance with Resolution No. 3 of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 21, 2017; and 3. The discharge of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities related to the Capital Increase.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday October 9, 2017:
In reference to the circular number 446/2017 dated 30/06/2017, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the /1,500,000/ Preferred Shares series “F” from the official market of the stock exchange, and took note of the Bank’s Capital increase that becomes LBP /672,682,176,252/ divided into /404,499,204/ common and preferred shares with a nominal value of LBP /1,663/ per share. This circular becomes effective upon publication. (Circular: 454/2017)
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond issue – Friday September 29, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Friday October 6, 2017 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 63 worth USD /600,000,000/ carrying an Interest rate of 5% and maturing on October 12, 2017. (Circular 453/2017)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Thursday September 28, 2017:
Bank Audi announces that the subscription in the new preferred shares series “J” will start on September 29, 2017 and end on October 03, 2017.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday September 27, 2017:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 1 p.m., on Thursday October 12, 2017, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Give the authorization stipulated in Article 158 of the Code of Commerce regarding the subordinated loans that will be signed between Bank of Beirut SAL and Bank of Beirut (UK) Ltd. - Other topics.
Hegria New Year – Thursday September 21, 2017:
On the occasion of Hegria New Year, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Thursday, September 21, 2017. Trading will be resumed on Friday, September 22, 2017
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday September 14, 2017
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. held a meeting on September 12, 2017 and decided to redeem and cancel all the /550,000/ Series B preferred shares for a price of USD /103/ per share, and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /550,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank. Likewise, the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to grant the Chairman / General Manager or the Vice Chairman the necessary powers to execute the distribution of the free common shares and to fix the payment date for the redeemed Series B preferred shares. Finally, the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to amend the Bank’s By-Laws to reflect the foregoing decisions. (Minutes of the meeting – Arabic)
Beirut Stock Exchange –Tuesday September 12, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange reminds all Lebanese Joint Stock Companies – SAL – (including holding and off-shore companies) with capital above five hundred thousand Lebanese pounds by virtue of article 3 of the legislative decree No. 120/83 and by virtue of article 197 of the by-laws of the Beirut Stock Exchange, implemented by decree No. 7667 dated 16/12/1995, which consider these companies members in the Stock Exchange. Consequently, every member is incumbent to an annual membership fee equivalent to USD /100/ (One hundred USD) in Lebanese Pounds. The Beirut Stock Exchange requests all members to settle their annual fee for the year 2017 and any other overdue fees before 29/12/2017. Every member who fails to pay the due annual fees shall pay a fine equivalent to five fold the membership fee, as per article 198 of the by-laws. Members abiding by the content of this circular within the time limit specified above will be exempted from the default fine. Payment should be done by submitting a check to the order of Beirut Stock Exchange either: • At the head office of the Beirut Stock Exchange-Azarieh Street, Azarieh Bldg. Block 01, 4th floor – during the official office hours. •Or by calling the BSE administration at phone No. 01-993555, before 15/12/2017 to send one of its representatives to collect the check, against an official receipt. (Circular 452/2017)
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Wednesday September 06, 2017:
The Shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. held a General Assembly at 10:00 am on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at the Bank headquarters’ in Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg- 7th Floor and decided to issue Nonconvertible, Non-callable Subordinated Notes for an aggregate amount of USD 35 million, as per the following terms: Form of Notes: Nominative. Principal Amount: USD 35 million. Nominal Value per Note: USD 10,000. Number of Notes: 3,500. Subscription: Open to the public within a period to be fixed by the Board of Directors. Guarantees: None. Interest Rate: To be fixed by the Board (between 6.50% and 7.25% subject to 7.00% tax). Interest Payment Dates: June 30 and December 31 of each year, starting December 31, 2018. Maturity Date: January 04, 2024. The General Assembly also decided to grant the Chairman / General Manager the necessary powers to execute the above stated decisions, and to suspend the implementation of these resolutions until obtaining the approval of Banque Du Liban. (Minutes of Meeting, Arabic)
Mourning Day – Friday September 08, 2017:
In reference to the administrative memorandum issued by the Prime Minister declaring the closure of all public institutions on Friday, September 08, 2017 to mark a national day of mourning for the martyred soldiers, the Beirut Stock Exchange will close on the mentioned day.
Eid Al Adha – September 1st till September 4th, 2017:
On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange from Friday, September 1, till Monday, September 4, 2017(included). Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.
Solidere SAL- Tuesday August 29, 2017:
Termination of Depository Agreements and delisting of GDRs
Furtuer to our previous correspondence on this subject including our letters of May 26, 2017 and June 29, 2017, we are pleased to advise you as follows: (Read more)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Thursday August 24, 2017:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut. To discuss the following agenda: - Redeem in order to cancel the Series “B” Preferred Shares and issue free nominal shares to keep the Capital unchanged and amend the Bank’s By-Laws. - Increase the Bank’s capital by issuing new Series “E” Preferred Shares and amend the Bank’s By-Laws accordingly. - The listing of new Series “E” Preferred Shares on the regulated Financial markets; - The granting to the Board of Directors and/or the Chairman of the necessary powers to execute the decisions of the Extraordinary General Assembly. - Other topics
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday August 22, 2017:
In reference to the decision of the Board of Directors of BLC Bank SAL held on June 06, 2017 related to the redemption and cancellation of all of the 550,000 Preferred Shares Series B, and in reference to the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon on the above stated decision, and upon the decision of the Bank to pay, on August 28, 2017 the price of the redeemed shares, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to cease trading in BLC Bank Preferred Shares Series B as of the end of the trading session of Tuesday, August 22, 2017. (Circular 451/2017)
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Thursday August 17, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend a General Assembly to be held at 10:00 am on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at the Bank's Head Office in Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg- 7th Floor to discuss the following agenda: - The issuance of Subordinated Notes for an aggregate amount of USD 35 million. - Other topics
Arab Federation of Exchanges – Vacancy Announcement
يعلن اتحاد البورصات العربية عن فتح باب تقديم الترشيح لشغل منصب امين عام اتحاد البورصات العربية الكائن مقره في بيروت – لبنان. حددت شروط الترشيح بما يلي: 1- أن يكون عمر المرشح ما بين 35 و60 عاماً بتاريخ تقدمه لشغل المنصب. 2- أن يحمل إحدى الجنسيات العربية. 3- أن تكون لديه خبرة لمدة لا تقل عن 15 (خمسة عشر) سنة في مجال أسواق المال العربية أو العالمية أو في المجالات الاقتصادية المرتبطة بأسواق المال. 4- أن يكون حاصلاً على شهادة جامعية في إحدى التخصصات المناسبة لشغل الوظيفة والمرتبطة بأسواق رأس المال. 5- أن يجيد إجادة تامة، اللغة العربية إضافة إلى اللغة الإنكليزية، كما أن معرفة اللغة الفرنسية تعتبر ميزة إضافية. 6- أن تكون لديه مهارات في مجال الإتصال بالغير والمحادثة والكتابة وإعداد التقارير والتنظيم وإدارة وقيادة الجهاز الإداري وتحفيز المستخدمين وأن يكون لديه حضور شخصي ومهني وأن يكون حسن السمعة لم يسبق أن حكم بجريمة مخلّة بالشرف والأمانة وان لا يكون قد حكم بإشهار إفلاسه. 7- أن يلتزم بممارسة مهامه كأمين عام متفرغ في بلد مقر الاتحاد الكائن في بيروت. 8- أن يتم التعاقد معه لمدة أربع سنوات قابلة للتجديد لمرة واحدة فقط باتفاق الطرفين مع إمكانية فسخ العقد من قبل الإتحاد في حال مخالفته للشروط الوظيفية التعاقدية وفقا للقوانين اللبنانية المرعية الاجراء. يقتضي بالراغب تقديم ملف ترشحه للمنصب المذكور على عنوان الاتحاد الالكتروني المشار اليه التالي: AFE-HR@arab-exchanges.org على ان يتضمن المستندات الأولية التالية: § رسالة خطية تفيد برغبة المرشح بشغل المنصب وبأسباب ترشحه لهذا المنصب. § السيرة الذاتية مدعمة بشهادات الخبرة. § صورة فوتوغرافية حديثة للمرشح. § صورة جواز سفر ساري المفعول. § أية مستندات أو معلومات أخرى قد تطلبها اللجنة التنفيذية لاحقا. يفتح باب الترشح لغاية 15 أيلول/سبتمبر 2017 ضمنا. اتحاد البورصات العربية الرئيس
Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Tuesday August 15, 2017:
On the occasion of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.
BLC Bank S.A.L- Thursday August 10, 2017:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. held a meeting on June 06, 2017 and decided to suggest to the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders to redeem and cancel all the /550,000/ Preferred Shares Series B for a price of USD /103/ per share, and concurrently with the cancellation process, to substitute the nominal value of the canceled shares in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of /550,000/ new common shares, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank. Likewise, the Board of Directors decided to increase the capital of the Bank through the issuance of new Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable preferred shares to be labeled preferred shares Series E. Holders of the new Series E preferred shares will receive annual distribution between 6.75% and 7.00% of the issue price (USD 100 per new preferred share). The right to subscribe to the new preferred shares will be limited to the holders of Series B, C and D Preferred Shares. (Minutes of the meeting – Arabic)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Thursday August 10, 2017
Bank Audi sal announces that its subsidiary, Odea Bank A.S. (Turkey), has published its financial statements (in Turkish) as at and for the period ended June 30, 2017. A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website: http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-odeabank-as For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday August 09, 2017
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Sheikha Suad Hamad Saleh Al Homaizi co-founder and Board Member of Bank Audi sal. Sheikha Suad has been a non-executive member of the Board of Directors since 1962, date of the founding of the Bank. Samir Hanna, Chairman of the Board and Group Chief Executive Officer, declared: “We are saddened by the loss of a very dear founding member of the Bank Audi family who has closely accompanied and supported every step of the Bank’s growth. She was also a known philanthropist who generously supported many noble causes and charitable institutions. Our thoughts go to her family and loved ones.”
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Monday August 07, 2017
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. held a meeting on 04/08/2017 and declared a gross dividend distribution of LBP /4,395,300,000/; LBP /161/ per share before distribution tax. Dividends will be paid starting January 15, 2018, after deducting the 5% distribution tax, for the holders of series B Common shares on record as at January 12, 2018. Shares will trade ex-dividend starting January 10, 2018.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. Wednesday July 26, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. invites the shareholders of the Company to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Friday, August 4, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at the Company’s Headquarters Chiyah Boulevard, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s General and Special reports for the year 2016. - Examine the Auditors’ General and Special reports for the year 2016. - Approve the accounts of the year 2016 and allocate the results. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for the year 2016. – Approve the operations that occurred between the Company and some Board members during the year 2016 and give prior authorization to the Board members according to articles 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Give prior authorization to the Board members according to articles 159 of the Code of Commerce. Give the Board of Directors the authorization to take credits from banks. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman and Directors for the year 2017. - Appoint the External Auditor for the year 2017 and fix his remuneration. – Other topics.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday July 24, 2017:
In reference to the circular number 444/2017 dated 07/06/2017, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the /20,000,000/ BLOM Bank Preferred Shares Class 2011 from the official market of the stock exchange, and took note of the Bank’s Capital increase that becomes LBP /322,500,000,000/ divided into /215,000,000/ common shares with a nominal value of LBP /1,500/ per share. This circular becomes effective upon publication. (Circular 450/2017
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Tuesday July 18, 2017:
In reference to the announcement and the Clarification Statement issued by Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL related to the distribution of the 2016 dividends, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that trading in the shares of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL will be as follows: I- Bearer Shares: Shares will be traded with coupon Nb. 12 till the end of the trading session of Tuesday July 18, 2017 (included). Starting the trading session of Wednesday July 19, 2017, shares will be traded without coupon Nb.12. II– Nominal Shares: Shares will be traded with the above stated dividends till the end of the trading session of Tuesday July 18, 2017 (included). Starting the trading session of Wednesday July 19, 2017, (Ex-dividends date) shares will be traded without the above stated dividends.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Tuesday July 18, 2017:
In reference to the announcement and the Clarification Statement issued by Holcim (Liban) SAL related to the distribution of the 2016 dividends, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that trading in the shares of Holcim (Liban) SAL will be as follows: I- Bearer Shares: Shares will be traded with coupon Nb. 12 till the end of the trading session of Tuesday July 18, 2017 (included). Starting the trading session of Wednesday July 19, 2017, shares will be traded without coupon Nb.12. II– Nominal Shares: Shares will be traded with the above stated dividends till the end of the trading session of Tuesday July 18, 2017. Starting the trading session of Wednesday July 19, 2017, (Ex-dividends date) shares will be traded without the above stated dividends.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday July 17, 2017:
BLC Bank S.A.L publishes extract of the minutes of meeting of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of shareholders of June 29, 2017. (Arabic & French)
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Thursday July 13, 2017:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly held on June 22, 2017 related to the distribution of the 2016 dividends, Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL announces that the dividends set at LBP /693.5/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 24, 2017 as follows: - Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive their dividends through “Midclear”. - Other shareholders (holders of nominative shares) can receive their dividends through the following banks: Banque Libano Francaise: 1 - Geitawi Branch –Beirut, 2 - Jbeil Branch –Jbeil, 3 - Al Tall Branch – Tripoli from July 24, 2017 till December 24, 2017. By the end of the mentioned period dividends will be paid at the company’s Head Office in Hery. Other shareholders (holders of bearer shares) can receive their dividends in exchange of coupon Nb. 12 from the shares issued on 05/01/1998 through the above stated banks, from July 24, 2017 till November 03, 2017. After November 03, 2017 holders of bearer shares should exchange the bearer shares into nominative shares in order to receive dividends. Record date for Nominative Shares is July 21, 2017.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Thursday July 13, 2017:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held on July 7, 2017 related to the distribution of the 2016 dividends, Holcim (Liban) SAL announces that dividends set at LBP /3600/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 24, 2017 as follows: -Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive their dividends through “Midclear”. - Other shareholders (holders of nominative shares) can receive their dividends through the following banks: 1) Banque Libano Francaise (Geitawi Branch, Jbeil Branch, Al Tall Branch, Tripoli) & 2) Societe Generale de Banque au Liban (Hamra or Tripoli branch), from July 24, 2017 till December 24, 2017. By the end of the mentioned period dividends will be paid at the company’s Head Office in Hery. Other shareholders (holders of bearer shares) can receive their dividends in exchange of coupon Nb. 12 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007 through the above stated banks, from July 24, 2017 till November 03, 2017. After November 03, 2017 holders of bearer shares should exchange their bearer shares into nominative shares in order to receive dividends. Record date for Nominative Shares is July 21, 2017.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond issue – Wednesday July 12, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Monday July 17, 2017 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series #46 worth USD /300,000,000/ carrying an Interest rate of 3.75% and maturing on July 20, 2017.
Solidere SAL- Tuesday July 11, 2017:
Solidere SAL publishes the minutes of the meeting of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of June 19, 2017. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Friday July 07, 2017
Transfer from Bearer into Nominative Shares
Following the issuance of circular no. 411 of the Central Bank, law no. 75/2016 was promulgated cancelling the bearer shares in Lebanon and imposing on companies and shareholders the obligation of transferring the bearer shares into nominative shares. read more...
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Thursday July 06, 2017:
On July 03, 2017 the following trade on Bank of Beirut – Listed Shares was executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange: Seller / Bank of Beirut S.A.L, Buyer / Rashed El Rashed, Number of shares / 225,000. Price per share / USD 18.80. The new percentage ownership of the two parties in the common share capital of the bank becomes as follow: Rashed Al Rashed: 4.11% and Bank of Beirut S.A.L: 0.23%.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 04, 2017:
For immediate release -Bank Audi announces its intention to redeem and cancel all the 1,500,000 outstanding Non-Cumulative Redeemable Series F Preferred Shares of the Bank issued in May 2012.
The redemption is expected to take place on or around 7 July 2017.
This announcement is for information only.
For further information:
Corporate Secretariat
Farid Lahoud
Group Corporate Secretary
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday July 04, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday July 21, 2017 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda:
1. The cancellation of the Series “F” Preferred Shares and increase of the Bank’s capital in order to round the nominal value of each individual share up to LL 1,663;
2. The amendment of the Bank’s By-Laws, including, in particular articles 6 and 8, in order to reflect the foregoing;
3. The increase of the Bank’s capital through the issuance of a new series of preferred shares (pursuant to Lebanese Law No 308/2001);
4. The listing of such newly-issued preferred shares on the Beirut Stock Exchange;
5. The amendment of the Bank’s By-Laws, including, in particular, articles 6 and 8 thereof, in order to reflect the actions described in items 3 and 4 above;
6. The submission of the actions described in items 1-5 inclusive for approval by the Central Bank of Lebanon acting through its Central Council; and
7. The granting to the Chairman of the Board of Directors (acting singly) or any 2 Directors – General Managers (acting jointly) of the necessary powers to seek required approvals, to set deadlines and to perform all other acts and procedures in furtherance of all of the foregoing resolutions.
Solidere SAL- Monday July 03, 2017:
Solidere GDRs are now delisted and ceased to be traded on the London Stock Exchange. (Read more)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday June 30, 2017:
Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of Bank Audi SAL related to the cancellation of all Series “F” preferred shares within a period of 60 days following June 22, 2017, and based on the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon on the above stated decision and upon the request of the Bank to cease trading in Series F Preferred shares, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to cease trading in Bank Audi Series “F” Preferred Shares starting the beginning of the trading session of Tuesday July 04, 2017. (Circular 446/2017)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday June 30, 2017:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on June 29, 2017 resolved to approve the bank’s accounts for the year 2016 and declared distribution of dividends as follows: I - Dividends before distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class B: USD 7 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.75 per share. Preferred Shares Class D: USD 1.84 per share. II - Dividends net of distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class B: USD 6.65 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.41 per share. Preferred Shares Class D: USD 1.75 per share. III - Important dates: 04 July 2017: Dividend record date. 30 June 2017: Ex-dividend date. 05 July 2017: Dividend payment date.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Wednesday June 28, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL convened on 22/06/2017 and decided to: - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the fiscal year 2016 and discharge the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during 2016. - Approve the Board of Directors’ report for the year 2016 ending on 31/12/2016. - Approve the Auditors’ report for the year 2016 ending on 31/12/2016. - Approve the Board of Directors’ report drafted in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce and approve all the operations mentioned in the report. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted in accordance with article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Re-elect Mr. Jamil Bou Haroun to the Board of Directors for a period of 3 years, ending when the Ordinary General Assembly will meet to approve the business of the fiscal year 2019. - Nominate DELOITTE as Auditors for the fiscal year 2017. - Distribute gross dividends of LBP /730/ per share; LBP /693.5/ per share net of distribution tax.
Eid Al Fitr: June 26 and 27, 2017
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, June 26 and Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Trading will be resumed on Wednesday June 28, 2017.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday June 19, 2017:
BLOM BANK S.A.L. announced that it has fully acquired all assets and liabilities of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited – Lebanon starting June 17, 2017 after obtaining the approval of Banque du Liban.
HSBC operated through three branches in Dora, Ras Beirut, and “Zaitunay Bay”.
BLOM BANK S.A.L. will ensure employment continuity to all HSBC Bank Middle East Limited – Lebanon employees. BLOM BANK S.A.L. is also committed to assist its old and new clients in their financial needs with the full support of its qualified team.
This acquisition falls under BLOM BANK S.A.L.’s strategy of expanding its customer base and diversifying its assets and sources of revenue. The transaction will help BLOM BANK S.A.L. expand its Corporate and Commercial businesses as well as its Retail activities
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday June 13, 2017:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLOM Bank SAL held a meeting on Friday, April 28, 2017 and decided to redeem and cancel all the 20 million Preferred Shares series 2011, to substitute their nominal value in the capital of the Bank through the incorporation of an equivalent amount from the reserve account, and for the avoidance of residual amounts in the nominal value of each share, the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to increase the capital of the Bank to become LBP 322,500,000,000 through the incorporation of an additional amount from the reserve account, resulting in a nominal value of LBP /1,500/ per common share. The Extraordinary General Assembly also decided to grant the Board of Directors the necessary powers to verify the above stated decisions and modified article 6 of the Bank’s By Laws to reflect the capital increase.
(Meeting of the Extraordinary General Assembly dated April 28, 2017)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday June 13, 2017:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders met on Friday, April 07, 2017 at the Bank’s Headquarters and decided to approve the purchase of all the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of HSBC Middle East Limited - Lebanon Branch by BLOM Bank SAL. The Extraordinary General Assembly also decided to give the Board of Directors and/or the Chairman all the powers to execute the acquisition. On February 20, 2017 the Central Bank of Lebanon took a decision that gives BLOM Bank SAL an initial approval to purchase all assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of HSBC Middle East Limited - Lebanon Branch. (Extraordinary General Assembly)
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Monday June 12, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Friday, July 7, 2017 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2016. - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2016. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2016. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2017 and determine their fees. Distribute Dividends. - Give the authorization to the Directors in accordance with the provisions of article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of bearer shares must present to the company, at its offices in Heri or Dbayeh, at least five days before the meeting, their shares or receipts of evidence that they deposited their shares in authorized banks. The owners of nominal shares whose shares are deposited in authorized banks and the owners of bearer shares, whose shares are deposited in the Company against Certificate of deposit, must register their names in the Company’s record within the same period after presenting their Certificate of deposit.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Thursday June 08, 2017:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 pm on Thursday June 29, 2017, at the Bank’s Head Office in Adlieh Beirut, BLC Bank bldg. To discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2016. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the fiscal year 2016. - Give proper approval as per Articles 158 &159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2016. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Other topics.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday June 07, 2017:
In reference to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of BLOM Bank S.A.L. held on April 28, 2017 related to the redemption and cancelation of all the /20.000.000/ Preferred Shares Class 2011, and in reference to the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon, and upon the decision of the Bank to pay, on June 07, 2017, the price of the redeemed shares based on the issue price, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to cease trading in BLOM Bank Preferred Shares Class “2011”. This becomes effective upon publication. (Circular 444/2017)
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Monday June 05, 2017:
In Reference to the announcement issued by Banque BEMO SAL related to the distribution of dividends for the holders of shares on record as at June 9, 2017, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the mentioned shares is Wednesday June 7, 2017.
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Monday June 05, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. convened on June 05, 2017 and approved the distribution of dividends for the year 2016 amounting to LBP 8,599 million as follows: To Holders of Common Shares: • LBP 80 per share (LBP 76 net of 5% distribution tax) To Holders of Preferred Shares: • Class 2013: USD 7 per share (USD 6.65 net of 5% distribution tax) Dividends will be paid starting June 22, 2017 after deducting the 5% distribution tax, for the holders of Common and Preferred shares as at June 9, 2017 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Tuesday May 30, 2017:
I- BRIEFING ON THE LEGAL ASPECT Following the issuance of circular no. 411 of the Central Bank, law no. 75/2016 was promulgated cancelling the bearer shares in Lebanon and imposing on companies and shareholders the obligation of transferring the bearer shares into nominative shares. (Read more)
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Tuesday May 30, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting at 10 am on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. in Dbayeh, (highway, Mitsulift bldg, 2nd floor) to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the financial statements for the year 2016 and grant discharge to the Board of Directors. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report for the year 2016. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report for the year 2016. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Designate the External Auditors for the year 2017 and fix their remunerations. - Distribute dividends. To attend the meeting, owners of bearer shares must present to the company, at its offices in Heri or Dbayeh, at least seven days before the meeting, their shares or receipts of evidence that they deposited their shares in authorized banks. The owners of nominal shares and the owners of bearer shares, whose shares are deposited in the Company or in the banks or Financial Institutions against a Certificate of deposit, must register their names in the Company’s record within the same period against a Certificate of deposit.
MOU between BSE and MEIRA
Beirut, Lebanon. The Middle East Investor Relations Association (MEIRA) and the Beirut Stock Exchange (BSE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Friday 26 May, marking the launch of increased collaboration between the two organisations in promoting best practice in Investor Relations (IR) in Lebanon.
The signing ceremony took place at the BSE headquarters and was inaugurated by Ghaleb Mahmassani, BSE Acting Chairman, followed by Sami Saliba, Capital Market Authority Vice-Chairman, who gave a keynote speech on the regulatory landscape in Lebanon. (Read more)
Solidere SAL- Friday May 26, 2017:
As the Ordinary General Assembly was invited to meet for the first time on May 26, 2017 but the quorum wasn’t reached, a second meeting is scheduled to be held at 9:30 am on June 19, 2017 at Biel Downtown to discuss the following agenda- Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2016. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2016. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2016. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2016. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday July 11, 2017 at Biel Downtown.
Solidere SAL- Friday May 26, 2017:
Intended Delisting from the London Stock Exchange and Intended Termination of the Deposit Agreement. (Read more)
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Thursday May 18, 2017:
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting that will be held at 9:00 am on Monday, June 5, 2017 at the Bank’s offices in Achrafieh, Elias Sarkis Street, Bemo Bank bldg., 2nd Floor to discuss the following agenda: 1) Examine the Board of Director’s general Report for the year 2016. 2) Examine the Auditors’ Report for the year 2016. 3) Examine the Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. 4) Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2016 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. 5) Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31/12/2016. 6) Give full discharge to the Chairman and members of the Board of directors for the year 2016. 7) Fix the remunerations of the Chairman – General Manager for the year 2017. 8) Fix the remunerations of the Board of directors for the year 2017. 9) Assign External Auditors and fix their remunerations. 10) Other subjects. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the bank’s head office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Thursday May 18, 2017
Transfer from Bearer into Nominative Shares
- Following the issuance of circular no. 411 of the Central Bank, law no. 75/2016 was promulgated cancelling the bearer shares in Lebanon and imposing on companies and shareholders the obligation of transferring the bearer shares into nominative shares.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Tuesday May 16, 2017
Bank of Beirut S.A.L publishes its Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/BOB FS20161231.pdf
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday May 10, 2017:
Bank Audi sal announces that its subsidiary, Odea Bank A.S. (Turkey), has published its financial statements (in Turkish) as at and for the period ended March 31, 2017.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-odeabank-as For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Friday May 05, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank of Beirut s.a.l. convened on 05/05/2017 and resolved to approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2016 and declared distribution of dividends as follows: 1- Preferred Shares: An amount of USD/33,469,849/distributed as follows: - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/8,434,125/on the basis of USD 2.3625 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/9,450,000/on the basis of USD 1.75 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/8,437,500/on the basis of USD 1.6875 per share before distribution tax at the rate of is 5%. - To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/4,875,000/on the basis of USD 1.6250 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “K” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/2,273,224/on the basis of USD 0.5683 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5% for the period extended from 25 August 2016 to 31 December 2016. 2- Priority Shares Class 2014: Priority dividends amounting USD /4,000,080/; USD 0.84 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. 3- Common Shares: Dividends amounting to LBP /57,946,900,000/ for holders of Common Shares including holders of Priority shares Class 2014; LBP 1,000 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. Dividends will be paid through Midclear S.A.L. starting May 11, 2017 for the holders of shares as at 10/05/2017 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L. The Ex-dividend date is May 08, 2017.
Solidere SAL- Thursday May 04, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Friday May 26, 2017 at Biel Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2016. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2016. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2016. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2016. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday June 19, 2017 at Biel Downtown. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at Biel Downtown.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Tuesday May 02, 2017:
On April 28, 2017 the following Block Trade on Bank of Beirut – Listed Shares was executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange: Seller / Mr. Fawaz Naboulsi, Buyer / FSHN Limited, Number of shares / 176,650, Price per share / USD 16.00. Mr. Fawaz Naboulsi is the sole owner of the 2,000 issued shares out of the 15,000 outstanding shares of FSHN Limited. The new percentage ownership of the two parties in the share capital of the bank becomes as follow: Mr. Fawaz Naboulsi: 0.0002% and FSHN Limited: 4.3943%.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Tuesday May 02, 2017:
Reference to the announcement issued by LafargeHolcim, on Monday, April 24 about the conclusion of the independent investigation into the Syria review and the resignation of Group CEO, Eric Olsen, we would like to clarify the following (Read more)
Labor Day –Monday May 01, 2017:
On the occasion of Labor Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, May 01, 2017. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, May 02, 2017.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Saturday April 29, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Byblos Bank S.A.L. held on 28 April 2017 at the Bank’s Headquarters, approved on the distribution of dividends for the year 2016 as follows: For Common Shareholders: LBP 200 per share (LBP 190 Net of 5% withholding tax). For Preferred Shareholders: Class 2008: USD 8 per share (USD 7.6 Net of 5% withholding tax). Class 2009: USD 8 per share (USD 7.6 Net of 5% withholding tax). Such dividends will be paid on or about 5 May 2017 after deducting the 5% withholding tax, to shareholders as at 4 May 2017 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). Shares will trade ex-dividend starting 2 May 2017. For GDR holders: LBP 200 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting the 5% withholding tax and other expenses starting 10 May 2017.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Thursday April 27, 2017:
Bank of Beirut S.A.L publishes its Consolidated Unaudited Financial Statements for the period ended March 31, 2017. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Friday April 21, 2017:
Following the issuance of circular no. 411 of the Central Bank, law no. 75/2016 was promulgated cancelling the bearer shares in Lebanon and imposing on companies and shareholders the obligation of transferring the bearer shares into nominative shares.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Tuesday April 18, 2017:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 10 a.m., on Friday May 5, 2017, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: • Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2016. • Approve the Auditors’ reports for the fiscal year 2016. • Approve the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts of the fiscal year 2016. • Appropriate the profits for the year 2016. • Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the fiscal year 2016 • Elect a new Board of Directors. • Give the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 & 159 of the Lebanese Commercial Code and the authorization stipulated in Article 152 of the Cash and credit Code. • Nominate the Auditors for the Fiscal years 2017, 2018 & 2019. • Other subjects.
Good Friday and Easter Holiday– April 14-17 2017:
On the occasion of Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the 14th and the 17th of April 2017.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday April 11, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi S.A.L. convened on April 10, 2017 and resolved, amongst other things, to: (i) take note of the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Raymond Audi, 84, who decided to stand down from the Board of Directors, after having served as Director of the Company since its incorporation in 1962 in order to devote more time to his personal life; and expressed its gratitude to Mr. Raymond W. Audi for his leadership and dedication throughout his 55 years of service. (ii) elect Mrs. Sherine R. Audi, Mr. Carlos A. Obeid and Mr. Aristidis I. Vourakis as Directors for the remainder of the current Board’s mandate (i.e. until the Annual General Assembly expected to be held in April 2019 that will examine the activity and accounts of the year 2018). The Board convened following the General Assembly and resolved, amongst other things, to elect Mr. Samir N. Hanna as Chairman of the Board – General Manager. Mr. Samir Hanna will henceforth serve as Chairman of the Board and Group CEO. The Board of Directors is now composed as follows: Mr. Samir N. Hanna (Chairman and Group CEO); Dr. Marwan M. Ghandour (vice-chairman); Dr. Freddie C. Baz (vice-chairman); Sheikha Suad H. Al Homaizi; Sheikha Mariam N. Al Sabbah; Mr. Marc J. Audi; Dr. Imad I. Itani; Mr. Abdullah I. Al Hobayb; Dr. Khalil M. Bitar; Mrs. Sherine R. Audi; Mr. Carlos A. Obeid; Mr. Aristidis I. Vourakis. More
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday April 11, 2017:
In reference to the announcement issued by Bank Audi SAL dated April 10, 2017 related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 10, 2017 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at April 13, 2017 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares and GDRs of Bank Audi SAL is Tuesday, April 11, 2017. (Circular 441/2017)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday April 11, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi sal convened on April 10, 2017 and resolved, among other things, to (i) approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2016 and (ii) declare a gross distribution of dividends as follows: To Holders of Series “F” Preferred Shares a total of USD 9 Million on the basis of USD 6 per share. To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares a total of USD 9 Million on the basis of USD 6 per share. To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.875 Million on the basis of USD 6.5 per share. To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares a total of USD 7.5 Million on the basis of USD 3 per share To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 301.3 Billion on the basis of LBP 753.75 per share. As a result of the above, the net payable amounts (after deduction of the applicable withholding tax at the rate of 5%) are as follows: To Holders of Series “F” Preferred Shares a total of USD 8.550 Million on the basis of USD 5.7 per share. To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares a total of USD 8.550 Million on the basis of USD 5.7 per share. To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.631 Million on the basis of USD 6.175 per share. To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares a total of USD 7.125 Million on the basis of USD 2.85 per share. To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 286.25 Billion on the basis of LBP 716.06 per share. Dividends will be paid through Midclear S.A.L. starting April 18, 2017 for the holders of Shares as at April 13, 2017 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday April 10, 2017:
In reference to the announcement issued by BLOM Bank SAL related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 7, 2017 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at April 12, 2017 (Record date).
The Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares and GDRs of BLOM Bank SAL is Monday, April 10, 2017. (Circular 440/2017)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday April 10, 2017:
We are pleased to notify you that the Board of Directors of BLOM Bank S.A.L convened on Friday, April 7th, 2017 and took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Friday, April 28th, 2017 at 12.30 p.m. in Beirut- Lebanon at the Bank’s Headquarters at Verdun, BLOM Bank S.A.L building and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows: - Take a decision about the redemption and the cancellation of all the 20 million Preferred Shares series 2011 issued by the Bank. - Increase of the Bank’s Capital concomitantly with the redemption and the cancellation of the Series 2011 Preferred Shares and execute all the related necessary procedures. - Modify article 6 of the Bank’s By Laws. - Give the Board of Directors all the powers to verify the redemption and the cancellation of the Series 2011 Preferred Shares and the increase of the Capital. - Any matters which could arise.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday April 10, 2017:
BLOM BANK S.A.L. is pleased to inform the Bank’s Shareholders that the Annual Ordinary General Assembly convened on April 7, 2017 at the Bank’s Headquarters and approved the accounts of the Bank for 2016 and the distribution of dividends and returns amounting to LBP 343,262,708 thousand as follows: • To Holders of Preferred Shares series 2011, an amount of USD 0.70 per share • To Holders of Common Listed Shares, an amount of LBP 1500 per share As a result of the above, the net payable amounts, after deduction of the applicable distribution tax at the rate of 5%, are as follows: • To Holders of Preferred Shares series 2011, an amount of USD 0.665 per share. • To Holders of Common Listed Shares, an amount of LBP 1425 per share. Payment shall take place through Midclear S.A.L., starting the 12th of April, 2017 for the holders of Preferred Shares series 2011 and 13th of April, 2017 for the holders of Common Listed Shares according to the records of Midclear S.A.L as at April 12, 2017 (Record Date). Regarding BLOM GDR Holders, the profit share are expected to be settled by BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON starting from April 26th, 2017
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday April 3, 2017:
For immediate release - Bank Audi s.a.l. (Bank Audi) announces that it has entered into an agreement with M1 Financial Technologies (Holding) SAL (M1 Financial Technologies), a subsidiary of M1 Group, to sell its electronic payment and card services business for a price of U.S.$185 million, subject to adjustment, plus contingent deferred consideration of up to U.S.$ 35 million.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Monday April 3, 2017:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, 28 April 2017, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed in the following agenda: • To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2016. • To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2016. • To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2016 and on the allocation of its results. • To advise on the discharge of the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2016. • To advise on the election of a new Board of Directors. • To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2016 and on the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2017 all the operations described in the special report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. • To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration and the directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2017. • Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2016, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2016, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Monday April 3, 2017:
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, 28 April 2017, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed on the following agenda: • To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2016. • To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2016. • To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2016 and on the allocation of its results. • To discharge the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2016. • To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2016 and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2017 all the operations described in the special report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. • To determine the auditors’ remuneration and the Board of Directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2017. • Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2016, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2016, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of shareholders, will be made available to the shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Monday April 3, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Byblos Bank S.A.L. has the pleasure to announce to its shareholders that it resolved in its meeting held on 31 March 2017, to propose to the Ordinary General Assembly convened to meet on 28 April 2017 at the Bank’s Headquarters, the distribution of dividends for the year 2016 as follows: For Common Shareholders: • LBP 200 per share (Before withholding tax) For Preferred Shareholders: • Class 2008: USD 8 per share; (Before withholding tax) • Class 2009: USD 8 per share; (Before withholding tax) Subject to the Ordinary General Assembly’s approval, such dividends will be paid on or about 5 May 2017 after deducting the withholding tax, to shareholders as at 4 May 2017 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders: • LBP 200 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting the withholding tax and other expenses starting 10 May 2017.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Friday March 31, 2017:
On March 28, 2017 the following two Block Trades on Bank of Beirut – Listed Shares have been executed at the Beirut Stock Exchange: I – Seller / Salim Sfeir, Buyer / Sfeir Bancorp Limited, Number of shares / 498,540, Price per share / USD 16.00. II - Seller / Fawaz Naboulsi, Buyer / FSHN Limited, Number of shares / 318,423 Price per share / USD 16.00. Mr. Salim Sfeir is the sole owner of the 2,000 issued shares of Sfeir Bancorp Limited out of the 15,000 outstanding shares. Mr. Fawaz Naboulsi is the sole owner of the 2,000 issued shares of FSHN Limited out of the 15,000 outstanding shares. The new percentage ownership of the four parties in the share capital of the bank becomes as follow: Mr. Salim Sfeir: 0.0002%, Mr. Fawaz Naboulsi: 0.86%, Sfeir Bancorp Limited: 4.43% and FSHN Limited: 3.39%.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 24, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday April 10, 2017 at the Bank’s Head Office, Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to listen to the Board and External Auditors reports concerning the Company’s activity and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2016 and to examine the following agenda:
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 24, 2017:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2016 (the “Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and the Management Discussion & Analysis is available from the address below:
The Group Corporate Secretary
Bank Audi sal
Audi Plaza – Bab Idriss
PO. Box 11-2560
Beirut - Lebanon
The Annual Report can also be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link:
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday March 24, 2017:
In its meeting held on March 20, 2017, the Board of Directors of Bank Audi S.A.L resolved to propose to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly the distribution of a dividend of LBP 753.75 per common share.
Subject to the General Assembly's approval, such dividends will be paid, after deduction of applicable taxes, on or about April 18, 2017 to holders of common shares as at April 13, 2017 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L (The Central Depository).
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 21, 2017:
The Board of Directors of BLOM Bank S.A.L took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on Friday, April 7th, 2017 at 13.30 p.m in Beirut- Lebanon at the Bank’s Headquarters at Verdun, BLOM Bank S.A.L building and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows: - Examine the preliminary approval by the Central Council of the Central Bank of Lebanon, issued under no 83/mm/3, dated February 20th, 2017 approving the acquisition by BLOM Bank S.A.L of all the Assets & Shareholders Equity & Liabilities & Commitments of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited- Lebanon Branch according to Article 10 of the Law No 192/93 and its modifications - Approve the acquisition by Blom Bank SAL of all the Assets & Shareholders Equity & Liabilities & Commitments of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited- Lebanon Branch according to Article 10 of the Law No 192/93 and its modifications - Give the Board of Directors and/or the Chairman all the powers to execute the acquisition - Any matters which could arise
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Tuesday March 21, 2017:
The Board of Directors of BLOM Bank S.A.L took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Friday, April 7th, 2017 at 12.00 o’clock in Beirut- Lebanon at the Bank’s Headquarters at Verdun, BLOM Bank S.A.L building and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows: - Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s General Reports about the accounts stated on 31.12.2016. - Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s Special Reports according to article 158 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the accounts stated on 31.12.2016 and allocate the results of the financial year. - Give full and final discharge to the President and to the Directors. - Elect the Board of Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the President and of the Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the Group Secretary and the General Managers. - Fix the remunerations of the President of Blom Bank Group. - Grant the Board of Directors authorities according to the laws in force and especially relating to articles 158 and 159 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. - Grant the company the permit stated in article 158 of the Commerce Law and in article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. - Any matters which could arise. The shareholders General Assembly will fix the dividends to be distributed, relating to the Financial year 2016; knowing that the Board of Directors proposed to the General Assembly of Shareholders to pay an amount of 1500 LL (less the tax) as dividend for each listed ordinary share and to pay an amount of 0,70 USD (less the tax) as distribution for each listed series 2011 Preferred Share. Agenda for dividend distribution will be as follows: Ordinary Shares (Record Date April 12, 2017. Payment Date: April 13, 2017) Preferred Shares (Record Date April 12, 2017. Payment Date April 12, 2017).
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday March 14, 2017:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi SAE (Egypt), has published its financial statements (in Arabic) as at and for the period ended December 31, 2016.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-bank-audi-sae-egypt .
For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Monday March 13, 2017:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held a meeting on Monday, February 20, 2017 at 09:30 a.m. at the Company’s Headquarters and decided to guarantee Associated Automotive Agency SAL for the drafts and/or loans given to the latter by Al Mawarid Bank SAL. The Assembly also decided to accept the resignation of Mohamad Abed El Mohsen El Khara Sons Co. from the Board of Directors and grant him full discharge. (Minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting in Arabic)
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Thursday March 9, 2017:
The shareholders of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL held an Extraordinary General Meeting at 11:00 AM on Monday, February 27, 2017 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. in Dbayeh, and decided to: - Exchange the shares of the company from bearer type to nominative type and amend the Company’s by-laws accordingly. - Appoint Midclear to execute the exchange operation and to hold the shareholders’ register of the company. – Grant the Board of Directors the necessary powers to perform all acts and procedures in pursuit of the foregoing resolutions. (Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly).
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond issue – Wednesday March 8, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Wednesday March 15, 2017 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series #52 (Tranch 1 and 2) worth USD /1,500,000,000/ carrying an Interest rate of 9.00% and maturing on March 20, 2017.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Monday February 27, 2017:
Rasamny Younis Motor Co. announces that Mohamad Abed El Mohsen El Kharafi & Sons Co. has resigned from the Board of Directors of the Company, effective February 21, 2017.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday February 27, 2017:
Bank Audi sal announces that its subsidiary, Odea Bank A.S. (Turkey), has published its financial statements (in Turkish) as at and for the period ended December 31, 2016.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Monday February 20, 2017:
The shareholders of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. held an Extraordinary General Meeting at 16:00 on Monday, February 13, 2017 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh, and decided to: - Exchange the shares of the company from bearer type to nominative type and amend the Company’s by-laws accordingly. - Appoint Midclear to execute the exchange operation and to hold the shareholders’ register of the company. – Grant the Board of Directors the necessary powers to perform all acts and procedures in pursuit of the foregoing resolutions. - Elect Mr. Grant Ernshaw to the Board of Directors.(Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly).
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday February 13, 2017:
The holders of Series D Preferred Shares of BLC Bank S.A.L. attended an Extraordinary General Meeting on February 02, 2017 and decided to adopt the By-Laws of the holders of Series D Preferred Shares. In addition, the Assembly decided to nominate Mr. Hafez Abi Chaker as a representative of the holders of Series D Preferred Shares. (By-laws of the Body of holders of Series D Preferred Shares)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday February 10, 2017:
The Exceptional Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on 27 January 2017 and decided to approve the merger of BLC Invest SAL into BLC Bank SAL through the purchase by BLC Bank SAL of all the assets, liabilities, rights and obligation of BLC Invest SAL. The General Assembly also decided to grant each of the chairman and the vice chairman, severally, the necessary powers to carry out all needed actions to implement the merge.
BSE Days Off- Thursday February 09 & Tuesday February 14, 2017:
On the Occasion of St. Maroun's Day, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on February 09, 2017. Likewise, on the occasion of the Memorial Day of the assassination of H.E. former Prime Minister Mr. Rafic Hariri, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, February 14, 2017.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Thursday February 02, 2017:
On January 31, 2017 a shareholder represented in the Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Co. SAL, (Mohamad Abed El Mohsen El Kharafi & Sons Co.) sold, through a block trade, /3,133,066/ shares of Rasamny Younis Motor Co. Category B at a price of USD 3.07 per share for a total amount of USD 9,618,512.62. The shares were bought by Shift SAL (Holding). The new percentage ownership of the two parties in the share capital of the company becomes as follows: Mohamad Abed El Mohsen El Kharafi & Sons Co.: 0.0001%, Shift SAL (Holding): 38.07% approximately.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Tuesday January 31, 2017
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 16:00 on Monday February 13, 2017 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh, in order to examine the following agenda: - Amend the Company’s by-laws in accordance with Law number 75 published in the official gazette on November 3, 2016. - Take the necessary decisions in order to change all the shares that constitute the Company’s Capital to nominal shares. - Give the Board of Directors the required authorizations to execute the decisions of the General Assembly in accordance with Law number75/2016. - Elect a member to the Board of Directors. - Other Topics.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday January 31, 2017
BLC Bank S.A.L. publishes its Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended December 31, 2016. Report can be accessed by using the following URL:
http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/BLC FS 2016.pdf
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Monday January 30, 2017
Bank of Beirut S.A.L publishes its Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/BOB FS 20161231.pdf
Bemo Bank S.A.L. – Monday January 30, 2017
Banque BEMO S.A.L. publishes its Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2016. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
http://www.bse.com.lb/Portals/0/Bemo FS 20161231.pdf
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Friday January 20, 2017:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Meeting to be held at 09:30 a.m. on Monday, February 20, 2017 at the Company’s Headquarters, Chiyah Boulevard, to discuss the following agenda: - Guarantee Associated Automotive Agency SAL against the drafts and/or loans given to the latter by Al Mawarid Bank SAL.- Take note of the resignation of one Board member, grant him discharge and elect an alternate member to the Board. - Other topics.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Thursday January 19, 2017:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the /2,500,000/ Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable, Convertible Series (I) Preferred Shares, issued by Bank Audi SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Holders of Series (I) Preferred Shares will receive annual distribution of USD 3 for the year 2016 and USD 7 for the following years. Trading is scheduled to start on Wednesday, January 25, 2017. (Circular# 438/2017)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday January 17, 2017:
The Board of Directors of the BLC Bank S.A.L. invites the Holders of Preferred Shares Class D to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 02, 2017 at the Bank’s head office in Beirut, facing the Palace of Justice to discuss the following agenda: 1- Draft the By-Laws of the Assembly of the Holders of Preferred Shares Class D. 2- Nominate a representative of the assembly 3- Other Topics
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday January 17, 2017:
The Board of Directors of the BLC Bank S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Exceptional Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 am on Friday, January 27, 2017 at the Bank’s head office in Beirut, facing the Palace of Justice to discuss the following agenda: -Approve the merge of BLC Invest S.A.L. and BLC Bank S.A.L. by buying all the Assets and Liabilities of BLC Invest S.A.L. – Other Topics.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Monday January 16, 2017
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 am on Monday, February 27, 2017 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. in Dbayeh, in order to examine the following agenda: - Amend the Company’s by-laws in accordance with Law number 75 published in the official gazette on November 3, 2016. - Take the necessary decisions in order to change all the shares that constitute the Company’s Capital to nominal shares. - Give the Board of Directors the required authorizations to execute the decisions of the General Assembly in accordance with Law number 75/2016. - Other Subjects
Credit Commercial et Foncier S.A.L. ends its activity as a broker in the BSE Friday January 13, 2017
As per the request of Credit Commercial et Foncier S.A.L., the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to write-off the Company from its list of authorized brokers (Circular 437/2016)
Armenian Christmas Day –Friday January 06, 2017:
On the occasion of the Armenian Christmas Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Friday, January 06, 2017.
Last Trading Day at the Beirut Stock Exchange for 2016- Friday December 30, 2016:
Friday December 30, 2016 will be the last trading day at the Beirut Stock Exchange for the year 2016, and on the occasion of the New Year there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, January 02, 2017. Trading will be resumed on Tuesday, January 03, 2017.
Christmas – Sunday & Monday December 25 & 26, 2016:
On the occasion of Christmas, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, December 26, 2016
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Monday December 12, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 16:00 on Monday February 13, 2017 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh, in order to examine the following agenda: - Amend the Company’s by-laws in accordance with Law number 75 published in the official gazette on November 3, 2016. - Take the necessary decisions in order to change all the shares that constitute the Company’s Capital to nominal shares. - Give the Board of Directors the required authorizations to execute the decisions of the General Assembly in accordance with Law #75/2016. - Elect a member to the Board of Directors. Other subjects.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Thursday December 8, 2016:
Bank Audi SAL declares that the subscription period for Series “I” Preferred Shares starts on December 09, 2016 and ends on December 13, 2016
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday December 5, 2016
to the Information Statement relating to the Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders that will be held on December 21, 2016.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday December 5, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday December 21, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda:
1. Verification of the completion of the procedures for the increase in the Bank’s capital through the issuance of 2,500,000 Series “I” Preferred Shares in accordance with Resolution No. 1 of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on November 29, 2016; and
2. The discharge of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities related to the Capital Increase.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday November 25, 2016:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi SAE (Egypt), has published its financial statements (in Arabic) as at and for the period ended September 30, 2016.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-bank-audi-sae-egypt .
For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Independence Day – Tuesday November 22, 2016:
On the occasion of the Independence Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Tuesday, November 22, 2016.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday November 16, 2016:
BLOM BANK announced today that it has signed an agreement to acquire the assets and liabilities of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited – Lebanon subject to regulatory approval from Banque du Liban on the transaction which is expected to be completed during the first half of 2017.
As of June 30th, 2016, HSBC Bank Middle East Limited had 3 branches in Lebanon and approximately USD 953 million in total assets.
This acquisition falls under BLOM BANK’s strategy of expanding its customer base and diversifying its assets and revenues. The transaction will help BLOM BANK expand its corporate and commercial businesses as well as its retail activities. BLOM BANK will ensure employment continuity to all HSBC current employees and is committed to a smooth transition for all clients.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday November 14, 2016
to the Information Statement relating to the Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders that will be held on November 29, 2016.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday November 11, 2016
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi s.a.l. invites all holders of Common Shares to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday November 29, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office located at Audi Plaza, Bab Idriss, Beirut Commercial Central District, in order to examine the following agenda: 1. The increase of the Bank's capital through the issuance of a number of Preferred Shares (pursuant to Lebanese Law No 308/2001) and the determination of their amount, terms and conditions; 2. The listing of such newly-issued Preferred Shares on the Beirut Stock Exchange; 3. The amendment of the Bank’s By-Laws, including, in particular, articles 6 and 8 thereof, in order to reflect the actions described in items 1 and 2 above; 4. The submission of the actions described in items 1-3 inclusive for approval by the Central Bank of Lebanon acting through its Central Council; and 5. The granting to the Chairman of the Board of Directors and to the Group Chief Executive Officer (acting severally) of the necessary powers to seek required approvals, to set deadlines and to perform all other acts and procedures in pursuit of all of the foregoing resolutions.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday November 09, 2016
Bank Audi sal announces that its subsidiary, Odea Bank A.S. (Turkey), has published its financial statements (in Turkish) as at and for the period ended September 30, 2016. A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website: http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-odeabank-as For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com.
Holcim Liban S.A.L.- Tuesday November 08, 2016
In reference to the announcement issued by Holcim (Liban) SAL related to the payment of the decrease of capital starting November 17, 2016 for an amount of LBP 5,000 per share, in exchange of coupon number 11, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares the following: (i) The shares of the company will trade with coupon number 11untill the end of the trading session of Friday, November 11, 2016 (inclusive), (ii) the shares of the company will be suspended for the trading session of Monday, November 14, 2016, (iii) Trading will resume on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 without coupon number 11. A special pricing procedure will be implemented by raising the threshold for Holcim’s shares to +/- 25 percent of the last closing price. (Circular 435/2016)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday November 07, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of November 10, 2016, an additional /4,936,644/ GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL in the official market of the Stock Exchange. These GDRs will be added to the previously listed /114,988,117/ GDRs, therefore, the total number of listed GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL becomes /119,924,761/. The details related to the pricing, trading, settlement and clearance of the newly listed GDRs are the same as those of the previously listed ones. . (Circular # 434/2016).
Bemo Bank S.A.L. – Wednesday October 26, 2016:
On October 24, 2016 a Banque BEMO SAL shareholder Mr. Maroun Antanos Semaan sold /7,647,311/ common shares of Banque BEMO SAL to his three sons at a price of USD /1.60/ per share totaling USD /12,235,697.6/.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday October 26, 2016:
Bank of Beirut S.A.L publishes its Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended September 30, 2016. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday October 25, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL convened on September 30, 2016 and decided to approve the agreement signed, on June 30, 2016, between Byblos Bank SAL and Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL related to the purchase of all assets, liabilities, rights and obligation of Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL by Byblos Bank SAL. Likewise, the extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL convened on September 30, 2016 and decided to approve the agreement mentioned here above. The assembly also decided to dissolve and liquidate Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL and to cross off its name from the Banks’ list. On October 19, 2016 Banque Du Liban took the decision number 60/29/16 that gives Byblos Bank SAL the final approval to purchase all assets, liabilities, rights and obligation of Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL and to cross off the name of Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL from the Banks’ list.
HOLCIM Liban S.A.L.- Monday October 24, 2016:
In implementation of the resolution of the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Holcim (Liban) SAL of December 14, 2010 related to the reduction of the Company’s Capital from LBP /195,160,400,000/ to LBP /97,580,200,000/, the company declares that the execution of the capital’s decrease will start on November 17, 2016 as follows: - Shares will be stamped with a customized stamp mentioning the new nominal value of the share, as well as the new capital. Stamps will be available at the designated banks, at Midclear and at the company’s offices in Heri and Dbayeh. - The decrease of capital by LBP /5,000/ per share will be paid in exchange of coupon Nb. 11 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007 as follows: > Shareholders having deposited their shares at the Lebanese banks will collect the amount of the reduction from “Midclear”. > Remaining shareholders can collect the amount of the reduction in exchange of coupon Nb. 11 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007 through the following banks: 1) Banque Libano Francaise (Geitawi Branch –Beirut, Jbeil Branch –Jbeil, Al Tall Branch – Tripoli) and 2) Societe Generale de Banque au Liban (Hamra or Tripoli branch), from November 17, 2016 till February 28, 2017. By the end of the mentioned period reduction amounts will be paid at the company’s offices in Hery and Dbayeh.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Monday October 24, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Friday October 28, 2016 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 59, worth USD /500,000,000/, carrying an Interest rate of 4.75% and maturing on November 2, 2016. (Circular # 433/2016).
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday October 19, 2016:
The holders of Bank of Beirut Preferred shares Class (K) attended an Extraordinary General Assembly meeting on Tuesday October 11, 2016, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown and decided to adopt the By-Laws of the Assembly of holders of Preferred Shares Class (K). In addition The Extraordinary General Assembly decided to nominate Mr. Roger Dagher and Mr. Antoine Chamcham as representatives of the Assembly. (By-Laws of the Assembly of holders of Preferred Shares Class (K) - Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday October 17, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of an additional /20.000.000/ new common share issued by BLC Bank SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Likewise, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the /750.000/ Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable Preferred Shares Class (D), issued by BLC Bank SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (D) will receive annual distribution of 6.75% of the issue price (USD 100 per share), adjusted on a pro rata basis for the year 2016 to reflect the period from the issue date till the end of the year. Trading is scheduled to start on Thursday, October 20, 2016. (Circular # 432/2016).
Achoura – Wednesday October 12, 2016:
On the occasion of Achoura, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, October 12, 2016.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday October 05, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to accept the listing, trading and pricing of the /4,000,000/ Non-Cumulative, Perpetual, Redeemable Preferred Shares Class (K) issued by Bank of Beirut SAL in the official market of the stock exchange. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (K) will receive annual distribution of 6.5% of the issue price (USD 25 per share), adjusted on a pro rata basis for the year 2016 to reflect the period from the issue date till the end of the year. Trading is scheduled to start on Monday, October 10, 2016. (Circular 431/2016)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday October 04, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Byblos Bank SAL convened on September 30, 2016 and decided to approve the agreement signed between Byblos Bank SAL and Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL related to the purchase of all assets, liabilities, rights and obligation of Banque Pharaon and Chiha SAL by Byblos Bank SAL. The decision becomes effective upon the final approval of Banque Du Liban. (Minutes of the meeting – Arabic).
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday September 30, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the 400,000 preferred shares class “A” of BLC Bank S.A.L. as the Bank redeemed the shares in full. This is effective immediately. (Circular 430/2016).
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday September 27, 2016:
BLC Bank S.A.L publishes the minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of September 22, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting in Arabic)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Monday September 26, 2016:
The following announcement is made pursuant to Article 45 of Lebanese Law No. 161 dated August 17, 2011: - Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas in its capacity as Depositary within Bank Audi’s GDR Program, has purchased 4,936,644 Ordinary Shares constituting 1.23% of the Bank’s outstanding Ordinary Shares. The transaction was executed on the Beirut Stock Exchange pursuant to a preliminary approval granted by the Central Bank of Lebanon, acting through its Central Council, on the 2nd of December 2015; - The transaction was executed on September 20, 2016 for value date September 23, 2016. - Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas will issue GDRs against the purchased Shares for the benefit of the seller, hence no change in the ultimate economic ownership will result from the aforementioned transaction; - After giving effect to the aforementioned transaction, the number of shares held by Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas and represented by GDRs, becomes 119,924,761 shares representing 30% of Bank Audi’s issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares. - Shares and GDRs held by the seller at the time of the transaction represent less than 5% of the Bank’s issued and outstanding Ordinary Shares.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Thursday September 22, 2016:
The holders of Bank of Beirut Preferred shares Class (K) are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 3 p.m., on Tuesday October 11, 2016, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Draft the By-Laws of the Assembly of holders of Preferred Shares Class (K). - Nominate the representatives of the Assembly. Other topics.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday September 19, 2016:
In reference to the letter issued by BLC Bank SAL and addressed to the Beirut Stock Exchange related to the completion of the procedures undertaken to execute the repurchase and cancellation of the 400,000 preferred shares class A and the substitution of the nominal value of the cancelled shares in the capital of the Bank through the issuance of 400,000 common shares, with a nominal value of LBP 1,000 each, to be distributed for free to common shareholders on record as at September 21, 2016, pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-date for BLC Common shares is Monday, September 19, 2016.(Circular 429/2016)
Beirut Stock Exchange –Friday September 16, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange reminds all Lebanese Joint Stock Companies – SAL – (including holding and off-shore companies) with capital above five hundred thousand Lebanese pounds by virtue of article 3 of the legislative decree No. 120/83 and by virtue of article 197 of the by-laws of the Beirut Stock Exchange, implemented by decree No. 7667 dated 16/12/1995, which consider these companies members in the Stock Exchange. Consequently, every member is incumbent to an annual membership fee equivalent to USD /100/ (One hundred USD) in Lebanese Pounds. The Beirut Stock Exchange requests all members to settle their annual fee for the year 2016 and any other overdue fees before 30/12/2016. Every member who fails to pay the due annual fees shall pay a fine equivalent to five fold the membership fee, as per article 198 of the by-laws. Members abiding by the content of this circular within the time limit specified above will be exempted from the default fine. Payment should be done by submitting a check to the order of Beirut Stock Exchange either: - At the head office of the Beirut Stock Exchange-Azarieh Street, Azarieh Bldg. Block 01, 4th floor – during the official office hours. - Or by calling the BSE administration at phone No. 01-993555, before 16/12/2016 to send one of its representatives to collect the check, against an official receipt.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Thursday September 15, 2016:
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. publishes the minutes of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of June 23, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Wednesday September 14, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank SAL invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 noon on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office, Adlieh in order to examine the following agenda: - Verify the adequate completion of all actions undertaken to execute the repurchase and cancellation of the Preferred shares Class (A). - Verify the adequate completion of the procedures for the increase in the Bank’s Capital through the issuance of Preferred shares Class (D). - Adopt the amendments of some articles of the By-Laws to reflect the Capital increase. - Other topics
Eid Al Adha – September 12 & 13, 2016:
On the occasion of Eid Al Adha, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the 12th and 13th of September 2016. Trading will be resumed on the 14th of September 2016.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Wednesday August 31, 2016:
Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. related to the cancellation of the Preferred shares Class A, and based on the approval of the Central Bank of Lebanon on the process of redemption and cancellation of the mentioned shares, the Beirut Stock Exchange decided to cease trading in BLC Bank S.A.L. Preferred shares Class “A”. Circular 427/2016
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Wednesday August 31, 2016:
BLC Bank S.A.L. informs applicants who signed requests for subscription in Preferred Shares Class D that copies of the prospectus are available in the Headquarters of the Bank and in all its branches. Applicants can get a copy of the prospectus during regular working hours starting August 31, 2016 till September 5, 2016.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Tuesday August 30, 2016:
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. common shares are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 12 noon on Friday, 30 September 2016, in order to discuss and decide on the following agenda:1. Approval of the acquisition of the assets, rights, liabilities and obligations of Banque Pharaon & Chiha S.A.L. in accordance with Article 10 of Law 192/93. 2. Miscellaneous.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday August 30, 2016:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi SAE (Egypt), has published its financial statements (in Arabic) as at and for the period ended June 30, 2016. A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website: http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-bank-audi-sae-egypt For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Monday August 29, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL convened on August 25, 2016 and resolved to approve the adequate completion of all actions and procedures undertaken to increase the Bank’s capital from LBP 109,378,674,000 to LBP 115,218,674,000 through the issuance of 4,000,000 new preferred shares labeled “preferred shares series K” and declare that the capital of Bank of Beirut SAL is now LBP 115,218,674,000 fully paid. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday August 29, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank SAL convened on July 11, 2016 and decided to increase the capital of the Bank from LBP 214,000,000,000 to LBP 214,750,000,000 through the issuance of /750,000/ perpetual, non-cumulative preferred Shares to be labeled Preferred Shares Class (D). These shares shall have a par value of LBP 1,000 each and an issue price of USD 100 per share. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (A), Preferred Shares Class (B) & Preferred Shares Class (C) will have priority right to subscribe in the new preferred shares. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (D) will receive non-cumulative annual distribution of 6.75% of the issue price, to be adjusted on a pro rata basis for the year 2016 to reflect the period from the issue date till the end of the year. The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders also decided to list all of the /750,000/ Preferred Shares Class (D) in the Beirut Stock Exchange. Finally the Extraordinary General Assembly decided to repurchase and cancel all the 400,000 Preferred shares class (A) and to substitute the nominal value of the cancelled shares in the capital of the Bank through the issuance of 400,000 common shares, with a nominal value of LBP 1,000 per share, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank and by transferring the amount of capital increase from the general reserve account to the capital account. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday August 23, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on August 11, 2016 and resolved to approve the adequate completion of all formalities undertaken to execute: (1) the issuance and distribution of the 60,000,000 new common shares to shareholders and (2) the increase of the Bank’s capital from LBP 154,000,000,000 to LBP 214,000,000,000 through the incorporation of an amount equivalent to the nominal value of the new shares from the legal and free reserve accounts. (Minutes of meeting Arabic)
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Tuesday August 23, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on June 03, 2016 and resolved to increase the Capital of the bank from LBP 154,000,000,000 to LBP 214,000,000,000, hence an increase of LBP 60,000,000,000. This increase will be accomplished through the issuance of 60,000,000 new common shares, with a nominal value of LBP 1,000 per share, to be distributed for free to common shareholders pro-rata to their contribution in the common shares of the bank and by transferring the amount of capital increase from the legal and free reserve accounts to the capital account. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Friday August 19, 2016:
Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL publishes the minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of June 22, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Thursday August 18, 2016:
On 12 August, 2016 a BLOM Bank shareholder, represented in the Board of Directors (Shaker Holdings SAL), sold 5,025,000 common shares of BLOM Bank at a price of USD 9.90 per share totaling USD 49,747,500.00. The shares were bought by BLOM Bank for its stock following approval by Banque du Liban.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Wednesday August 17, 2016
Bank Audi sal publishes Excerpt of the minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 8, 2016. (Arabic)
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday August 12, 2016:
Odea Bank successfully completed the capital increase of TL 1.0 billion, after obtaining necessary corporate and regulatory approvals, including that of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA). (More)
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Friday August 12, 2016:
Byblos Bank SAL publishes the minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 26, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting)
Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Monday August 15, 2016:
On the occasion of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, August 15, 2016.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Thursday August 11, 2016:
Bank of Beirut SAL publishes the minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of May 5, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Wednesday August 10, 2016:
Subscription in series (K) preferred shares: Subscription period: From Monday August 08, 2016 at 8:30 am till Saturday August 13, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Place of Subscription: All branches of Bank of Beirut SAL. Conditions and rules of Subscription: Number of series (K) preferred shares: /4,000,000/ shares. Price and rules of Subscription: USD /25/ per share divided into: LBP /1,460/ as nominal value and the balance as issue premium. Subscription should be executed in total units with a minimum of one unit per subscriber. Every unit is constituted of /100/ series (K) preferred shares, with an issue price per unit of USD /2,500/. Subscription price should be paid in cash on the subscription day. Priority right in subscription: Holders of preferred shares series “G”,”H”,”I” and “J” have priority right to subscribe in the preferred shares series “K”, on a non-reducible basis, according to the percentage of preferred shares they hold in the total share capital of the Bank. Holders of commons shares and holders of priority shares series 2014 do not possess any priority right to subscribe in the series K preferred shares; however, while retaining the priority right for subscription given to the holders of series “G”, “H”, “I” and “J” as stated above, holders of common shares, priority shares series 2014 and the public including holders of preferred shares series “G”,”H”,”I” and “J” are entitled to subscribe in the remaining series K preferred shares. Record date to fix priority right: Saturday August 13, 2016. Terms of series K preferred shares: Please refer to the Marketing Brochures related to these shares that are available at all branches of Bank of Beirut SAL.
Solidere SAL- Monday August 08, 2016:
Solidere SAL publishes the minutes of the Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of June 27, 2016. (Minutes of the meeting Arabic).
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Friday August 05, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office, Foch St. Beirut Downtown to examine the following agenda: - Verify the adequate subscription for and full payment of series K preferred shares. – Confirm the adequate completion of the procedures for the increase in the Bank’s capital from LBP /109,378,674,000/ to LBP /115,218,674,000/. Declare that the capital of Bank of Beirut SAL is LBP /115,218,674,000/. - Other topics.
Banque Bemo S.A.L. – Tuesday August 02, 2016
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Banque BEMO SAL convened on June 7, 2016 and decided to: - Approve the Board of director’s report and the auditors’ report for the fiscal year 2015 and all the elements of the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss statements for the year 2015. - Distribute to the holders of Preferred shares their part of the profit of the fiscal year 2015 amounting LBP /3,693,375/; (USD 2,450,000) and distribute to the holders of Common shares an amount of LBP /3,683,102/ (LBP /60/ per share). - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board in respect of activities performed during the fiscal year 2015. - Give the authorizations stipulated in Articles 152 of the Law of cash and credit and the authorizations stipulated in Articles 158 and 159 of the Lebanese Commercial Code. – Elect Dr. Riad Bechara Obegi, Mr. Samih Halim Saadeh, Sheikh Hassan Issam Kabbani, Mr. Antoine Youssef Mansour Wakim, Mr. Peter Ara Hrechdakian, Mr. Derek Abdel Kader Al Zein, Ms. Karine S. Mansour Obegi and Sharikat Al Istismarat Al Oropia Lil Shark Al Aousat (Holding) s.a.l. to the Board of Directors for a three year period ending when the Ordinary General assembly will be held during the year 2019 to approve the accounts of the year 2018. - Fix the attendance fees of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2016 and the fees of the Auditors: Deloitte and Touche and Fiduciaire du Moyen Orient (FMO) for the year 2016. Minutes of the meeting (Arabic)
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Tuesday July 26, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Holcim (Liban) SAL held on December 14, 2010 decided to reduce the capital of the company from LBP 195,160,400,000 to LBP 97,580,200,000; noting that the company is registered under number 140 in the commercial register of Beirut and its fiscal number is 12253. Any stakeholder can file his/her objection or remarks within a period of three months from the date of the announcement. (Official Gazette – Number 35 – July 07, 2016). Minutes of the meeting (Arabic)
BLOM Bank S.A.L. – Monday July 25, 2016:
BLOM Bank S.A.L. announces that it has been in discussions with HSBC regarding an acquisition of HSBC’s operations in Lebanon. At this stage there can be no certainty that a binding agreement in relation to the Transaction will become effective. A further announcement will be made when appropriate.
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Monday July 18, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Banque BEMO SAL convened on June 7, 2016 and decided to: - Approve the Board of director’s report and the auditors’ report for the fiscal year 2015 and all the elements of the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss statements for the year 2015. - Distribute to the holders of Preferred shares their part of the profit of the fiscal year 2015 amounting LBP /3,693,375/; (USD 2,450,000) and distribute to the holders of Common shares an amount of LBP /3,683,102/ (LBP /60/ per share). - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board in respect of activities performed during the fiscal year 2015. - Give the authorizations stipulated in Articles 152 of the Law of cash and credit and the authorizations stipulated in Articles 158 and 159 of the Lebanese Commercial Code. – Elect Dr. Riad Bechara Obegi, Mr. Samih Halim Saadeh, Sheikh Hassan Issam Kabbani, Mr. Antoine Youssef Mansour Wakim, Mr. Peter Ara Hrechdakian, Mr. Derek Abdel Kader Al Zein, Ms. Karine S. Mansour Obegi and Sharikat Al Istismarat Al Oropia Lil Shark Al Aousat (Holding) s.a.l. to the Board of Directors for a three year period ending when the Ordinary General assembly will be held during the year 2019 to approve the accounts of the year 2018. - Fix the attendance fees of the members of the Board of Directors for the year 2016 and the fees of the Auditors: Deloitte and Touche and Fiduciaire du Moyen Orient (FMO) for the year 2016. Minutes of the meeting (Arabic)
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Monday July 11, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to list, as of July 13, 2016, additional /923,950/ common shares out of the /2,717,500/ common shares issued, through a private placement, by Bank Of Beirut SAL. These shares will be added to the previously listed shares; therefore the total number of listed common shares of Bank of Beirut SAL becomes /17,746,417/ common listed shares. Note that the Bank’s share capital is composed as follows: /53,184,900/ Common shares (17,746,417 shares are listed and 35,438,483 are not listed), 4,762,000 Priority shares (100% listed), 3,570,000 Preferred shares class G (not listed), 5,400,000 Preferred shares class H (100% listed), 5,000,000 Preferred shares class I (100% listed) and 3,000,000 Preferred shares class J (100% listed).
Circular 424/2016
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Monday July 11, 2016:
In reference to the announcement issued by Holcim (Liban) SAL related to the distribution of the 2015 dividends in exchange of coupon Nb. 10 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Shares of the company will be traded with coupon Nb. 10 till the end of the trading session of Monday July 11, 2016 (included). Starting the trading session of Tuesday July 12, 2016, shares will be traded without coupon Nb.10.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L – Monday July 11, 2016.
In reference to the announcement issued by Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL related to the distribution of the 2015 dividends, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that trading in the shares of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL will be as follows: I - Bearer Shares: Shares will be traded with coupon Nb. 11 till the end of the trading session of Monday July 11, 2016 (included). Starting the trading session of Tuesday July 12, 2016, shares will be traded without coupon Nb.11. II – Nominal Shares: Shares will be traded with the above stated dividends till the end of the trading session of Monday July 11, 2016. Starting the trading session of July 12, 2016, (Ex-dividends date) shares will be traded without the above stated dividends.
Eid Al Fitr – July 6 & 7, 2016
On the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, July 06, 2016 and Thursday, July 07, 2016.
Ciments Blancs S.A.L.- Tuesday July 5, 2016:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly held on June 22, 2016 related to the distribution of the 2015 dividends in exchange of coupon Nb.11 from the shares issued on 05/01/1998, Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL announces that the dividends set at LBP /433/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 15, 2016 as follows: - Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive their dividends through “Midclear”. - Other shareholders can receive their dividends in exchange of coupon Nb.11 from the shares issued on 05/01/1998 through Banque Libano Francaise: 1 - Geitawi Branch –Beirut, 2 - Jbeil Branch –Jbeil, 3 - Al Tall Branch – Tripoli. Record date for Nominal Shares is July 14, 2016.
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Tuesday July 5, 2016:
In implementation of the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly held on June 15, 2016 related to the distribution of the 2015 dividends in exchange of coupon Nb. 10 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007, Holcim (Liban) SAL announces that the dividends set at LBP /1219/ per share (net of distribution tax), will be paid starting July 15, 2016 as follows: -Shareholders who deposited their shares in the Lebanese banks will receive their dividends through “Midclear”. - Other shareholders can receive their dividends in exchange of coupon Nb. 10 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007 through the following banks: 1) Banque Libano Francaise (Geitawi Branch –Beirut, Jbeil Branch –Jbeil, Al Tall Branch – Tripoli) & 2) Societe Generale de Banque au Liban (Hamra or Tripoli branch), from July 15, 2016 till December 20, 2016. By the end of the mentioned period dividends will be paid at the company’s Head Office in Hery.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday 1 July, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank SAL invites shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly to be held at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, July 11, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office, Adlieh in order to examine the following agenda: - Increase the Bank’s capital through the issuance of Preferred shares to be labeled series “D” and fix the value, conditions, provisions and details of this increase. – List the Preferred shares series “D” in the regulated financial markets. – Redeem and cancel the preferred shares series “A”. – Amend the Bank’s By-Laws in order to reflect the foregoing. – Grant the Chairman and/or the Board the necessary powers to perform the foregoing. – Other subject.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Tuesday June 28, 2016:
Odea Bank, Turkey’s leading challenger bank, is being boosted by support from international financial institutions in a move that will take it to the next stage of growth. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the IFC Financial Institutions Growth Fund (FIG Fund), a private equity fund managed by IFC Asset Management Company (AMC), and EBRD will become shareholders of Odea Bank, a subsidiary of Lebanon’s Bank Audi Group through a subscription to a TL 1.0 billion capital increase of the lender. more…
Solidere SAL – Tuesday June 28, 2016
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders held a meeting on Monday, June 27, 2016 in Downtown Beirut and decided to approve the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015. The chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Nasser Chamaa said that despite the negative results of the past year, the year 2016 began to witness positive and encouraging signs as the sale of land in Beirut is in a remarkable improvement, the value of sales reached $ 158 million to date and is expected to exceed $ 211 million dollars by the end of the year. The chairman of the Board clarified that the positive financial result of Solidere International, through most of the projects expected to be accomplished during the year 2016 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, was an important catalyst for the company. Dr. Chamaa has confirmed that the liquidity of the company will reach, during the next three years, the range of $ 750 million that is expected to be distributed mostly to shareholders, noting that Solidere owns about 39% of the capital of Solidere International. Based on these financial indicators the Ordinary General Assembly decided to distribute total dividends of approximately USD 35 million from the retained profit through the distribution of USD 0.1 per share in addition to one free share for every 80 shares held. Dividends will be paid starting October 03, 2016 for the holders of shares as at July 18, 2016 (Record date); therefore the Ex-dividend date will be on July 14, 2016. Then managers introduced shareholders to the most prominent projects in progress, emphasized the soundness of the company's financial position and the correctness of investment outside Lebanon, as Solidere International is experiencing a great development through its diverse portfolio of projects.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Friday June 24,2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. held on 23/06/2016 declared a gross dividend distribution of LBP /4,504,500,000/; LBP /165/ per share before distribution tax (5%). Dividends will be paid starting October 03, 2016 after deducting the 5% withholding tax, for the holders of Series B Common shares as at September 30, 2016 (record date), according to the records of Midclear. Shares will trade ex-dividend starting September 28, 2016.
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Thursday June 16, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Holcim (Liban) SAL held on June 15, 2016 declared a dividend distribution of LBP /1,219/ per share (net of distribution tax) in exchange of coupon Nb.10 from the shares issued on 14/05/2007. Payment date will be announced at a future date.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Wednesday June 15, 2016:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on June 03, 2016 resolved to approve the bank’s accounts for the year 2015 and declared a total distribution of LBP 15,395,343,750 as dividends to the holders of preferred shares as follows: I - Dividends before distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class A: USD 7 per share. Preferred Shares Class B: USD 7 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.75 per share. II - Dividends net of distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class A: USD 6.65 per share. Preferred Shares Class B: USD 6.65 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.4125 per share. III - Important dates: 09 June 2016: Dividend record date. 07 June 2016: Ex-dividend date. 10 June 2016: Dividend payment date. The Assembly after having read the special report of the Board and the special reports of the auditors approved all transactions mentioned in these reports. In addition, the Ordinary General Assembly elected Mr. Maurice Sehnaoui, Mr. Nadim Kassar, Mr. Adnan Kassar, Mr. Adel Kassar, Mr. Nabil Kassar, Me. Walid Daouk, Mr. Nazem El Khoury, Mr. Mansour Bteish, Me. Walid Ziade, Mr. Henry De Courtivron, Me. Ziyad Baroud, Mrs. Youmna Ziade to the Board of Directors for a three year mandate ending upon holding the Annual General Assembly that will examine the accounts of the year 2018. Finally, the General Assembly decided to appoint Deloitte & Touche and FMO Fiduciaire du Moyen as auditors for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Wednesday June 08, 2016:
In Reference to the announcement issued by Banque BEMO SAL related to the distribution of dividends for the holders of shares on record as at June 14, 2016, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the mentioned shares is June 10, 2016.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. – Wednesday June 08, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Banque BEMO S.A.L. convened on June 07, 2016 and approved the distribution of dividends for the year 2015 amounting to LBP 7,376 million as follows: To Holders of Common Shares - LBP 60 per share (LBP 57 net of 5% distribution tax). To Holders of Preferred Shares Class 2013 - USD 7 per share (USD 6.65 net of 5% distribution tax). Dividends will be paid starting June 21, 2016 after deducting the 5% distribution tax, for the holders of Common and Preferred shares as at June 14, 2016 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L.
Solidere SAL- Tuesday June 07, 2016:
As the Ordinary General Assembly was invited to meet for the first time on June 06, 2016 but the quorum wasn’t reached, a second meeting is scheduled to be held at 9:30 am on June 27, 2016 at Biel Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2015. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2015. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday July 18, 2016 at Biel Downtown.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Monday June 06, 2016:
The Annual Ordinary General Assembly of BLC Bank S.A.L. convened on June 03, 2016 resolved to approve the bank’s accounts for the year 2015 and declared distribution of dividends as follows: I - Dividends before distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class A: USD 7 per share. Preferred Shares Class B: USD 7 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.75 per share. II - Dividends net of distribution tax ( 5%): Preferred Shares Class A: USD 6.65 per share. Preferred Shares Class B: USD 6.65 per share. Preferred Shares Class C: USD 6.4125 per share. III - Important dates: 09 June 2016: Dividend record date. 07 June 2016: Ex-dividend date. 10 June 2016: Dividend payment date.
Bank Audi S.A.L- Friday May 27, 2016:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bank Audi SAE (Egypt), has published its financial statements as at and for the period ended March 31, 2016.
A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website:
For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Friday May 27, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL convened on May 26, 2016 and decided to increase the capital of the Bank from LBP 109,378,674,000 to LBP 115,218,674,000 through the issuance of /4,000,000/ new preferred Shares to be labeled Preferred Shares Class (K). These shares shall have a par value of LBP 1,460 each and an issue price of USD 25 per share. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (G), Preferred Shares Class (H), Preferred Shares Class (I) & Preferred Shares Class (J) will have the right to subscribe, on a priority basis, to the issue of Class (K) preferred shares, pro rata to their holdings of the total share capital of the bank. Subscription shall be done with full units constituted of 100 preferred shares class (K) each, with a minimum subscription of one unit per subscriber. Holders of Preferred Shares Class (K) will receive non-cumulative annual distribution of 6.5% of the issuance price. The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders also decided to list all of the /4,000,000/ Preferred Shares Class (K) in the Beirut Stock Exchange.
Resistance and Liberation Day -Wednesday, May 25, 2016.
On the occasion of Resistance and Liberation Day there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday May 13, 2016:
The Board of Directors of the BLC Bank S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 12:00 noon on Friday, June 03, 2016 at the Bank’s head office to discuss the following agenda: - Increase the Bank’s capital by an amount of LBP 60 billion through incorporation of reserve. - Amend the By-laws accordingly. - Other topics.
Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. – Wednesday May 18, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Rasamny Younis Motor Company S.A.L. took the decision to call the shareholders of the Company to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Company’s Headquarters Chiyah Boulevard, to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s General and Special reports for the year 2015. - Examine the Auditors’ General and Special reports for the year 2015. - Approve the accounts of the year 2015 and allocate the results. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for the year 2015. - Elect new Board. - Give prior authorization to the Board members according to articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give the Board of Directors the authorization to take credits from banks. - Fix the remunerations of the Chairman and Directors for the year 2016. - Appoint the External Auditor for the year 2016 and fix his remuneration. - Any matters which could arise
Solidere SAL- Monday May 16, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Solidere SAL invites the shareholders, carrying class A or class B shares to attend an Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday June 06, 2016 at Biel Downtown to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s Report for 2015. - Examine the Auditors’ Reports related to the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015. - Discuss the accounts, the Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements for 2015. - Examine Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report and grant the Board of Directors proper authorizations stipulated in articles 158 and 159 of the Code of Commerce. - Give full discharge to the Chairman and to the Directors for 2015. If no quorum is present at the first Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a second Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday June 27, 2016 at Biel Downtown. If no quorum is present at the second Ordinary General Assembly the Board of Directors decided to invite shareholders to a third Ordinary General Assembly to be held at 9:30 am on Monday, July 18, 2016 at Biel Downtown.
BLC Bank S.A.L.- Friday May 13, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites all shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday June 03, 2016, at the Bank’s Head Office to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the General and Special Reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2015. - Examine the Reports of the Auditors for the fiscal year 2015. - Give proper approval as per Articles 158 &159 of the Code of Commerce and as per article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the accounts for the fiscal year 2015. - Give full discharge to the Board of Directors. - Allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Elect new Board members. - Appoint the auditors. - Other topics.
S. L. des Ciments Blancs S.A.L.- Thursday May 12, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Societe Libanaise des Ciments Blancs SAL invites the shareholders to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting at 10 am on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at the offices of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. in Dbayeh, (highway, Mitsulift bldg, 2nd floor) to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the financial statements for the year 2015 and grant discharge to the Board of Directors. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report for the year 2015. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report for the year 2015. - Examine and approve the Board of Director’s report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Examine and approve the Auditors’ report produced according to article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Designate the External Auditors for the year 2016 and fix their remunerations. - Distribute dividends. To attend the meeting, owners of bearer shares must present to the company, at its offices in Heri or Dbayeh, at least seven days before the meeting, their shares or receipts of evidence that they deposited their shares in authorized banks. The owners of nominal shares and the owners of bearer shares, whose shares are deposited in the Company against Certificate of deposit, must register their names in the Company’s record within the same period.
HOLCIM LIban S.A.L.- Thursday May 12, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Holcim (Liban) S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m., on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at Le Royal Hotel – Dbayeh to discuss the following agenda: - Approve the Balance Sheet and Income Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 and give the Board of Directors complete clearance for the business of the year 2015. - Approve the report of the Board of Directors for the year ended December 31, 2015. - Approve the report of the Auditors for the year ended December 31, 2015. - Approve the report of the Board of directors drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Approve the Auditors’ report drafted according to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce. - Elect members to the Board of Directors. - Nominate Auditors for the fiscal year 2016 and determine their fees. Distribute Dividends. - Give the authorization to the Directors in accordance with the provisions of article 29 of the company’s by-laws. To attend the meeting, owners of bearer shares must present to the company, at its offices in Heri or Dbayeh, at least five days before the meeting, their shares or receipts of evidence that they deposited their shares in authorized banks. The owners of nominal shares and the owners of bearer shares, whose shares are deposited in the Company against Certificate of deposit, must register their names in the Company’s record within the same period.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday May 11, 2016:
Byblos Bank announced that it has completed the acquisition of 99.18% of the shares of Banque Pharaon & Chiha. The shares were mainly acquired following the assignment by Messrs. Raymond Samir Zina Rahmeh and Teddy Samir Zina Rahmeh (collectively known as ZR Group) to Byblos Bank of their shares and rights under share purchase agreements entered into with the former shareholders of Banque Pharaon & Chiha. The consideration is based on a valuation of 100% of the issued share capital of Banque Pharaon & Chiha at USD 91 million. ZR Group has received the preliminary authorization from Banque du Liban to acquire directly or through a holding company especially registered for this purpose, up to 5.6% of the common shares of Byblos Bank calculated on the basis of a share price equal to 125% of Byblos Bank’s audited book value as at 31 December 2015....... For full report
Bank Audi SAL- Wednesday May 11, 2016:
There have been some press reports regarding the potential relocation of the Group’s headquarters outside Lebanon. Bank Audi wishes to clarify the following: - No decision has been made by Bank Audi regarding such matter. - If and when a decision is made, in keeping with its disclosure policy and applicable legal requirements, Bank Audi will make an announcement. Until that time, any discussion is pure speculation. - Bank Audi regularly considers strategic options to enhance shareholders’ value and benefit its other constituencies, especially its clients. - As the largest banking group in Lebanon, Bank Audi is keen to continuously strengthen its leadership in Lebanon which is at the core of its franchise and success. Lebanon is the main development pillar of the Group under the sound regulation and efficient supervision of the Central Bank of Lebanon.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Monday May 9, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank Of Beirut SAL are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office, Foch St. Beirut Downtown to examine the following agenda: - Increase the Bank’s capital through the issuance of new non-cumulative, perpetual, redeemable preferred shares to be labeled series K, and define the remaining terms of these shares. – Amend some articles of the Bank’s By-Laws according to the capital increase. – Other topics.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L- Monday May 9, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank Of Beirut SAL are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 26, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office, Foch St. Beirut Downtown to examine the following agenda: - Verify the correct completion of the subscription in the new common shares. – Make sure that all the procedures executed to increase the Bank’s capital are correct. – Announce that the capital of Bank Of Beirut SAL became LBP109,378,674,000. – Other topics.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Thursday May 05, 2016:
In Reference to the announcement issued by Bank of Beirut SAL related to the distribution of dividends for the holders of shares on record as at May 10, 2016, the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the mentioned shares is May 06, 2016.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Thursday May 05, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank of Beirut s.a.l. convened on 05/05/2016 and resolved to approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2015 and declared distribution of dividends as follows: 1- Preferred Shares: An amount of USD/35,996,625/distributed as follows: - To Holders of Series “E” Preferred Shares: A total amount of USD/4,800,000/on the basis of USD 2.00 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares: : A total amount of USD/8,434,125/on the basis of USD 2.3625 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares: : A total amount of USD/9,450,000/on the basis of USD 1.75 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. - To Holders of Series “I” Preferred Shares: : A total amount of USD/8,437,500/on the basis of USD 1.6875 per share before distribution tax at the rate of is 5%. - To Holders of Series “J” Preferred Shares: : A total amount of USD/4,875,000/on the basis of USD 1.6250 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. 2- Priority Shares Class 2014: Priority dividends amounting USD /4,000,080/; USD 0.84 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. 3- Common Shares: Dividends amounting to LBP /49,706,460,000/ for holders of Common Shares including holders of Priority shares Class 2014; LBP 900 per share before distribution tax at the rate of 5%. Dividends will be paid through Midclear S.A.L. starting May 11, 2016 until May 20, 2016 for the holders of shares as at 10/05/2016 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L. The Ex-dividend date is May 06, 2016. As for Preferred shares Series “E”, the records of Midclear S.A.L. as at December 30, 2015 (the redemption date of these shares) will be adopted.
Banque BEMO S.A.L. - Thursday May 05, 2016:
The board of Directors of Banque BEMO S.A.L. invites the shareholders to attend an Annual General Assembly Meeting that will be held at 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at the Bank headquarters’ in Riad Al Solh- Assayli bldg- 7th Floor to discuss the following agenda: - Examine the Board of Director’s general Report for the year 2015. - Examine the Auditors’ Report for the year 2015. - Examine the Board of Director’s Special Report and the Auditors’ Special Report prepared according to articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit and give authorizations accordingly. - Examine and approve the accounts for the year 2015 and allocate the results of the fiscal year. - Approve the Consolidated Financial Statements till 31/12/2015. - Elect new members to the Board of directors. - Give full discharge to the President and members of the Board of directors for the year 2015. - Fix the remunerations of the President – General Manager for the year 2016. - Fix the remunerations of the Board of directors for the year 2016. - Assign External Auditors and fix their remunerations. - Other subjects. Shareholders are requested to abide by the rules of the Bank’s by-laws, noting that the documents requested by article 197 of the Code of Commerce will be available to shareholders at the bank’s head office 15 days before the Ordinary General Assembly.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday April 27, 2016:
In reference to the announcement issued by Byblos Bank S.A.L. related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 26, 2016 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at May 4th, 2016 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares and GDRs of Byblos Bank S.A.L. is Thursday, April 28, 2016.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday April 27, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Byblos Bank S.A.L. held on 26 April 2016 at the Bank’s Headquarters, approved on the distribution of dividends for the year 2015 as follows: For Common Shareholders: LBP 200 per share (LBP 190 Net of 5% withholding tax). For Preferred Shareholders Class 2008: USD 8 per share (USD 7.6 Net of 5% withholding tax), Class 2009: USD 8 per share (USD 7.6 Net of 5% withholding tax). Such dividends will be paid on or about 5 May 2016 after deducting the 5% withholding tax, to shareholders as at 4 May 2016 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders: LBP 200 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting withholding tax and other expenses starting 10 May 2016.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Monday April 18, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. are invited to attend an Annual Ordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 11 a.m., on Thursday May 5, 2016, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to study the following agenda: - Approve the reports of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2015. - Approve the Auditors’ reports for the fiscal year 2015. - Approve the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts of the fiscal year 2015. - Appropriate the bank’s profits for the year 2015. - Discharge the chairman and members of the Board of Directors in respect of activities performed during the fiscal year 2015. - Give the members of the Board of Directors the authorizations stipulated in articles 158 & 159 of the Lebanese Commercial Code and the authorization stipulated in Article 152 of the Cash and credit Code. - Other subjects.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Friday April 15, 2016:
In reference to the announcement issued by BLOM Bank SAL related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 14, 2016 to distribute dividends starting April 20, 2016 for the holders of preferred shares series 2011 and starting April 21, 2016 for the holders of common shares and that for shareholders on record as at April 20, 2016 (Record date for all classes of shares), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that: (i) the Ex-dividend date of the shares and GDRs of BLOM Bank SAL is Monday, April 18, 2016. (ii) Trading in BLOM Bank preferred shares series 2011will be suspended exceptionally for the trading session of Friday, April 15, 2016.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Friday April 15, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of BLOM Bank s.a.l. convened on April 14, 2016 at the Bank’s Headquarters and approved the accounts of the Bank for 2015 and the distribution of dividends and returns amounting to LBP 273,539,889 thousand as follows: - To Holders of Preferred Shares series 2011: USD 0.7 per share. - To Holders of Common Listed Shares: LBP 1250 per share. As a result of the above, the net payable amounts (after deduction of the applicable withholding tax at the rate of 5%) are as follows: - To Holders of Preferred Shares series 2011: USD 0.665 per share. - To Holders of Common Listed Shares: LBP 1187,50 per share. - Payment shall take place through Midclear S.A.L., starting the 20th of April, 2016 for the holders of Preferred Shares series 2011 and 21st of April, 2016 for the holders of Common Listed Shares as at April 20, 2016 according to the records of Midclear S.A.L. (Record Date). Regarding BLOM GDR Holders, the profit share are expected to be settled by BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON starting May 2nd, 2016.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Wednesday April 13, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Tuesday April 19, 2016 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 69 worth USD /600.000.000/ carrying an Interest rate of 4.50% and maturing on April 22, 2016.
Bank Audi SAL- Monday April 11, 2016:
In reference to the announcement issued by Bank Audi SAL dated April 08, 2016 related to the decision of the Annual Ordinary General Assembly of shareholders of April 08, 2016 to distribute dividends for the holders of shares on record as at April 13, 2016 (Record date), the Beirut Stock Exchange declares that the Ex-dividend date of the shares and GDRs of Bank Audi SAL is Monday, April 11, 2016.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday April 8, 2016:
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi S.A.L. convened on April 8, 2016 and resolved, in consideration of the fact that the mandate of the Board of Directors has reached its term, to re-elect the current Directors for a new 3 year mandate (that will end upon holding the Annual General Assembly that will examine the accounts of the year 2018). The Board of Directors is composed as follows: H.E. Mr. Raymond W. Audi; Dr. Marwan M. Ghandour; Dr. Freddie C. Baz; Mr. Samir N. Hanna; Sheikha Suad H. Al Homaizi; Sheikha Mariam N. Al Sabbah; Mr. Marc J. Audi; Dr. Imad I. Itani; Mr. Abdullah I. Al Hobayb; Dr. Khalil M. Bitar. The newly elected Board convened following the General Assembly and resolved, amongst other things, to: (i) re-elect: - H.E. Mr. Raymond W. Audi as Chairman of the Board – General Manager; - Dr. Marwan M. Ghandour as Vice-Chairman; - Dr. Freddie C. Baz as Vice-Chairman; (ii) confirm the re-appointment of the General Managers including the re-appointment of Mr. Samir N. Hanna (Group CEO – General Manager).
Bank Audi SAL – Friday April 8, 2016
The Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of Bank Audi SAL convened on April 8, 2016 and resolved, among other things, to (i) approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2015 and (ii) declare a gross distribution of dividends as follows: - To Holders of Series “F” Preferred Shares a total of USD 9 Million on the basis of USD 6 per share. - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares a total of USD 9 Million on the basis of USD 6 per share. - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.875 Million on the basis of USD 6.5 per share. - To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 241 Billion on the basis of LBP 603 per share. As a result of the above, the net payable amounts (after deduction of the applicable withholding tax at the rate of 5%) are as follows: - To Holders of Series “F” Preferred Shares a total of USD 8.550 Million on the basis of USD 5.7 per share. - To Holders of Series “G” Preferred Shares a total of USD 8.550 Million on the basis of USD 5.7 per share. - To Holders of Series “H” Preferred Shares a total of USD 4.631 Million on the basis of USD 6.175 per share. - To Holders of Common Shares: a total of LBP 229 Billion on the basis of LBP 572.85 per share. Dividends will be paid through Midclear SAL starting April 14, 2016 for the holders of shares as at April 13, 2016 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear SAL
Feast of Annunciation – Monday April 4, 2016
On the occasion of the Feast of Annunciation, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on Monday, April 4, 2016.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday March 31, 2016
The Board of Directors of Byblos Bank S.A.L. has the pleasure to announce to its shareholders that it resolved in its meeting held on 23 March 2016, to propose to the Ordinary General Assembly convened to meet on 26 April 2016 at the Bank’s Headquarters, the distribution of dividends for the year 2015 as follows: For Common Shareholders: • LBP 200 per share (Before withholding tax) For Preferred Shareholders: • Class 2008: USD 8 per share; (Before withholding tax) • Class 2009: USD 8 per share; (Before withholding tax) Subject to the Ordinary General Assembly’s approval, the dividends will be paid on or about 5 May 2016 after deducting the withholding tax, to shareholders as at 4 May 2016 (record date), according to the records of Midclear (the Central Depository). For GDR holders: • LBP 200 per share paid in US dollars through the depositary bank, The Bank of New York Mellon, after deducting the withholding tax and other expenses starting 10 May 2016.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday March 31, 2016
The holders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. preferred shares are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 26 April 2016, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed in the following agenda: - To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2015. - To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2015. - To advise on the accounts of the fiscal year 2015 and on the allocation of its results. - To advise on the discharge of the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2015. - To advise on the election of a new Board of Directors. - To advise on the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2015 and on the authorization to be given to the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2016 all the operations described in the special report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. - To advise on the determination of the auditors’ remuneration and the directors and Board committee members for the fiscal year 2016. - Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2015, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2015, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of holders of the preferred shares will be made available to shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Byblos Bank S.A.L. - Thursday March 31, 2016
The shareholders of Byblos Bank S.A.L. are invited to attend the annual ordinary general assembly to be held at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 26 April 2016, in order to discuss and decide on the matters listed in the following agenda:- To hear the general and special Board reports for the fiscal year 2015. -To hear the Auditors’ general and special reports for the fiscal year 2015. -To approve the accounts of the fiscal year 2015 and on the allocation of its results.- To discharge the chairman and Board members for their administrative duties during the fiscal year 2015. -To approve the operations performed between the Board members and the Bank during the fiscal year 2015 and to authorize the Board members, in accordance with Articles 158 & 159 of the Code of Commerce and Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit, to carry out during 2016 all the operations described in the special report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors. -To determine the auditors’ remuneration and the Board of Directors and Board committee members’ emoluments for the fiscal year 2016.- Miscellaneous. The balance sheet, inventory, profit and loss account for the fiscal year 2015, general and special reports of both the Board and the Auditors for the fiscal year 2015, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and relevant Auditors’ report, as well as the list of shareholders, will be made available to the shareholders at Byblos Bank Headquarters in Ashrafieh, Elias Sarkis Avenue, during the regular business hours 16 days before the meeting.
Good Friday and Easter Holidays – March 25 & 28 2016:
On the occasion of Good Friday and Easter there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on the 25th & 28th of March, 2016.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday March 23, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLOM Bank took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual General Assembly on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 at 11.00 a.m. at the Bank’s Headquarters and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows:1) Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s General Reports about the accounts stated on 31.12.2015.2) Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s Special Reports according to article 158 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit.3) Approve the accounts stated on 31.12.2015 and allocate the results of the financial year.4) Give full and final discharge to the President and to the Directors.5) Fix the remunerations of the President and of the Directors.6) Fix the remunerations of the Group Secretary and the General Managers.7) Fix the remunerations of the President of Blom Bank Group.8) Grant the Board of Directors authorities according to the laws in force ad especially relating to articles 158 and 159 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Money and Credit Code.9) Grant the company the permit stated in article 158 of the Commerce Law and in article 152 of the Money and Credit Code.10) Any matters which could arise. The shareholders General Assembly will fix the dividends to be distributed, relating to the Financial year 2015; knowing that the Board of Directors proposed to the General Assembly of Shareholders to pay an amount of 1250 LL (less a tax of 5%) as dividend for each listed ordinary share and to pay an amount of 0,70 USD (less a tax of 5%) as distribution for each listed series 2011 Preferred Share. Agenda for dividend distribution will be as follows: Ordinary Shares (Record Date April 20, 2016. Payment Date: April 21, 2016) Preferred Shares (Record Date April 20, 2016. Payment Date April 20, 2016).
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday March 22, 2016:
The Board of Directors of Bank Audi invites all holders of ordinary shares to attend an Ordinary Gen. Assembly to be held at 10:30 a.m. on April 8, 2016 at the Bank’s Head Office in order to examine the following agenda:-To approve the Bank’s accounts for the year 2015, and to discharge the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Bank in respect of activities performed during the year 2015; -To appropriate the 2015 profits in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors; -To declare distributions to the holders of the Bank’s preferred shares and dividends to the holders of Common Shares and determine the related record and payment dates; -To ratify loans granted during 2015 to related parties as per Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit; -To authorize the granting of loans to related parties during the year 2016, in accordance with Article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit; -To ratify transactions that are subject to the approval of the General Meeting including transactions entered into between the Bank and members of the Board of Directors or affiliated companies during the year 2015 that are subject to Article 158 of the Code of Commerce and to authorize the Bank to enter into similar transactions during 2016; -To elect a new Board of Directors and to determine the remuneration of its members; -To confirm the managerial responsibilities of certain Board members and to determine their fixed and performance-related remuneration in respect of such responsibilities; -To authorize the participation of certain Board members in the boards of other companies and to grant the necessary related authorizations pursuant to Article 159 of the Code of Commerce; and -To appoint the External Auditors for the coming 3 years and to determine their fees for 2016. Shareholders can download the Annual Report from Bank Audi’s Website: www.bankaudigroup.com.
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday March 22, 2016:
Bank Audi sal’s Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2015 (the “Annual Report”) encompassing, among other things, the Financial Statements and notes, the External Auditors’ report, and the Management Discussion & Analysis is available from the address below: The Group Corporate Secretary Bank Audi sal Audi Plaza – Bab Idriss Beirut 2021 8102 - Lebanon The Annual Report can also be downloaded from the Company’s website at www.bankaudigroup.com or by clicking on the following link: http://www.bankaudi.com.lb/Library/Assets/BA15AnnualReport.pdf
Bank Audi SAL- Tuesday March 22, 2016:
In its meeting held on March 21, 2016, the Board of Directors of Bank Audi S.A.L resolved to propose to the Annual Ordinary General Assembly the distribution of a dividend of LBP 603 per common share. The net amount proposed to be paid (after deduction of the applicable withholding tax at the rate of 5%) is thus LBP 572.85 per common share. Subject to the General Assembly's approval, such dividends will be paid on or about April 14, 2016 to holders of common shares as at April 13, 2016 (Record Date), according to the records of Midclear S.A.L (The Central Depository).
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Monday March 21, 2016
The Board of Directors of BLOM Bank S.A.L took the decision to call the shareholders of the Bank to hold the Annual General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, April 14th, 2016 at 11.00 a.m. in Beirut- Lebanon at the Bank’s Headquarters at Verdun, BLOM Bank S.A.L building and fixed the agenda of the meeting as follows: - Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s General Reports about the accounts stated on 31.12.2015.- Examine the Board of Director’s and the Auditor’s Special Reports according to article 158 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Code of Money and Credit. - Approve the accounts stated on 31.12.2015 and allocate the results of the financial year. - Give full and final discharge to the President and to the Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the President and of the Directors. - Fix the remunerations of the Group Secretary and the General Managers. - Fix the remunerations of the President of Blom Bank Group. - Grant the Board of Directors authorities according to the laws in force and especially relating to articles 158 and 159 of the Commerce Law and to article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. - Grant the company the permit stated in article 158 of the Commerce Law and in article 152 of the Money and Credit Code. - Any matters which could arise. knowing that the Board of Directors proposed to the General Assembly of Shareholders to pay an amount of 1250 LL (less a tax of 5%) as dividend for each listed ordinary share and to pay an amount of 0.70 USD (less a tax of 5%) as distribution for each listed series 2011 Preferred Share. Agenda for dividend distribution will be as follows: i) Ordinary shares - Record Date, April 20, 2016 Payment Date April 21, 2016. ii) Preferred shares - Record Date, April 20, 2016 Payment Date April 20, 2016.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Monday March 21, 2016
In its meeting on 18 March 2016, the Board of Directors of BLOM Bank recommended to the General Assembly which will be held on 14/04/2016 to distribute 1,250 L.L. as dividend per share on its common shares and Global Depository Receipts for the year 2015. Note that BLOM Bank’s net profit for 2015 was US$ 404.66 Million.
Bank Audi SAL- Friday March 18, 2016:
Bank Audi sal announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Odea Bank A.S. (Turkey), has published its financial statements (in Turkish) as at and for the period ended December 31, 2015. A summary in English of the financial statements can be viewed at Bank Audi’s website: http://www.bankaudigroup.com/group/financials-of-odeabank-as For additional information, you may address your e-mails to corporate.secretary@banqueaudi.com .
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Monday March 14, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list the /2,400,000/ Preferred Shares Class “E” of Bank of Beirut SAL from the official market of the stock exchange, and took note of the Bank’s capital increase from LBP/105,185,154,000/ to LBP /105,411,124,000/; thus the distribution of the Bank’s capital becomes as follows: - Common shares (listed) /16,822,467/ - Common shares (unlisted) /33,644,933/ – Priority shares (listed) /4,762,000/ - Preferred shares Class G (unlisted) /3,570,000/ - Preferred shares Class H (listed) /5,400,000/ – Preferred shares Class I (listed) /5,000,000/ - Preferred shares Class J (listed) /3,000,000/. All shares have a nominal value of LBP/1,460/ per share.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Friday March 4, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut SAL are invited to attend an Extraordinary General Assembly meeting to be held at 3 p.m., on Monday, March 21, 2016, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown to examine the following agenda: - The increase of the Capital of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. by issuing new common shares reserved to some subscribers. - The amendment of some of the bank’s by laws. - Other subjects.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Wednesday March 2, 2016:
BLOM Invest Bank SAL announced that on March 01, 2016, the bank executed eight trading transactions totaling 20,063.470 shares of the common shares of BLOM Bank SAL at a price of USD 9.6 per share. These transactions were the result of the liquidation of AZA HOLDING Co. which owns common shares of BLOM Bank SAL and the transfer of ownership of these shares to the shareholders of this company.
St. Maroun's Day- Tuesday February 09, 2016:
On the Occasion of St. Maroun's Day, there will be no trading at the Beirut Stock Exchange on February 09, 2016.
Bank Audi SAL- Monday February 08, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of February 08, 2016 /1,250,000/ GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL. These GDRs will be deducted from the previously listed /116,238,117/ GDRs; therefore, the total number of listed GDRs linked to the shares of Bank Audi SAL becomes /114,988,117/ GDRs.
BLOM Bank S.A.L. - Saturday January 30, 2016:
BLOM Bank S.A.L. publishes its Consolidated Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2015. Full report can be accessed by using the following URL:
BLC Bank SAL – Friday January 22, 2016:
The Board of Directors of BLC Bank S.A.L. invites all shareholders to attend an Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday February 4, 2016, at the Bank’s Head Office to discuss the following agenda: (i) Authorize the granting of a loan of USD 40 million to Merit Corporation SAL. (ii) Other subject.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Wednesday January 13, 2016:
The shareholders of Bank of Beirut S.A.L. attended an Ordinary General Assembly meeting held exceptionally at 4 pm., on Thursday January 7, 2016, at the Bank's Head Office, Foch St, Beirut Downtown and decided to elect Mr. Ramzi Saliba and Mr. Robert Sursock to the Board of Directors for the remaining period of the Board.
Bank of Beirut S.A.L.- Wednesday January 13, 2016:
The Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of Bank of Beirut held a meeting on January 7, 2016 and resolved to approve the cancellation of all preferred shares class (E), the substitution of the nominal value of the cancelled shares in the capital of the Bank through the incorporation of free reserves, and for the avoidance of residual amounts in the nominal value of each share, the Extraordinary General Assembly resolved to approve the increase of the capital of the Bank to become LBP 105,411,124,000 through the incorporation of free reserve, resulting in a nominal value of each share of LBP 1,460.
De-listing of a maturing Eurobond Issue – Tuesday January 12, 2016:
The Beirut Stock Exchange decided to de-list, as of the end of the trading session of Thursday January 14, 2016 the Lebanese Republic Eurobonds Issue labeled Series number 40 worth USD /750.000.000/ carrying an Interest rate of 8.50% and maturing on January 19, 2016.